Women impressionable nature, sometimes to the suspiciousness. Even where not to worry because of what they are able to organize in the name of saving humanity of times the universal flood. But this lady... And while we are experiencing the tragedy of teenage pores, being teenagers, or hit around the grave in violent students, the question of what will happen to their own health another bottle of beer, we do not worry. To disturb, to prick in hard to reach places starts later. It is useless to read notation that all youth should be protected: life rushes rapidly, leaving us memories, knowledge and experience. That is what we will use to correct the errors of youth. Those that can.
Smoke cigarettes with menthol.
Will pripomnite
To provide the surgeon Tatiana Olegovna without cigarettes was impossible. Smoked it colorful: holding "belomoin" contango instead of a mouthpiece. "Cut, without waiting for peritonitis" - this phrase is absolutely in her spirit and spoken on the exhale in the clubs of grey smoke. According to her, she started to smoke just for the sake of recognition "for their" in the men's team, then at least three minutes rest between operations, advice, techniques... Tatiana Olegovna and resting now. Peace...
Even the scientists were surprised when the results were announced statistics for 2004. Lung cancer became the leading cause of death in women. It turns out that about four thousand chemical components of the tobacco mixture is more detrimental to the fair sex than for men. But not everything is so depressing: after a decade, lived without this habit, the risk of getting cancer diagnosis of respiratory organs among ex-smokers exactly the same as a person who never smoked.
Unfortunately, the destruction of lungs from emphysema or chronic bronchitis not to suspend, but to normalize cardiovascular system possible. "Already after 24 hours without a cigarette there has been improvement in the functioning of blood vessels. After a year - half decreases the probability of getting a heart attack," says Sharon Hayz, head of the Women's Heart Clinic (USA). Special exercises for 30 minutes a day will speed up the process of stabilization of the heart.
To correct what has been done
Ex - smokers need to add to this list daily produce one or two servings of strawberries, black or red currants. These berries are able to suspend the development of malignant diseases.
- Enhance the diet with folic acid (found in all cereals and plants green color, vitamins and bio-complexes) and vitamin B12 (in meat and dairy products) - these two additives inhibit the processes of destruction and rebirth of cells leading to cancer.
To make a full examination of the body, especially if I had to give up cigarettes, having ten years or more experience of the smoker. Detected in time foci of possible problems - it is a chance to extend a happy life.
It is the voice of the tall grass on the side. Will pripomnite
Fragrant smoke, you can often catch where trying to be inspired designers, artists - in short, the creators. They say that the consciousness of such issues - take-Yes Voprosy. Creative dope with five leaflets. Sorry, children of the generation of color and Woodstock, but still Smoking weed discreetly for the body is not. Although in some countries, marijuana may prescribe and as a therapeutic agent. "In the past we believed that marijuana is harmless, but it contains the same amount of substances causing cancer. And the result is the same" - advocate Diane Stover, chief of the Department of pulmonology Memorial cancer center in new York (USA). So recommendations for improving the quality of life are the same as for ex-smokers.
Bitter, but sugar don't!
"Coffee! My coffee! "'every morning Irina, hardly pooping handbag the size of the purse on the Desk. It is meaningless to ask questions until it poured a portion of invigorating drink. After the first clarifies the supplied liner brown eyes, after the second - become meaningful movement. Sleepy stretching hamster replaced graceful plastic Cougars. In the afternoon cappuccino for dessert in the evening - an absurd mixture of cream and dry soluble granules with a faint hint favorite scent. But it's there. "If I don't have it - my head will crack from pain".
Very interesting that until she holds your daily caffeine dose, periodic headaches - the only problem that threatens it.
"There is no direct evidence of a relationship between caffeine and heart disease or malignancy, if you stop at six cups a day," warns Noel Merz, head. the Department of cardiology of the Medical center Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles (USA).
Interestingly, this dependence can serve as a shield against tooth decay and even the occurrence of type II diabetes. Although more than 300 milligrams of caffeine leads to loss of bone mass. So that fans of the black dope, tea and Cola should purchase a tablet calcium supplements. Or drink all these drinks with milk. Although the taste of Cola with this Supplement... For everybody.
Heat, heat! Fried sun big cities. Will pripomnite
After a trip through the cities of the Crimea Jeanne never came. Not it appeared on the second day. "Well otkomandirovana - sea, sun, tanned, white-toothed guys" - exchanged knowing glances employees. Girl came through the week, quickly rushed past Secretary and huddled in his seat, covered from colleagues battery high folder. She didn't want to show all the face with the consequences of severe burns earned on "tender" the South. "I never was scorched! Before... "
Dermatologists say: ultraviolet radiation alters the structure of DNA, which ultimately leads to the same skin cancer. It is unknown just yet, what was the exact dose of UV radiation causes DNA damage and as soon after the burn blisters may develop cancer.
To correct what has been done
- Visit a dermatologist annually. Just in case.
- Your every day moisturizer with SPF 15; use tool with an SPF of 30 when you spend time on the street.
- Try to avoid the sun from 10.00 to 16.00. If necessary, for example, to stand in a queue at the Embassy under the open sky on a hot July day, don't wear sexy open top. Choose for this case something more modest, such as a blouse with long sleeves.
Musician before dawn sang me this song
. Will pripomnite
Notice how this year in Ukraine visited with concerts of rock bands with different levels of popularity? Someone failed to skip the next visit Scorpions, and someone gave deferred on vacation savings for tickets to "DDT". Rock-n-roll is alive and all that... well, remember. Just don't be surprised persistently irritating ringing in their ears. And don't blame others that switched to a whisper, "as agreed". Cause in your ears, or rather in its gradual disappearance.
According to research by the National Institute of deafness and problems communications (USA), loud noises (and other concerts there! ) destroy the sensory cells of the ear so gradually that it's even unnoticed. To restore lost hearing impossible. But you can try to save what is left.
To correct what has been done
Remember the Golden rule: "If you're in the room where you must raise your voice to the person on the distance meter you heard, then, here TOO noisy".
- Listen to your player or tape recorder in the car on a small volume, only to parse the text, if it is important. Do not pump up the volume full - so only bring a final farewell to the hearing.
- To get audio headphones that cover the ears, and not penetrating them. Connoisseurs of high-quality sound usually other and do not choose. Aren't you a music lover?
- Go to the concert? Buy at the pharmacy earplugs to block access supergrace sounds to the inner ear.
If there was a sea of beer - I b Dolphin was beautiful
. Will pripomnite
What a New year without a Christmas tree, and meeting friends without washing such rare events?! Of course, not before losing momentum. And the taste is very important, not just the fact of the high degrees. That's Japanese restaurant - a glass of warm sake to create a mood, Georgian wine (Holy cause! ), in the Park of beer on the bench. Support?
First of all confess honestly, how much do you drink: in the evening to relieve stress, on weekends for the rest? On holidays, as they are every day? Of course, we are not talking about alcoholism, the benefit to this you far. And still something worth thinking about. The major organs that are affected by alcohol (brain, liver, pancreas), can long not "see" random injections. Moderate doses of the same - and for women it is about one drink a day can have a beneficial effect: prevent heart disease, some types of cancer and prolong life in General! But it makes no sense to improve the mood with a glass of Martini. When hops evaporates, becomes only sadder.
To correct what has been done
I hope this info you put.
"Watch the volume of your waist. Scientific studies have determined that drinking more than four alcoholic drinks per day predisposes to obesity in the abdomen. As a consequence, Hello heart attack.
- Do a mammogram every year. The older women (who drank a daily basis two or more alcoholic drinks a day for 20 years) three times to increase the chances of earning breast cancer compared with nondrinkers.
- Visit an ophthalmologist regularly. Only two high-alcohol cocktail in week 13% increase risk of developing cataracts.
Don't look, you don't look around, stay as it is! Forgotten
Remember the "magic" pills that allow you have what you want, not popravlyaesh. As a rule, the good news about these pills is passed from mouth to mouth, and packaging of hands. It is likely, if you've tried drugs, got to you so that their composition was the extract of ephedra - disturbing natural stimulant.
Examining allegations of 16 000 accidents after consuming such pills, Management under the control over products and medicines of the USA banned the use of ephedra. But it's there, and we still get illegal drugs.
Overdose can cause cardiac arrest. But the forecast comforting: ephedra excreted from the body in 12 hours. It is hoped that the effort to reduce the weight by any means not remind you. We all sat on diets, someday and somehow... If you're already at least 5 times, dramatically changed the settings of the figure, we can talk about the effect of "yo-yo". What are the consequences? Debatable, but all agree that being slim is almost equal to being healthy. But in case of rejection of the arrow weights in the direction of "ladies of impressive dimensions of the problem will appear.
The magazine "Prevention", July 2007
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