You can have only two roles in relation to corporate refrigerator: hungry hypocrite (you don't put in the fridge and snack on only fruit and sandwiches) or full criminal (you use the fridge, but you can always fall suspicion of stealing someone else's food). So if you can do without the use of refrigerator, it is better nothing in him should not put to avoid being put on the blacklist. Well, if no refrigerator you can not do, then the following rules will help you to observe etiquette.
Do not eat someone else's food
To illustrate this rule, remember Murphy's law: "If there is a probability that anything can happen, it will happen." Imagine you are hungry. Your food stocks are at work long ago exhausted, the nearest shop is from the office to distant lands, and the refrigerator is bored lonely sandwich with chicken. You eat it in the workplace and in full view of the team. You know that it was a sandwich of the head? He saw everything. You can forget about the promised prize and an increase in pay. And all because of a sandwich.
Avoid such situations - never take another. Eating meals colleagues, you quench your hunger, but will feel frustrated and guilty, in addition, if the victim learns about who committed the "crime", believe me, you'll be hurt. As any man eating own personal space in the corporate refrigerator. Not Stargates it. To comply with this easy rule: do not occupy more than a quarter of a shelf or half of the box. When the fridge is full, feel free to put down other people's "homework" more compactly. Just try to do it carefully so as not to drop. Agree, unpleasant to have lunch, visited on the floor.
Keep the refrigerator clean
Food should never be stored in the shared refrigerator for more than seven days. During the week she is in danger of turning into garbage. So you will not be ashamed, when a colleague in disgust gets forgotten your bag of stinking mass, known in the past, the proud name of spaghetti Carbonara, try not to leave food in the refrigerator for a long time.
Each office refrigerator has spoiled food, which by its smell spoil the appetite. If you noticed the "black sheep" (usually wrapped in foil), throw it in the trash - don't wait until its smell will overwhelm the taste of other ingredients. If you become a nurse corporate refrigerator, you will have a lot of friends.
So you will not be ashamed, when a colleague in disgust gets forgotten your bag of stinking mass, known in the past, the proud name of spaghetti Carbonara, try not to leave food in the refrigerator longer than 7 days. Zaposljivosti harmful. Bring as much food as you eat for lunch - not more. Otherwise your food, firstly, the risk to fall victim to hungry Manager, secondly, to deteriorate. Do not use the refrigerator as a storage for your food, otherwise it will start to smell like the dressing room of players. The rule is to take rest after lunch, going home, just as you take in the evening from work the necessary documents.
"No" exotic dishes
Believe it or not, but not everyone likes the spicy aroma of cumin, charming hops suneli or fragrant curry. Shoots of asparagus in garlic sauce can bring you untold pleasure, but among your colleagues are sure to be those for whom the smell of this dish will be comparable with the scent of long dead and hopelessly spoiled salmon. Experimenting with food is fine, but spend their homes, take some colleagues. Besides, imagine how dope would stand in the kitchen, if you even try to warm up your "experiment" in the microwave!
The correct package
The world would be better without rodents, prowling in the fridge (as long as no one sees) in search of food. But unfortunately, none of the staff have not been insured. Removing your lunch first container for food storage, then in a plastic bag and, finally, in the package, you save him from the treacherous attack of the attacker. Delicious food, attractive lying in the fridge, comparable with fresh meat thrown to be eaten by sharks. Help yourself and your colleagues keep the food integrity and safety - print these simple rules of corporate refrigerator and hang them in a prominent place in the kitchen.
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