Fashion careerism has become rampant. The phrase "I'm the boss, you fool" takes on new meaning when from all sides inspire: either you are a successful business woman, or you have something wrong. But every woman knows fashion better be approached with caution. Not all good things with the most brilliant advertising images. And when it comes is not about the new style, and lifestyle - the more you should think about before you succumb to provocations.
Fortunately, each and every one of us own ideas about the ideal and its guidelines. We all have our own goals and their joy. Is it always a bad soldier who does not dream to become a General? Perhaps the soldier just want to go into writers. So before you go on the assault of the career ladder, it would be nice to weigh all the "pros" and "against", to understand, and then to choose for themselves.
Many people really like to make a career. Therefore it is important for individuals to achieve workplace success and keep moving forward. Ambition is a good thing. It is unlikely that humanity would have gone far in its development without careerists, who always strive to climb higher and to do something extraordinary.
Yes and who ever not wanted to be a chef? In authoritative position enough advantages. You can enjoy personal account and respected, to make important decisions, to invent and experiment. At the high post more responsibility, but more and freedoms. And how cool to be a good leader! Demonstrate what it means demanding, but good fun and everyone's favorite boss. Beauty!
The disadvantages are also obvious: the working day is constantly extended, requests grow, and to live for themselves a large head harder. In advanced cases at night dream of financial performance and business plans, and vacation it is possible to find only in November.
To protect yourself from these traps can, if not to promote an end in itself. Remember that career ladder has no end and at some point it is better to go with her to not go crazy. In my opinion, a real career success is a job where you lack everything: freedom, responsibility, and money, and peace of mind.
Not all tempted leather Director's chair and a personal assistant. You can be a good employee and not the best organizer, but don't be too shy about it. Just know your own worth, because the cadres decide everything. Sometimes they even decide for the head. Surely you are familiar with the situation, when looking at the boss and his Secretary involuntarily the question arises: "Who is here who is in command? " Informal leadership is a wonderful thing!
At the same time be simple, but valuable employee feel comfortable. To communicate with colleagues much easier when you are with them on the same level. And how nice, if the boss without you without hands! This provides many benefits. No wonder geeks always have the right to walk in rumpled jeans and a familiar way to communicate with anyone.
Even the most terrible boss doesn't raise a hand against them - otherwise, who will cure the virus and fix the Internet? Out, not so bad to be a cog in the corporate machine - if you are irreplaceable and are satisfied with a nut. Free artists
What to do if the production hierarchy is not attractive in any way? Well, not necessarily someone to command and it is not necessary that he commanded you. If you are one of those people who reject the submission and management, the present world offers a million opportunities for self-expression.
Artists, writers, musicians - they hired someone for the service, but at the same time work for yourself. To lead such a lifestyle, it is not necessary to be a Bohemian artist. Freelance in fashion now. Architects and journalists, private teachers and dressmaker - all of them can choose a convenient time and still earn a good income. Just imagine: no one bothers to lie before noon in bed or on a week to race to the sea, when you are bored in the city. Freedom!
It's nice to be always in demand and at the same time, free as the wind, a student. But freedom comes at a price. A month without a job, a creative crisis, grasping the clients - any "freelancer" certainly faced with similar disadvantages. And yet any cons more than compensates with a wonderful feeling that everything in life depends on your talents.
To live happily is, above all, to love. To work and relax at your own pace, without regard to changeable fashion and other people's preferences - what could be better? So feel free to choose your way to happiness! Not always it lie where calling fashion.
Socks M
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