Because there are so many ways to suck up to the boss!
Method 1. Watch in the mouth
This sneak peek, you can see how he looks at his boss. And he does it with reverence, awe, attention, breathing through time. Slicker never argue with the boss, because pretends that his boss is the King of all Russia.
Method 2. Make compliments
The sneak peek will never miss a chance to make a compliment to the head. He praises everything: method guidelines, appearance, talented and beautiful children, bought a car...
In this sneak peek is very attentive and, unlike most people (who are busy or a), notices the slightest change in the appearance of the head or boss: dyed hair, manicure, a new jacket or lipstick. The sneak peek will never miss the opportunity to get an early shout out: "Father! As you are! "
The sneak peek will ask the boss about all the details held on the purchase or held vacation as if he hadn't slept for several nights because of the excitement for his boss.
Method 3. To celebrate the holidays
As experience shows, even the Director of a large company, who seemingly has it all, nice to get from the subordinate small gift on their birthday. Toady knows about it and skillfully uses.
"That's suck! "my friend the accountant Uliana, talking about his colleague. - Present day economist presented the gift to the Director and chief accountant.
And here is another example. When Katya that two weeks before I got the job, congratulated the boss happy birthday on the radio and ordered a new song (maybe this demure! ), our indignation knew no bounds. First, she just went to work and truly love the boss during this time could not. Secondly, congratulations on the radio - it is rather a friendly gesture. If it is used in business relationships, it is only in a certain way - the team congratulates the head (how inappropriate personal greeting from Katie Violetta Kirillovna! ). Third, the staff is always congratulates all employees. Therefore, Violetta of the summer in any case could not have forgotten his subordinates.
Method 4. Be ready for any job
Sycophant agree to any job. In the end, for the head is not important whether he'll do it himself or to pass on to another employee. The main thing here is to create a General impression of what you all agree.
Method 5. To undertake public work
In the current situation it is named "organize corporate events". In the team there is always someone who helps the Secretary to go to day corporate parties (if the celebration takes place in the office), brings out of the house soup or just give your valuable guidance. Active participation in social work is appreciated by the authorities and even awarded with diplomas and prizes at the annual results.
Method 6. "Chesterite"
The best way to show yourself is to denigrate others. Especially when you transfer to a new position. Toady is constantly telling the boss about, as was the perverted one or another idea of his head (sneak) predecessor, criticizing everything that was in the Department until his (sneak) in this position. This way perfectly.
Method 7. Conduct with the boss free time
The process of podlizywanie to the authorities does not stop with the end of the working day. Sycophant continues strongly to please superiors and after work.
So, Irina Vasilievna goes to Natalia Nikolaevna (my boss) to the country weed beds.
Igor Konstantinovich, sitting in company "L", suddenly become very enthusiastic about fishing, which for him was not observed previous 39 years of his life.
School teacher Natasha in his spare time carries with her husband in the capital at its car of the teacher Tamara Sergeevna. The effect is obvious - the schedule Natalia without "window", class management - best in class, on vacation she's at school (in contrast to the other teachers) does not appear. And yet... Tamara is constantly praising Natasha before school Director. So who will take the place of Tamara Sergeevna after she is a year and a half will go to retire, you know all...
Method 8. To emphasize their importance
Galina tell the boss about everything that she does. More recently, it has printed on the printer Declaration (instead of what was written manually), and then walked with him around the office and everyone showed, asking:
- Quite a different view of the ad, right?
Method 9. To pretend that the interests of the company for you above personal
No sane person would believe that the interests of the enterprise for you above their own. It is known that the highest level of loyalty to the company (i.e., full identification with the firm) can only be its owner. But toady with enviable persistence pretends to care about the income of the firm more than our salary.
The method 10. Skillfully retire
If the sneak offered a good job, he will leave. But do it so skillfully! Even preparing to slam the door of the reception, toady will sing to the head (already former) praises about how he liked to work under him. Finally he habitually will give the head a couple of compliments and will complain that circumstances forced him to leave, otherwise he would work there until retirement and even after retirement. And only death could separate with your favorite boss!
You will inevitably have a question: why is he doing this, after all, is still out. And then! First, habit is second nature. Secondly, the new place of work for no apparent reason you may need a response (and the sneak, believe me, always give the best advice! ). Third, even if sneak something no luck on the new job, he can always come back (even if his former position will be occupied). Sycophants are always welcomed with open arms. Because of the scheme of works flattering!
Tomovska M
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