In how many years a woman had better have a baby? At the age of 20, 30 or 40? Of course, the final decision may take only herself, but the doctors believe that to give life to the firstborn better at a young age, when the body has maximum strength and resistance. The ideal time is from 22 to 30 years. But often life's circumstances dictate terms and each year more and more women are delaying childbirth "for later". For women older than 30-35 years already used the term "late perforada". And with this mark on them hung a bunch of labels that warn about the dangers and pathologies. Is this true? Why Mature moms, usually formed of personality with established relationships in the family, career and most importantly - with a huge, sincere desire to give birth to a child. About the risks of late pregnancy and about what we need to be ready, daring to give birth after 35, we talked with the doctor-gynecologist maternity hospital No. 3 by Sergei Baksheev.
The reasons for "being late"
Pseudoclass. Many women naively assume that the ability to conceive after 40 years reduced to zero. And continue to live an active sexual life. The number of ovulations in that age really is significantly reduced, however, the ability to become pregnant is still there. Therefore, neglecting contraception-aged woman may be faced with unexpected and sometimes unwanted pregnancy.
Career. For many of today's "business lady" their career is a priority. Many of them, therefore, want to solve the housing problem. Because of this age norms nulliparous every year otdyhaetsya. If 5 years ago, and 28-year-old girl was placed in the group of "older", but now this age is normal.
Psychological immaturity
. Maternal instinct - a matter of time. Many women he wakes up after 30 years. A great example of this is the situation when the mother is with great love and cherish it for the second baby, born in a "respectable" age, as the firstborn, born "on time" are a bit cooler and quieter.
. For this category of women age comes against their will, due to long years of struggle with various diseases and diagnoses. Trying to conceive can take years, or even decades, and the long-awaited pregnancy after 30 years.
What is the danger for women
Miscarriage. In women 30-40 years the probability of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is 17%, and women 40-45 years - 33%. This is due to the fact that eggs, which are formed during fetal development girls, 30-40 years significantly older, and many of them after fertilization are perceived by the body as "marriage". In this case the conception of the fetus rough genetic disorders and uterus prefers to banish this kind of fruit.
Multiple pregnancy
. 35-40 years - the peak of twin births. As the body tries to catch up. However, carrying twins is a huge burden for the female body and requires careful attention to pregnant and regular surveillance specialists.
Placental problems. Many women age, there is a strong increase in blood pressure. Such a condition during pregnancy can cause a serious complication of late gestosis and preeclampsia. These conditions are very dangerous for the nervous system and kidneys pregnant and require urgent delivery (even if the fetus is not delivered). In addition, at this age increases the risk of chronic placental insufficiency (when the placenta is aging before a fetus grows), placenta previa (when it covers the cervix and makes it impossible for natural childbirth) and premature detachment of the placenta, which cause dangerous bleeding.
Hormonal problems. With age complicate desirable pregnancy can and endocrine diseases, existing before pregnancy (thyroid, pancreas) or low production of hormones of pregnancy.
The aggravation of the "chronicle". In adulthood, the majority of women already have their "bouquet" (disease of the heart, lungs, kidneys) and pregnancy can aggravate almost any of them. For example, after 35 years of rapidly increasing the risk of diabetes, and the woman is forced to stand on the account at the endocrinologist and to inject insulin, instead of carelessly enjoy their position.
Complications in childbirth. Over the years, changed the structure of the internal genital organs: they lose their elasticity and stretchability. In this regard, decreases the ability of the uterus to keep and bear fruit, and the probability of failure of labour to progress and gaps in generic ways. Such women need to keep in shape their intimate muscles, for example, do volberding.
What is the danger for kid
Premature birth. Chronic diseases of the mother and late preeclampsia (toxemia) can cause birth prematurely. This baby is born with low birth weight and requires long-term nursing in special incubators.
Hypoxia. For "late perforado" characterized by a prolonged second stage of labor (due to the low elasticity of tissues). In this case the kid for a long time in generic ways, and suffers from a lack of oxygen. This condition is dangerous for the brain and heart of the newborn and in the future may cause serious complications.
Chromosomal abnormalities. Various gene mutations, which are often found in this group of women, often cause the formation of non-viable embryos. Part of them is removed by the body spontaneously, some continue to be in the uterus, but not able to grow (frozen pregnancy), and some fruit develops up to the birth and then manifests mental retardation and abnormalities in physical development. Parents whose age exceeds 35, the risk to give your baby the proverbial extra 21st chromosome, which leads to down syndrome. However, despite the fact that such a risk exists, it does not exceed 10 %. And the possibilities of modern medicine (medical geneticheskoe blood examination and ultrasound) allow to detect such violations at an early period, and if you wish to terminate the pregnancy.
Expert opinion
Tomilin Vladimir, obstetrician, gynecologist: "Risks of various deviations from the late mums certainly are. But due to deteriorating environmental conditions and errors in diet, such problems can occur in young women. You cannot underestimate what "adult" pregnant more serious approach to the pregnancy itself, initially expect it and prepare for it. They advance replenish vitamins and minerals, normalize weight, put in order the muscular system, as well as being together with her husband, a careful examination of various infectious diseases. All this gives them the opportunity and at the age field 40 safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby".
Research is needed to risk
Obligates the therapist. The doctor will find all chronic diseases, which have to treat and give advice on how to prevent them exacerbation during pregnancy.
Hand over the analysis on STD (sexually transmitted diseases). At this age most women already have a solid list of sexual partners, and as a consequence increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Most of them require treatment, as able to "terminate" the pregnancy or harm the fetus.
Complete ultrasound of the reproductive system. In adulthood there is a risk of structural changes in the uterus - endometrial polyps, fibroids. All these formations can keep trying to conceive to zero.
Late delivery: pros and cons
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