1. Maintaining good physical form. If women have problems with posture, it's a good idea to undergo therapeutic massage during pregnancy do not.
2. Proper nutrition. 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy start to take a balanced vitamin-mineral complex for pregnant and folic acid, which protects the fetus from birth defects. The dose of folic acid is 400 mcg per day. It is necessary to drink vitamin E (tocopherol" in Greek means "bearing offspring"), it protects the membranes of fetal cells from oxidative destruction, and is also the prevention of stretch marks of the skin.
If the mother has problems with excess or insufficient weight, the better this problem to do before conception. For example, women suffering from obesity, pregnancy usually occurs with pathology. But if a woman feels good and the deviation of the weight from the norm - its individual feature, better to leave things as they are.
3. Positive attitude. Try not to worry and be nervous. Often pay attention to what brings you pleasure and joy.
4. Giving up bad habits such as drugs, Smoking, alcohol
. Smoking, consuming alcohol and drugs, 2 times more likely to have miscarriages. Children of Smoking mothers are born weak. These women often observed premature aging of the placenta and premature birth. Women who use alcohol, a child can be born with congenital alcohol syndrome, a variety of deformities.
5. Vaccination. If you have not already had chickenpox, hepatitis b or measles, you must make the appropriate vaccinations depending on blood test results. Vaccination against hepatitis b is done within 6 months (three shot), after the last vaccination can be pregnant after only 3 months. After vaccination against varicella and rubella (1 injection) should be protected for 3 months. The disease rubella during pregnancy is an absolute indication for termination of pregnancy, because the likelihood of delivering a healthy baby is very small. You can also get vaccinations against influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, etc.
The tests
For future parents is required when planning pregnancy are the following tests:
1. Smear test for infections, sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, bacterial vaginosis, and so on). Urogenital infections may be asymptomatic. If the infection will be identified, it is safer to get effective treatment before pregnancy. Of course, during pregnancy, treatment of these infections is carried out, but the spectrum of drugs authorized for use during pregnancy is limited. For the mother, the presence in the body the infection is dangerous, it can cause chronic inflammatory diseases.
2. A blood test for AIDS, syphilis, for antibodies to toxoplasmosis, hepatitis b and C, rubella, herpes. Note that even domestic cats can be infected with Toxoplasma. If the animal lives with you for a long time, then you have a natural protection. But limit the communication of your cat with other animals. Toxoplasmosis can cause genetic defects in tissues and organs of the fetus.
3. Determination of blood group and rhesus factor. Blood time to warn you of possible rhesus pregnancy, and hence about the threat of miscarriage.
4. The study of the blood coagulation system. Disorders of hemostasis can be a cause of infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth. Timely identified changes and their correction will protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy outcomes.
5. The determining factors of early miscarriage.
6. The study of hormonal profile, since the hormonal status may have problems conceiving and bearing.
To the doctor!
First of all, the mother should go to the gynecologist, and the future Pope to consult with urologist-andrologist, to donate sperm and a smear on an infection. Sperm Mature in the next 2, 5-3 months, so before conception the man should not do x-rays.
The gynecologist will pay attention to the age of the mother, constitutional features, collect anamnesis, conduct a full examination of the pelvic organs. On examination, the doctor will evaluate your reproductive system (vagina, cervix and body of uterus, appendages). In some cases, women may be detected isthmic-cervical insufficiency (risk of spontaneous abortion). If a woman has previously had an abortion or she had miscarriages or traumatic childbirth, it may be necessary in the study, which will determine the patency of the fallopian tubes. This study will also reveal abnormalities of the uterus, which can lead to abortion.
If you use contraceptive pills, it is advisable to stop taking them at least three months before the planned conception. According to some reports, restoring hormonal level takes approximately six months, so immediately after discontinuation of contraceptives, the chances of pregnancy are reduced.
For a couple who is planning a pregnancy, it is very useful to see your genetics. If you believe the statistics, "families at risk" of about 10%. If your ancestry are carriers of genetic diseases (e.g., hemophilia) are congenital malformations, if you are older than 35 years or the future father of the child more than 50 years, it is necessary medico-genetic counseling to prevent the development of defects in the unborn child. In some cases, for medical reasons it is desirable to plan the sex of the baby. There are genetic diseases that are passed on to children of a specific sex. For example, hemophilia is transmitted only boys, but through the female line. Using the methods of in vitro fertilization can be transplanted into a woman's only healthy embryos girls.
Even if you consider yourself a absolutely healthy, it is useful to go to your physician. For example, blood tests, urine tests, blood pressure measurement can reveal diseases. Make sure to do a chest x-ray. And if you have a chronic disease, must be examined by specialists. It is undesirable, if the time of conception will coincide with exacerbation of chronic diseases, as a number of medicines which you will take during exacerbation may be contraindicated during pregnancy.
Also note the kidneys and bladder. During pregnancy, the uterus will grow and more and more pressure on the bladder and the ureters. Normal outflow of urine can be broken, the load on the kidneys will increase. So you need to be sure that there are no inflammatory processes.
Be sure to go to the dentist. To cure teeth and sanitize the mouth, so that no chronic infection, they had no child. Although you can treat teeth and during pregnancy, but do not want to be subjected to x-ray irradiation and apply strong painkillers. The future Pope is no different. The cavity is a breeding ground for infections, and if a man will kiss the mother, there is the threat that he would infect her.
Pregnancy can be a risk factor for the development or progression of varicose veins. It is therefore necessary to consult a phlebologist. You should also visit the office endocrinologist, because during pregnancy increases the load on the endocrine system of the body and can cause problems even in healthy women. You will be assigned an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, additional blood tests that will allow us to identify abnormalities. If you live in a region where there is a deficiency of iodine, in addition to multivitamins daily take 100 mg of potassium iodide.
Arguments and facts
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