First, this method of planning the sex of the baby was described in Ancient China. Chinese sages believed that the sex of the baby depends on the month of conception and the age of the mother at this point. For example, a 25-year-old mother in the fall and winter months are most likely to conceive a boy, and in the spring and girls. While 24-year-old woman all the way around. Were made even special table that indicates a favorable months for conception boys and girls depending on the age of the mother.
By the way, according to experts, these observations were made thousands of years ago, in some degree true. Following the advice formulated in Ancient China, actually increases the probability of birth of a child of the desired gender, although the accuracy of the prediction does not exceed 60 percent.
Several centuries later about how to plan the sex of the baby was conceived and Japanese. The inhabitants of the land of the rising sun were identified, born to their son or daughter, by month of birth of parents and the month in which conception occurred. For example, if the mother and father of the unborn child were born in November, and in February they almost certainly conceived a boy, and in July - girl. If the mother was born in January, and the man - in July, for a baby boy most favorable January, and for conceiving girls - June. However, the accuracy of this forecast is also very low - on average it is true in 55-58 percent of cases, that is, the effectiveness of this method is 5-8%.
Method of floor planning to upgrade blood
In European countries the doctors tried to plan the sex of your baby based on their developed the theory of "pack of blood". According to this theory, the blood in the male body is renewed every four years, in a woman's body every three years. Whose blood was younger at the time of conception of the child - this will be his floor. To use this method, you need to split the man's age in years at the moment of conception to four, and the woman's age - three, and then to compare the remnants of the division. Whose balance will be less of that and more blood.
Alas, modern research has shown that Europeans could not compete with the Eastern sages in the accuracy of predictions. The method of planning the floor to update the blood gives a correct prediction in 51-52 percent of cases, that is, its effectiveness is only 1-2 percent. However, it is not surprising - according to current data, blood cells actually live a maximum of 3-4 months.
Planning sex "Day of week"
In our time there were two planning method sex of the unborn child.
The first one is based on the calculation day in a woman's body is ovulating. It is known that the sperm carrying the male Y-chromosome, live on less than sperm carrying the female X-chromosome, but move more actively. So if intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, the egg is first get the "male" sperm, and after 9 months the light appears boy. And if intercourse occurs 1-2 days before ovulation (recall that sperm remain active for 3 days), the time of egg cell maturation "male" sperm time to die, and develops the girl.
This assumption is true in 58-63 percent of cases, that is, the effectiveness of this method of scheduling sex is 8-13 percent.
Another method of scheduling sex
The second "modern" planning method offers expectant parents... to refrain from love, if they want a girl and make love as often as possible, so that the boy was born. It is assumed that in the case of long-term abstinence in male body produces specific antibodies that inactivate sperm carrying the Y-chromosome. So after abstinence has the highest probability of conception girls, and Vice versa.
When using this method, the stork is carrying out the order of 65-70 cases out of 100. However, a couple wishing to become parents of the girl and are having a hard time - period of abstinence should last at least a month and a half, and the abstinence must be full. Even a few kisses can ruin everything.
Traditional methods of planning sex
What can we say in conclusion? It turns out that the use of "folk", that is, not requiring special medical procedures, methods, planning the sex of the baby, the success probability does not exceed a maximum of 10-15 percent. You decide that You would prefer to try to do "order stork" or to rely on the will of nature...
How to get a boy and as a girl?
Table of sex determination of the unborn baby
How to conceive a boy?
What you need is to give birth to a girl?
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