Breastfeeding: how to wean the baby from the breast?
Completion of breastfeeding
We must understand that the completion of breastfeeding does not tolerate haste and must be deliberate and thoughtful. It would be great if every nursing mother, had a specific plan on how will breast-feeding, and when it will end. In this case, it would be easy enough to manage the situation.
We all know that the world health organization recommends feeding the child breast milk for about 2 years. The first 6 months exclusively breast milk, and the remaining 1, 5 years - with the lure. As he gets older kid, the quantity of complementary foods will increase along with his appetite, and 1-1, 5 years, the baby can be to eat enough servings to feed on the lure. However, breastfeeding will still remain for him a very important part of life: this communication with my mother, relaxation in the chest, falling asleep, pain during teething, as well as an important source of vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible form, energy, immune factors, protective antibodies.
The preparatory phase
After 4-6 months it makes sense to gradually teach your baby to fall asleep not only under the breast, but also in other ways. For example, in the stroller on the street, Acacias my mother in her arms, lullaby, dad, grandmother on the handles. You can sit on a fitball and swaying on it, to keep the baby quiet. It is important to develop the child's understanding that sleep can not only breast, but also different in other ways. The more he will experience, the easier in the future he will finish breastfeeding.
In the same 4-6 months. it is important to start teaching your child that you can calm down, not only having kissed his chest, stopping at various interesting: bright toy-rattle; to keep eye on the fish in the aquarium, cars outside the window, listening as an adult reading poetry and tells nursery rhymes, singing songs, etc. Again, the more varied will be the outside world, the less focus on the mother's breast.
After a year, you can start gradual process of weaning baby from the breast. To do this, we divide all breast-feeding during the day on groups and denote them:
1. Intermediate feeding: feeding is not long, not associated with sleeping, snacking at the breast.
2. Feeding on NAPs: zasypala-relaxing-feeding, often long.
3. Feeding to sleep at night: long.
4. Night feedings: there may be 2-4, and there are times when the baby sucks every 2 hours... (most often during times of illness, the eruption of new teeth and others).
Each named type feedings will step in weaning. The rules are: we are starting to separate from the intermediate feedings. Until you see that the kid used to do without this step, move on to the next should not be. Next you select the stage, which, in your opinion, will be easy. Each stage may take different amount of time, the intermediate feeding you can remove, say, 2-3 weeks, and longer evening for 2 months. It is important that the mother was the most calm and confident in their actions, then the child will be easy to cope with change.
Due to the fact that the excommunication will be divided into several phases and is stretched over time, your Breasts will gradually reduce lactation, with no congestion. So you don't have to use the tug-chest bandages, as well as taking medications suppress lactation (they do drink, never have). Everything goes soft!
Author: Ksenia Nightingale, consultant on breastfeeding Center "Milk river"
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