Thursday, July 3, 2014

How to make babies sleep?

How to make babies sleep?

It would seem that everything is simple: the baby needs to sleep soundly after you eat, it is working (need to suck must be satisfied), and otdyshatsya after feeding the mother in the hands... But something is wrong here... Because a lot of babies and their mothers suffer from restless sleep, not rested for weeks, and even months!

In the first week to meet... slumber

Approximately one month sleep crumbs is divided into eight or ten phases that alternate with periods of wakefulness. During the three months phase a night's sleep will gradually increase, up to seven or even eight hours. After birth the newborn sleep is not very deep. In the first week he didn't so much sleep as sleep. It is not surprising that during this sleep, wakes up, calls my mother and capricious. And he needs you mainly to satisfy newly onset of hunger.

So it takes five months, and then night sleep, more precisely, its duration will be established and will be from 9 to 10 hours. The sleep will become deeper and more quiet.

But for now... feed anytime, anywhere - on demand! Don't think that this would violate the regime of a baby, your life and herself. Now your mode is as follows. But you should be comfortable in it. Despite the fact that breastfeeding is a natural process, it is not without difficulties. However, they all have solutions! But don't try to look for them alone. It will take time, will take strength and health. Enlist the support of family and professionals on all occasions. And probably you in the first few weeks will not sleep, and doze, but near the baby slumber is sweet.

Padhathi his rhythm

Child sleep in the first few weeks are like a dance. How much time learning the waltz, it is important to grasp the rhythm (one-two-three... ), and so sleep baby amenable to learning. Yes, he is unpredictable, individual, initially did may seem that it doesn't exist... Keep your eyes open! It is important to detect.

It is not excluded that during the day the baby will fall asleep briefly on three quarters of an hour, an hour or two in the morning, for an hour or two in the afternoon. There are children who fall asleep easily during the day, while in the evening, put them difficult. Maybe your baby will be different, but you will understand, having lived with him for more than a week or two. During this time, the mode will be produced, and then - one, two, three!.. You can easily manage your time.

Wait until weaned

The sucking reflex is considered the first unconditional reflex of man. Already in the first hour of a full life after birth the baby is actively demonstrates the desire to breastfeed. And if it is to provide this capability, there is no doubt that food center child "turns on" and later the baby will be different a good appetite, good emotional health and sound sleep.

The crumbs should long enough to breastfeed. It is a basic prerequisite for a peaceful sleep.(About lactation not even talking! )

However, your baby needs to suck steadily, steadily. You see that he is cranky from time to time, releasing the nipple from his mouth, turning away from the breast, suchit legs. Alas, the process gives him no satisfaction. After such feeding it and not eat and not sleep. You need to understand that may disturb the child.

First, check whether the baby grasps the nipple. Remember: not only the nipple should be at his mouth, and 2, 5-3 cm areola.

Secondly, pose feeding is of great importance. You can Anastasia on the couch, lying on his side.

It is convenient to feed the baby in the classic pose - crib: you hold him in her arms, seated in a comfortable chair.

Try the pillow. Put her baby on the side where the breast, which will be fed as close to his side. Your forearm on the pillow. And his hand take hold of sitelock child and bring his head to the nipple.

Thirdly, sores and cracks on the nipples can cause severe pain to you, what makes you involuntarily will be strained, and that will complicate the process. But this problem is not a problem if you use special healing ointments and pads on the nipples. They will need while not heal wounds.

Banish insomnia

There are doctors such a term as "early insomnia". It begins during the first six months of life. Can be easy, and maybe painful when the baby cries, fusses, and only calms down on the arms of mom or dad. It usually occurs in premature babies because their status in the first three months so unstable!

Treated the same way as in other cases: good nutrition, adequate breast-sucking, parental warmth and silence.

However, there is another condition (this applies to all children without exception): normal chair. Peacefully sleeping child is a child that is not plagued by any colic or constipation.

No overstimulation!

After six months of a sleep disorder in a child is usually associated with excitement. If you or your guests too termolite its day or evening or bathing removes the crumbs from yourself, and you still do not change the mode of hygienic procedures, a series of sleepless nights you provided!

Regular agitation could lead to even overly colourful design a child's room or unsuccessful colors mobile over the crib. So as much as possible pastels, peace, and attention to the needs of a baby.



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