How to choose bedding for different options for the night? How to guess the design love the bed, as well as how to provide yourself with the help of bedding sweet and healthy sleep.
It turned out that when choosing bedding should consider the following:
If you are preparing for a night of love, you will see the light orange color of linen, because it is recognized by psychologists as one of the most exciting. For good sex and a palette of green or blue colors. For a relaxing and sweet dreams look for pink or yellow tones. White, oddly enough, is undesirable because it is too neutral - that is why white sheets made make a bed or couch in three cases.
At birth human cradle it was covered with white sheets or diaper, because this moment marks the beginning of life and complete freedom from any information, and white bed symbolizes a clean sheet, on which the newborn begins to write the story of his life.
A white sheet made the bed for the newlyweds, because this bright love any support or color stimulation is not needed. In addition, there are practical considerations: the purity of the bride it is best visible on the white sheet.
White sheets were covered and the last bed of the man on his deathbed, the man is purified from all corporeal and earthly, and stands before the Creator net and lonely.
When preparing a love bed should pay attention to such bright and vibrant colors like black and red, scarlet. You should always remember that they are good only when you sleep you are actually not going: night of love on this bed would be perfect, and in all other cases, you risk to earn with such colors linen persistent insomnia.
Here you just need to remember a simple rule: for sweet dreams need to choose linens in the small picture, and for hot nights in the arms of a loved - plain linen or linen with a large figure. By the way, some psychologists insist that the picture in large polka dots or large geometric shapes can negate all your efforts to arrange a cozy sleeping place. The majority of the respondents claims that the coloration of linen cause them anxiety or irritation.
The fabric was made of linen, is also very important. The most eco-friendly and historically the most practical material has always been considered flax. Flax has wonderful properties: it keeps you warm in cold season and gives the refreshing coolness in the exhausting heat. But this lingerie easily wrinkled and difficult to iron, but because today there are many other options of fabrics linen.
If we talk about silk bedding, then you should always mention what kind of silk meant. Japanese silk will make your bed an elegant and luxurious, but silk Turkish or Chinese production can transform your night into a series of torture and nightmares, because this fabric is either cools or slips or sticks to the body in the hot season, or frustrating their hosts a huge number of puffs that soon it appears. So, if you decided to buy silk bedding, you'll either have to fork over the Japanese miracle manual work, or to leave this venture. In addition, linen tencel will keep in the best shape of your hairstyle.
Batiste linen easily and transparently, looks very beautiful, but extremely impractical: this lingerie will withstand a maximum of twenty washings, and then its quality will begin to undergo substantial changes. From Batista's preferred such set of linen, which is not designed for continuous use - wedding headset or gift sets.
Very durable and practical bed linen satin (or Egyptian cotton: the fabric of this dense and brilliant, pleasant to the touch. The only drawback of this satin is a high price compared to other cotton fabrics.
Economically linen sheeting, which is practical and quite beautiful. In our country, this bed linen is very popular because of its durability. Love from us and flannel bed linen, but it is in frequent use is covered by the pellets and loses its original appearance. The most acceptable in economic terms can be called calico linen, but good Housewives know that calico linen not stand up to frequent washings and quickly loses its color and becomes thinner.
There is nothing worse than not the correct size bedding. We all probably had the good fortune to become acquainted with the phenomenon, and therefore the size of the bed linen is specific. Going for sheets and duvet covers and pillowcases in the store, you need to specify in advance (not by sight) what size your blankets, mattresses and pillows really are.
In our bedding industry common three sizes: twin, king and Euro sizes. For children kravata available linens children's sizes. Linen foreign production usually has several other sizes, so it's worth the purchase to pay special attention to this. Foreign manufacturers offer a bedding set size twin (single), twin (extra long single), double (full) and large (king size). Depending on the country of origin is different and the standard size and shape of the pillow, so always pay attention to it.
And most importantly - your linens should you like: how many famous literary and film heroines falls asleep on his expensive silk sheets perfectly miserable and lonely, and how the most ordinary Housewives wakes up every day at the cotton colorful prostenkah absolutely happy.
Malinina E.
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