The child's behavior is determined not so much by nature as an artificial human environment - culture, society. Knowing how to behave in a human way, is a huge sea of information. And every child, barely left the cradle, is certainly on its shore. As he learns this vast amount of information? And how do we help him in this we? Provides ten ways to solve this problem.
Method 1. Imitation
Pedagogical objective is to offer the child a quality sample actions and behaviors, and to create conditions for its own actions, to help translate the assessment of other people in the child's self-esteem, make him desire to repeat similar actions.
And do not think, please, that he will imitate only the best parties of your own behavior! The complexity of this method, as well, and the whole family upbringing, that the child learns not specially organized pattern (how it works at the school), and most often fall into the field of his attention, for some reason most drawing or giving more quick and clear effect. That means we need to ensure that adherence to a particular model was significantly better for your child than other behaviors.
Method 2. Exercise
Behavior is a reaction and action, expressing the relations with the environment in which man masters of reality, consciously and deliberately change it. It is clear that the change really is a matter grown man. But about the actions of your child, you must talk now. You can act when something appropriate to the occasion you are able. And skills are born only way in exercise.
The essence of any exercise is the repetition of the physical and mental stresses, action or actions needed to reach a certain goal, their gradual improvement and bringing ideally to automaticity.
When sufficient and successful repetition of the exercise is becoming more easy and pleasant action, not requiring significant mental and physical stress. The result is a so-called dynamic stereotype is psychologically the most economical way of doing it. Now based on this mastered and therefore easy steps it is possible to form more complex skills.
Method 3. Requirement
External stimulus and a method of controlling the child's behavior is our requirement. The simplicity of presentation of the claim makes it one of the main methods of family education. We almost continuously and almost from the enjoyment of their rights adult is something we demand from the child, dispose of, insist, force. However, raising the efficiency of these impacts depends on a number of conditions.
First of all requirements should be child-friendly content. "Don't knock! " clearer than "I want you to Behave! ". Requirements should be constant and not change depending on the mood of the parents or circumstances. The requirement assumes its enforceability, polnost. "Sit tight! "is an overwhelming requirement for a child because a sitting position for him is not a position of rest as an adult. It requires more voltage than the movement.
Of great importance accompanying requirements emotions of adults. Sometimes children are taught to respond not in the sense of the requirements, and the level of accompanying emotions or effect sound. In the phrase "Go home", said a calm voice, may not be perceived by the child as a real requirement. And only an angry appeal "I who said that?! March straight home, and that! " calls desired for parents reaction to play in the courtyard of the child.
Method 4. The creation of educative situations
Creating and using raising situation, showing, teaching and instructing, adults try to give a child the experience. Encouraging or prohibiting, they force the child to follow. But the essence of education in the awarding of this experience. And it depends on the own internal installations of the child.
The ideal options are absolute trust of the child to raising external actions and carers, the high degree of its own interest in the proposed experience (information) receive their own experience without any visible intervention caregivers.
Own experience of the child the most reliable, well digested, but sold it long through costly trial and error. The educator can create situations that help you gain the necessary experience.
A typical form of raising situations are specially organized situation, correcting the behavior of the child or his personal qualities. For example, the scandals morning rise of a fifth grader before school can be stopped, if the psychological mechanism of awakening translate from external factors (parents) on the internal (fear of being late, responsibility). To do this, parents should try to go to work half an hour earlier. Will be solved not only the problem of lifting, but more important is self-control, self-government.
Special situations can be corrected cowardice, high or low self-esteem, and other personal qualities. To create a situation, it is important that the child they looked as natural as possible. And, of course, important not to lose whatever the situation and time to include the child.
The psychological mechanism of any raising of the situation is necessary to act on an unusual level voltage or changed conditions, using all the powers of a child. Thus, the difficulty level independent of the child's behavior must be carefully adults to provide him with at least some success. The element of risk when using this method of discipline is always. But the resulting gain usually worth the risk.
Method 5. The duties and responsibilities
Raising of duties and responsibilities is already acquiring the era of scientific-technical revolution. Thousands of years of joint work and mutual care, which always included a little boy, according to our notions, child poverty, powerfully and reliably formed the basis of his personality. Civilization changes the conditions of human life much faster than his body, the Central nervous system and its processes. The sensitive period of inclusion of the child in family care, work, and today is at the age where he emphatically says: "I! " A proper fitting instructions can be emphasized with a new, higher status of the child in the family, the possibility of self-affirmation, they understand that the new level of their capabilities.
Moreover, it would be a mistake to limit the responsibilities of the child only the service itself. The greatest raising a load is caring for others. It creates the ability to see and feel the needs and health of other people (orientation), empathy (empathy), to experience satisfaction from their caring for one another (altruism), the ability to see the problem without impulses to engage in the active life position).
Parents should always remember that the duties are directly connected with rights. For example, a child vypivshij floor, is entitled to enforce the purity of the other. Girl, seriously occupied with worries about the younger, has the right to tell parents their opinion not only in education, but other family problems. The Commission, as well as other requirements, must be an expression of confidence in the person.
Method 6. Case
The activity of a child is a way to meet their own needs on their own. But it can be enforced that does not coincide with the needs and desires of the individual. In any case, have an impact on the person developing it or oppressing. If there is a tense and interesting activities, samopreodolenie, the new level will be the development of personality. If, on the contrary, a thriving parent Hyper, removed from the child all the problems and difficulties will grow someone like Ilya Oblomov, unfit to anything.
Even a forced activity, meeting the resistance of the child, very often forms are potentially required quality. No matter how boring, for example, to learn ballet poses, but without them, there is no charm of ballet. And the experience of performing unpleasant is absolutely necessary for the life of every person.
Activities can satisfy the interests of different levels - from self-sacrifice for the sake of others or for the sake of the idea to the so-called structuring time. The smaller the child, the more likely it is included in the activities of the situation, and not by their own choice, and the more primitive motives of their own choice. The task of adults is to offer a choice of activities to take care of its content, to help shape public securities motifs include, to organize the evaluation of the relations of others.
You can force the child to do what you want, how you want and when you want. But it is wiser to offer him two or three business edition to choose, to give the possibility to determine the time and method of execution. To make it clear, as it elevates it and what a satisfaction it can bring.
Method 7. Routine
The mode of life that is constantly supported by the constancy of its basic elements, forms a complex dynamic behavior, is a kind of means of life organization and system requirements. It allows periodic monitoring and self-monitoring personality, form the habit of discipline, energetic pace of life, provides its fullness.
The mode of life of the child initially dictated his biological needs (sleeping, feeding, awake), then thereto are added demand for activities and communication (time moving and quiet games, fairy tales and TV shows), then it is strongly invades educational activity.
Sample treatment for each age can be obtained from the educational literature, reference books on child hygiene, rules of conduct student. However, this average, average mode requires correction in each case. The basis of this correction is parental supervision for the child. You can, of course, to teach the child to eat and stay awake for hours, in the rhythm of time. But better observe and understand the needs and peculiarities of his body and adjust the mode under his rhythms. Right after school to send for a walk and then sit down for lessons. But it is better to observe, soothes or excites him walk, it increases its efficiency or interrupt school spirit, increase the capacity or reduces. And only after this, and with your child to identify these sensitive moments.
The complexity of the teaching task lies in the fact that, teaching mode, it is necessary to simultaneously teach reasonable deviations from the mode. That could not overheating. Other dangers teacher - pedantic, loss of sense of proportion, protection from life's intrusions reference mode, etc.
Method 8. Game
Healthy child most of the time enthusiastically plays. Sick or injured child plays sluggishly, reluctantly. Non-playing child or sick physically or mentally depressed. The game meets the needs of the child in the activity, communication, develops a variety of personality traits necessary for its future adult activities. Almost any game is movement, rules of interaction, tension, risk, stress from winning or losing.
The game can seamlessly weave into other activities and emotionally to paint them, increasing the attractiveness. The Convention's situation reduces the voltage of responsibility for the result. Emotions are same by nature are designed to stimulate and activate the body's reserves. Therefore, it is important to enroll the child in a meaningful game, developing it physically, mentally, and morally.
All games are divided into groups according to their predominant element: the game-manipulation, role-playing games, outdoor games, educational, sports, finally, the so-called gambling. The game educates and develops depending on the motifs included in the game, moral circumstances, specifically psychological win. All this is the subject of direct concern to parents and educators-professionals.
Method 9. Socially useful activity
Special activity - the so-called public utility that outputs beyond the family, to introduce a child into the world wider relations and interactions. This concern about what used together - on the Playground, lawn or Park, school. This part of the total care of the sick and elderly people, animals, nature. This activity in children and other social organizations. It adds new possibilities for personal development, introduces new motives, roles, extends the experience, that is additionally socializing person.
The elements of this activity should be introduced already preschooler. Students of Junior classes it should occupy a prominent place among other types of activity. For a teenager she already can play a role.
The method 10. Feelings
The most profound and generalized human response to life circumstances are emotions. Shame, joy, pity, envy quite accurately Express the human condition and its relation to the circumstances of evaluation. Some of the emotions I want to avoid, others strengthen. For this purpose it is necessary to act, to react to circumstances to change them or to change their position and role. The stronger the emotions, the more they control the person's behavior. Therefore, influencing the person's emotions, you can control its behavior.
In the emotional response act simultaneously natural mechanism and humanized perception of reality. Huge snake causes wariness or fear in most people, but can cause excitement among the zoologist, because he has another estimated position. Means forming a judgmental position, you can call and fix a certain emotional attitude to certain circumstances. When such circumstances are repeated, repeated and emotions, respectively directing human behavior.
It is very important to develop the child's understanding of good and evil, about what to do and what not to teach the rules and norms of morality. Even more important to give the opportunity sensual experiences, to form an emotional reaction to certain circumstances.
As it happens? The family provides not only an emotional reaction, but also the stereotypes of emotional behavior. If the mother scream from fright, seeing the mouse, you will vzveshivat and daughter, but no son. Family guides him to stereotype men's emotional responses. If girls normal reaction to danger are scared, crying, screaming, the boys fear should cause muscle tension, General excitation, the willingness to act. But if in the childhood the boy was given the experiences of danger on Levochkina the sample, and in adulthood in a similar situation still sensual experience will dictate the reaction of the female type. The behavior of a male for it is possible, but only at the expense of additional willpower.
Feelings of gender, debt, shame, conscience, pity, and all other human feelings not only increase the feeling of fullness of life, but also reliably control human behavior. Of course, if they were awake, formed and developed in childhood. This is a dozen ways of formation of parents of primary moral experience of the child.
Century Vershinin
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