Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How to sleep "for the future"?

How to sleep Since ancient times, mankind is interested in three global question - how to eat and not get fat, will fight if the whale elephant and is it possible to sleep for future use. On the last we'll talk.

The nature of sleep

To put it simply, healthy sleep is regularly repeated process of deactivation of certain functions to restore cells and tissues and for the assimilation of the accumulated information. That is, if you deprive a person of sleep for a long time - it will literally aging on the eyes and can even go crazy.

At the same time, the need for the number of healthy sleep in all people are different: some are quite enough for 3-4 hours a day, and someone should sleep at least 9 - 11 hours. No relationship between the need for sleep and sex, age, race and place of residence if this is not observed...

80% of our "sleepy" we inherit from our parents, and 20% of it is formed in childhood - about 4-5 years. But what to do if circumstances make this process has its limitations?

"On duty" and "day three"

Alas, some professions suggest that from time to time you will have for a long time not to sleep - for example, if you are a doctor on "er" or the guard in - store. Doctors somnology warning: if you are working on a torn nefiziologichnoe schedule, you should worry about their own health in advance.

Remember - if you're up to 30 years, to work in this mode is not more than 2 years in a row, and if more than 30 more years. During these "day three" the body's getting old, almost 2, 5 times faster, increase the risk of atypical cells, there are problems with conceiving children and potency.

How to sleep "for the future"? Can I help himself? Yes, partly. To do this, first, you need one (and preferably two) days a week to give high-quality, healthy sleep. To do this, we need to prepare. Get in the bedroom thick dark curtains (or plastic roller "shutters") that became dark as night. Unplug the phone, drink something relaxing - no alcohol (in any case! ), and, for example, peppermint tea or hot milk and go to sleep. It is not excluded that the first time you will find it difficult to fall asleep in unusual time - then talk to your doctor about taking a tablet of melatonin. And most importantly - sleep until then, until we Wake up - no alarms and twitching shouldn't be. If you can at least 1-2 times a week to sleep up to 9 to 11 hours, the damage from torn graphics will come down almost to nothing.

Dream traveler

No fewer sleep problems lurk and those who are forced to travel a lot, changing the time zone. The main trouble is not so much the lack of sleep, but in the fact that you have to be active and sometimes to make important decisions at a time when the brain is, in fact, accustomed to sleep. The main symptoms of "jet leg" - attention span, forgetfulness (especially often from the head of the fly need foreign words, numbers, codes of plastic cards and t. d.), drowsiness. Finally get rid of this condition it is impossible (at least for the first 2-4 days), but it is possible to artificially provoke the body to the feeling of the day - from morning to take a powerful contrast shower, drink tea with adaptogen and tonic supplements (ginseng, Siberian ginseng), not to forget a multivitamin with a high dose of vitamin C. These simple procedures will negate the work of hormones sleep. Often, however, to resort to such a "kicking" of the body still not worth it.

A series of night parties

But nothing can destroy our health as much as stretching from evening to evening parties and other celebrations, even if you don't abuse alcohol and other harmful things. Scientists have found that after a single 6-hour loud parties, which ended after midnight, you have about 70 hours of rest and 12 hours of sleep for brain cells are normal. Don't forget about it!



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