Many of us appetite is considered the main cause of extra pounds. He makes you eat for lunch is not only the first but also the second with additive and dessert. He asks snacking at work and several times during the night runs to the fridge in search of something tasty. Believe me, the reason for your hunger no appetite, and foods that cause it. If you know in the face of provocateurs and learn to avoid them, the extra inches on the waist not afraid of you.
Soup will not eat!
If you pour a dinner plate rich meat soup and I think that plenty of them will be filled, you are mistaken. Our body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected. When you bite into, for example, a piece of meat, receptors transmit information in the brain and gastric juice begins to produce more. While the broth is not just food, but the maximum concentration of nutrients from meat or fish (including cholesterol, collagen and hormones fed animals). So, try a bowl of the soup, you will only boost your appetite and will produce this amount of gastric juice that you have to eat a lot of second and eat dessert.
What can you do? Don't order in a restaurant soup or borsch with unknown stock history, but when you prepare yourself, first drain the strong meat broth and cook more mushroom and vegetable soups.
Cucumber: easy, but dangerous
Pickled gherkins, tomatoes, olives with olives, sauerkraut - all very tasty and low calorie, but if you're trying to curb your appetite, such joy have to give up. In marinades is acetic acid, which enhances the production of gastric juice. Therefore, eating crunchy cucumber or onion, you will eat significantly more than planned. Moreover, sour Goodies there is another negative factor is the salt, so you not only will eat a lot, but a lot of drink. While water will not come out of your body (the salt retains its cells), and hence the weight will be added.
Roasted hit in the nose
Sometimes memories of fries or chicken with a Golden crust is enough for his guts. Not to mention, if they lie to you on a plate and tickle the nose fascinating flavors! Here, like it or not, the appetite is so played out that will eat every last crumb. Such "gluttony" there is a scientific explanation: our olfactory receptors are very responsive to the characteristic smell of fried food and causes the body to excrete large amounts of hydrochloric acid. Stew, steam and boiled dishes are not so bright aroma, so pohudatelny purposes it is better to choose them. The more that the taste they can be no worse so bad fried.
Dill against pepper
If you are trying to suppress your appetite, please note whether your diet spicy foods. All of the peppers (except paprika), mustard, horseradish, fresh garlic and onions are a perfect warm you from the inside out, stimulating the blood flow and cause appetite increases dramatically. But this does not mean that you have to eat only fresh meals. Because in addition to hot and spicy spices are perfectly safe herbs - oregano, Basil, parsley, dill, cilantro. They do not contribute to the increase in appetite, but make the dish more delicious. By the way, the people on salt-free diet, save seasonings: if fresh piece of chicken or boiled vegetables, drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with herbs, they will become more edible.
Apple will not get a bite
People are of the opinion that, having eaten the Apple, you can have a great spoil the appetite. Nothing like this! Any acidic fruit or berry, on the contrary, provokes the secretion of gastric juice. So if in the morning you can't shove in his piece, try a slice of the green Simirenko or drink fresh Apple juice, and very soon will normally be served.
If your purse is Apple and you want to eat them, to prevent hunger, it is better not to do it. Hydrochloric acid begins to eat away at the lining of the stomach, and you will want to eat. However, not all people with a sour apples operate in this way and tested it only in practice.
Chocolate for appetite?
Chocolate, cocoa and coffee are also included in the list of "delicious" products. However, they are not all so is simple. For example, if you're not too hungry, and I know that to a normal bite was only an hour left, you can safely eat a piece of chocolate and to hold on to it for some time (right mom, talking to children: "don't eat candy before dinner would kill the appetite! "). But if in the morning you have not had Breakfast, did not have time to have lunch and it is unknown when it will be able to dine, sweet to eat not: these carbohydrates will not be enough to prevent hunger, but cocoa products stimulate the appetite. The same can be said about coffee or cocoa.
Expert opinion
Alex Dobrowolski, the dietitian:
Unlike pickles pickles does not affect appetite. But people who want to lose weight, it's better not eat. They change the electrolyte balance and cause thirst, causing the water retained in the body. Along with fat excess water is causing extra pounds, and it can be easily checked. Just one day refuse salt, keeping the volume of consumed food and fluids (2-3 l), and stand in the morning on the scales: the difference will be from 1 to 4 kg
Alcohol does not affect the secretion of gastric juice, but still increases the appetite. First, alcohol is considered to have a snack. Secondly, alcohol weakens self-control. For example, if yesterday chips were you banned, but now with the beer they went with a Bang.
Arguments and Facts
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