Its name Gestalt direction obliged same German word, meaning "image", "form". His father, a German psychologist Frederick Perls joined in his offspring ideas of psychoanalysis with Eastern ideas. For example, he shared the position of Zen Buddhism that self-development is associated with the full experience of each moment of life. And believed that personal growth can be achieved by paying attention to what is happening here and now and not suffering about the past or fearing the future. Thus, examining their emotions and feelings, thoughts and fantasies that arise when contact with the outside world, people can better understand their needs. Therefore, and understand, does he have the ability to implement them and how best to do it.
The root of the troubles in the incompleteness
According to Gestalt therapy, the cause of neurotic disorders in the incompleteness of life situations (the so-called "Gestalt") in our minds. It makes a man to live "here and now" and go back to the past or go into the world of fantasies, affects his identity and behavior, becomes an obstacle to personal growth, hinders the adoption of new solutions. When communicating with a person Gestalt therapist finds these incompleteness and offers again to play them in order to complete, "close" them: the only way you will be able to move forward in the development of his own "I". I hope our master class will help you with this.
Psychological workshop: explore a
For the development of the "I" there are a complex variety of verbal and practical methods that use the whole range of human activity: feelings and emotions, fantasies and imagination, dreams and creativity, speech, and bodily reactions. It exercises on pronunciation (verbalization), and group games, and breathing exercises, and work with dreams, and much more. To master them, working with Gestalt therapist, but to try what are some of them and you can own. Contraindications for their implementation are not. The condition is to practice them daily, stress, playing, making them a part of their lifestyle.
That inner voice says. Walking down the street, try to listen to your inner speech. Especially if nothing it seems, begin the activity, for example: "I listen to yourself. Don't know what to think. What he saw? I don't look so. Which I have not looked at myself in the mirror before going out? All, don't want to think about what, I'm tired".
No matter what you will be thinking ("force" the mind - error), the main thing is how you are going to speak their thoughts. Note the tone of your inner voice - what his emotional tone? Sounds whether it childish? Repeat if you thought after it has become clear? Why? You find fault or nag? Flatter? Do not turn on whether phrases like something to hide - you don't know what? Trying to impress? Or do you like the way the words flow, clinging to each other?
What will it give? If you will learn to analyze and control the inner voice of your thoughts, you will automatically learn and out of my head thinking "rubbish", to find their own assessment of the events, to understand more clearly ourselves.
The recorder in the. Record yourself on a tape recorder, 10-15 minutes. You can read the poems, you can write your communication in the company. Most likely, you will not like what you hear - not his voice, nor how you build phrases and emotionally they are painted, nor the duration of breaks and interrupted interlocutors. Analyze your mistakes, work with voice, using the same recorder, perfect sound. If necessary connect a physician phoniatrician (ENT, specializing in voice), psychologist.
What will it give? Practicing the recorder, you will learn to be more precise, richer to Express what I think.
Like it or not
. You are waiting at a bus stop or waiting for a person. Stop and give your attention passively, without voltage jump from object to object. Every time when the field of view fixed object, Express your attitude (you yourself, can be loud): "I like it" or "I don't like it". 2-3 classes will complicate the exercise, adding to the "like - dislike" response "because..."
What will it give? You will understand what think negatively and positively and create their own assessment criteria.
Remember all. Surely you some time ago. Remember when it was, what the weather was outside the window, who was there, where you were sitting, what color was the sofa, what is the taste of the tea was strong, with sugar or without, what music sounded, etc. do Not try to search for something, just see what appears. Treat the images as if they are in front of you.
What will it give? This exercise will give the answer to the question that you experienced like that - no. Realizing this, you will better understand what for you is really important, what is not.
Play "in the dark". Sit in a comfortable position so that the head is not relied. Close your eyes and try to feel your face inside. What part of there is a voltage? Finding this area, do not relax, and try to answer - what is the reason? What a feeling, an emotion?
What will it give? Because the facial muscles are closely linked to emotions and feelings, then he felt his face, you will learn how better to own them and be able to, removing muscle clip, remove and certain psychological block.
"Commandments" of gestaltist
The essence of Gestalt Outlook succinctly formulated one of the founders of this psychotherapeutic directions - German psychologist Frederick Perls:
"I do my thing and you do your work. I live in this world in order to meet your expectations. And you live in this world not to meet my expectations. You're you. And I - it's me". We have to allow ourselves to be ourselves, and to another person is to be yourself. Not to compare yourself with other people, not to condemn.
Alexander Popov, a psychiatrist, a psychologist at the center, My psychologist": "Gestalt psychotherapy practice in the world for more than 50 years, in Ukraine - more than 15 years. The experience gained during this time, shows that in most cases she is able to save people from internal problems and neuroses. The only person she doesn't help people in a state of psychosis. They have a disturbed perception of time and space. In this case, will only psychiatrists".
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