Willpower is one of the powerful forces of human nature and at the same time, we are the least known. On an unconscious level it within a certain framework is implemented by all people. Some are aware of it, not understanding clearly the laws of its origin and development. However, if you make known efforts, you can develop willpower.
Every human being is unique, but rare people need to realize the uniqueness and live in accordance with this recognition. Often the person is aware what he wants, which seeks to prevent, fear. But only the one who knows what he wants himself, turns into a person.
People who do not have their own will, convenient and easy to adapt to the environment. They can operate themselves, to use even with bad purposes, but respect and appreciate them rarely.
Most people interested in the fate of others, but does not believe in something that can shape its own destiny. Good people are often reluctant to enter the competition, it seems to him that everything should be in itself good. But by itself nothing happens. Who wants to act and influence others, one must have a firm and constant will. Friedrich Schiller very aptly commented that "the small and the big man makes his will".
The decisive factor is not what we are at birth, and what we do with your life. Each of us probably had to watch that weak-willed people, even under the best conditions, nothing was achieved in life. "Don't strain", - Shpakov their motto, and they allow you to control yourself and go with the flow. "I want to find my own purpose, such purpose for which it would be worthwhile to give it their all" - this should be the installation of every self-respecting person.
Parents, teachers, friends, heads of service can give advice, but to seek only need to target selected independently. Only he who has found his own purpose and is working on its implementation, stands out from the crowd. Goals must meet two requirements: to represent a particular achievement for the society; to contribute to the development of personality. The fact that we live in, is at first the only thing we are sure. From this confidence is born of the consciousness "I am". From the awareness of its existence is an "I want". From the feeling of power will be born, "I can." And as we strive not only to live but to live more consciously, freely, substantial, full-bodied, versatile, from "I can" grow up eventually, "I did".
If a person says "I can't" essentially means "I don't want", because who really wants that may: dynamic activation will equivalent disclosure abilities. Who wants to achieve something in life should know or be aware of the roots of willpower. These five roots.
The first root of the power of will - desire
The desire to always show us the way, they are the co-creators of our future. But desire can be valuable, worthless, connected with professional activities, financial wishes of love, happiness, fulfillment of something.
Our desires - the most personal, private, a man can have. Recognizing your desires, we can learn to understand himself. They reflect the richness of our inner world. There is no happiness without anticipating his desires. The desire inherent power. As in the grain, which tends to form in the plant, it has the magical power of execution. So how can a man achieve in life something special, not wanting this.
In the soul of man, on the one hand, there are the concerns, and on the other desires. You need to find out and understand what's more take into account what is more receptive people by their fears or their desires. The human body every day, twenty four hours a day produces energy. The more a person desires and interests, the more it breaks down your energy. And the more depleted energy, the less the person achieves in life, the earlier burns. Willpower, in contrast, leads to the concentration desired. The fewer desires, the stronger the possibility of holding them in life, garantirovanno their performance, the greater the energy, aimed at their implementation. Great desire determine destiny.
The second root will power - courage
Without courage, we would not be able to make any important decisions. As soon as he perfected the most valuable and the most important desires, a person is ready for decision. Since, however, never able to realize all our desires, we need to know, from any desire to leave. And if we do not learn voluntarily to abandon parts of desires, sooner or later we will be forced to do so by fate through failures. In addition, implementation of the one great desire of hundreds of small automatically executed as ancillary or fall away as unnecessary.
In light of this refusal to perform smaller desires can be seen as investments in the implementation of desires more meaningful and valuable. Just as collecting lens for concentrating the rays of the sun, and our great desire is able to concentrate in our energy. Reasoning on this issue successfully completes a well-known proverb: "the Dog that is chasing a few hares, you will catch none.
The third root of willpower - the belief that we can achieve our goals
By internal processing of our desires are transformed into goals. As the stomach can not function without food, and the subconscious mind is not able to work, not having goals. But we need not whose purpose, but only our own. People usually believe in what corresponds to his urgent desires. This faith can move mountains, it awakens the force necessary for all achievements.
The fourth root of willpower - the life force necessary for good health and a strong nervous system
Even the most physically weak man enough strength to reach the big goals. Probably every happened to observe how weak people angry or aggressive state became real athletes. The decisive question is, through what channels this force is directed. And yet we must ensure that the body had been trained, in order to make the overflowing vitality, or even our deepest goal will remain only empty dreams.
The fifth root of willpower, patience
Often acquainted with the biographies of great men is more than just reading books on psychology. People who have achieved great success at first had only the desire. When you have the courage to defend their desires, and faith in the possibility of their implementation is not the last role in the success of his plays patience. It helps to remain faithful to his purposes even in case of failures. To begin conceived and everyone can, but the winner is the only one who does not deviate in case of failures. Often losing much more capable and talented, but they did not bear the hardship.
To become higher, better, we need to extract, or more precisely, the repetition: in sports, in arts, in science and in business life. Through repetition of knowledge into skills. It would be very good to life the motto of every man was thinking: "Thanks to the repetition of the most difficult becomes easy, develops intuition. The subconscious mind works with greater accuracy. I automatically achieve great success". Even more briefly and precisely this idea sounds so: "the Constant repetition of one idea becomes first in faith, and then in belief".
The best exercises for strength development will serve as exercises to improve concentration and attention. The hardest work will be performed with ease and with better quality if we are able to completely concentrate on it. Interest and the mind that a person invests in his work is the result of voluntary concentration. And anyone who can develop the art of concentration, will achieve the desired results.
Sosredotochivshisj people's focus and strength of the mind on one subject. The result is that every action, voluntary or involuntary, is directed to the achievement of the goal.
Concentration increases tension. The most important principle of sosredotocheniya a focus on one specific thought or one action. Every exercise that promotes the ability to eliminate irrelevant thoughts, is of great value. The first condition of concentration lies in the ability to eliminate extraneous thoughts, sounds and visual impressions, to destroy inattention and get full control over your body and spirit.
Exercise 1 "I sit quietly"
This exercise need to learn how to do perfectly. It teaches us to control muscle movement and at first glance may seem very simple. But in reality it is not so. Here first of all they check is your ability to focus, delaying involuntary movement. After a little practice you will be able to sit quietly for fifteen minutes and more. Only once you've mastered this exercise, you can move on to the next one.
So, sit on a chair and take a comfortable position.
Relax your muscles and try to keep total calm for five minutes. Repeat until, until you become able to do it quite easily. Gradually increase the workout time to fifteen minutes. You don't have to sit in complete stupefaction: the muscles must be completely relaxed. Among other things, this exercise
very useful for relaxing the body.
Exercise 2
"I can hold my hand"
Sit up straight. Lift your head, pull the chin forward and straighten your shoulders. Pull the right hand to the right side at shoulder level. Turn your head to the right and aim at the hand of the gaze. In this position, sit one minute. The same exercise do with the left hand. When the exercise is going to make you very easy, increase the run time of up to three minutes. The palm of the hand should be facing down. Directing a glance at your fingertips, you can always check whether the hand is relaxed position.
Exercise 3 "I can keep the glass".
This exercise is a continuation of the previous one. In the hand you need to keep the glass full of water. Look at the glass and ensure that it does not have any vibrations in the water.
Exercise 4 "I can focus"
It will help you learn how to focus on a single subject. Take a pencil and within five minutes concentrate all your attention. Stare at him. Rotate and examine it, think about his qualities, the material of the manufacturing process. Don't think about anything else, except a pencil. Assume that learning is the goal of your life. In any case do not let your attention slipped away from the subject. When you learn to fully master his attention, you'll win a huge victory.
Continuing to take exercises in concentration, in the development of will power, you will become a true giant in comparison with those people who do not possess this power. Your willpower should be manifested in the fact that you are forcing others to accept your point of view, to fulfill your desires.
Here are a few of such exercises.
Exercise 5
On the street and give me your undivided attention to the person walking in front of you in no more than three metres. Snap on his head his gaze and strongly wish that this man turned around and looked at you. After a little practice you will achieve perfection in this ability. Your request will be followed by a lot of people. Women are more susceptible to spiritual influences than men.
Exercise 6
You look at someone when you are sitting in a concert or the theatre, fixing it on his head, and strongly wish that this man turned to you. Soon, your object will begin to fidget, to worry, to worry. Finally, turning round, he will look at you. This experience better effect on those who are with you mark. The more familiar you are with the test, the sooner you will be able to exert influence on it.
These two exercises can be modified. The principle impact of the same - centered view and strong, strongly standing by will or the requirement of the. If you have difficulty with these experiments, it means that your willpower is not yet well developed.
Exercise 7
Choose one person from the crowd on the opposite side of the street. Let him go a little to the right or slightly to the left of a point located just against you. You must firmly look ahead, not showing the appearance that looking at this person. Always keep it in sight. Look at it unyielding mental demand, firmly expecting that he would turn and look in your direction.
If you just follow all these instructions, then after a while people really going to turn and look in your direction. Sometimes glance throw absent, in other cases you will be seen by suddenly and sharply. The man who unconsciously obey your call, is often confused and even look stupid meeting with your firm, resolute eyes.
Exercise 8
Stand near a window and direct your gaze at passing on the street man, stubbornly hoping that he turned his head and looked in your direction. In seven cases out of ten you will obey, if your ability to focus developed sufficiently. The results are even more impressive, if you will stand at the window bottom floor: the pursuit of obedience, which is expressed in the normal rotation of the head, it is much easier vnouchaemah and enforceable than obedience e raising his eyes upward.
These exercises will help you to believe in their own strength. Although they are less valuable for the development of spiritual forces, but are still a good preparation for the development of willpower. Such experiments should never be your pastime or a means of entertainment friends.
Personality psychology
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