Plan your work day
It is established that a ten-minute preparation for the working day can save more hours of working time. At the same time, keep in mind that the plan is not law, but only the desired path of development, from which the possible deviations: sometimes client is late, the meeting is delayed, the figures in the report do not add up... So not to rush between planned and emergency, consider the following rule: plan need not more than 60% of the time, but 40% is a reserve Fund for unexpected and urgent matters. If such a case appears, grasp the solution for the future or do anything for their own development.
Focus on important things!
After the list of scheduled cases compiled, you need to prioritize. For this, you will learn how to divide their daily tasks into four categories: important and urgent, important and not urgent; not important and urgent; not important and not urgent. To start a work day, of course, you need to perform tasks that are important and urgent. To them, for example, may include meeting with clients, report writing, preparation for the conference, etc., depending on the specifics of the activity. Even if you will not be able to execute all your plans for the day, knowing that the most important done, will give you a feeling of success.
With cases of non-urgent and unimportant, too, it is simple - they can still be postponed, as practice shows, many of the pending issues are resolved themselves, due to the functioning of the system. But between the decision of cases is important, but not urgent and urgent, but not important there is often an imbalance. Most of us are accustomed to focus on the urgency to pay more attention to the "burning" issues. Because of this investment objectives all the time transferred - often up until not escalate into the category of important and urgent, and that's when we reach for their execution, but in an emergency mode. Therefore, it is better both cases (not important and urgent, important and not urgent) to alternate.
Form-work units, in which you will include the similar nature of the task
For example, in the first half of the day do you work with clients, after lunch with the documents and, finally, in the evening, take the block "routine" cases that do not require Sverdlovanthracite: phone calls, replies to letters of respondents, and so on, for every switching attention from one type of case to another requires time and effort for the next "run" and "immersion".
Focus on achieving their goals
Setting goals in life - a science, it is written to the volume. But even if you haven't had time to paint the upcoming life stages and tasks, you probably know what you want from this company in the next few years. Now, doing certain things (especially cost), ask yourself the question: "How much it brings me to the purpose? " or "why do it? ". Such self-critical questions help you figure out what some things really don't need or can be performed only in "General".
By the way, very often the pursuit hampered by our inability to say "no". We are talking primarily about the following situation: with the boss and some colleagues may develop the habit of turning to you with a request to perform certain things, because you never refuse. Of course, to respect the interests of other people is very important. And still need to decide what your priorities are and have the courage to courteous and apologetic to say "no" to everything else. This can be done, if inside you is burning a big "Yes". "Yes" own interests!
Install regulations. Instead of telling yourself (or his subordinates): "we Need to finish the report as soon as possible" or "Negotiations should not take a long time" - more clearly articulate objectives: "the Report should be handed in Friday" or "the Meeting should last no more than an hour".
Maximum switch during rest
Too long hold attention on one thing tiring, as a result, the efficiency drops. So every hour make a 5-7 minute planned! ) a break. But remember, rest does not mean to "crawl" on the Network by outside sites. To restore strength and energy, it is necessary to switch to exit to the corridor, balcony, perform some simple exercises, for tea and coffee (but not behind a Desk). In General, as discussed by Vladimir Mayakovsky: "Comrade, remember the rule is simple: work - sitting, rest - standing! "
Do not spray on the little things
The head is in a hurry to share fresh ideas, a colleague asks Council, a friend calls to ask about plans for the evening... If you put together all these minutes and to add internal distractions - watch online news, check e-mail, arrange solitaire, then you will find that together they take if not half, then at least a quarter of the working time. Try something as simple as timing. Take a sheet of paper and record every half hour, what did you do with the accuracy of up to five minutes. At the end of the day, calculate how much time you have spent on productive work, and how many went on the little things. To govern themselves on the basis of facts and figures is always easier, so do not be lazy to keep a diary of the time at least a few days. Perhaps keeping track of how many hours or minutes do you fly in vain, you will immediately begin to fight eater of time. How? See rule # 8.
Minimize switching during operation
Typically, the honorary first place in the list of time sinks occupy a notification e-mails and signal ICQ. Despite the fact that the important messages of this total, not more than 10%! In order for it not to be distracted, turn off the reminder and check your email 2-3 times a day, say in the morning, at lunch and before leaving.
To combat the visits of colleagues in the style of "have a minute? " use the method of "red flag". Explain to your employees that when your table is a red flag (postcard, photo frame), to bother you cannot. This rule-the game works great, one is hurting. If you stop to talk, do not accept offers to take: a conversation just drags on. Or carry a folder with documents - this will be a signal that you are in a hurry on the case.
Large and costly works perform portions
Begin writing the dissertation, hard to read written professional literature, that is to force yourself to do things, the result of which is delayed in time, it can be quite difficult. Such tasks are called "elephants" - they are bulky, and they are impossible to eat in one sitting. What to do? "Cut the elephant on the steaks, that is divided into portions and to include in the plan of the day one. For example, if the "elephant" - heavy professional literature, the "steak" - only read two pages a day. With this approach, you'll soon find that your "elephant" successfully "captured", and from it there is less and less. If we are talking about the writing of the dissertation, thesis, or simply articles, you can try to use the method of "Swiss cheese": perform project is not in a logical order and in arbitrary, "bit" different places "pieces" simpler and better. That is, start to write from that place, which is best formed in the head. Achievement of intermediate results will motivate the remaining tasks, and gradually you will gnaw" the whole piece to the end.
Make decisions and follow them
The decision should not turn into a lengthy process. It is necessary to formulate all possible options, to paint their pros and cons and choose the most appropriate available. Perhaps he is not very good, but it's better than endlessly to rush in search of the ideal. In General: if you do have something to do!
Of course, the techniques of time management work and help people catch more. However, the main secret of effective use of time is not in time-keeping, planning and other tricky "stuff", and intrinsic motivation, interest in work. If not, then there is no time management will not help.
Fedotov L
Personal budget
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