Like, don't like, sleep, my pretty
Good sex starts with the right attitude: any thing goes faster, if it have a special inclination and love. What role do you assign to this part of your life? Sex for you is a physiological need for health, recreation and leisure, or what you truly love and what you will do, despite the fatigue and headache? Those who confidently agreed with the last statement, you can proceed to the next step. If you have any doubts, answer the following questions:
Easy if you stimulate?
Excited are you when you talk about sex or, for example, reading about it in the article?
Do you think that the importance of sex in life remeasured?
A negative answer to two of the three questions describe you as a woman, sex in life which is more of a background, without which absolutely do not, but to give this too much attention not necessarily still not going anywhere. Most likely, this attitude is connected with the peculiarities of your sex education in adolescence. Perhaps your family was cultivated restraint and strict attitude towards these issues. It's not a tragedy, just try to remember his needs more than usual, and modest desires will grow faster than you expect.
Technical progress
Do I need an orgasm to sex can be considered complete? The answer is simple, if you ask yourself: what is most important - victory or participation? How professionally you will come to the matter depends very much. Times when to be shy in bed, it was possible and even necessary, long gone. Be aware of your body, to maintain health and physical tone, to be able to give pleasure to yourself and to your partner means to be what is called "advanced user". You can spend years consoled by the fact that "a hundred years ago about the G-spot and didn't know", and you can try to find it!
Are there any terms about sex, values which you do not know?
Will you try some invention of sex, if anybody advise?
Whether you're interested erotica in art and relevant literature in the press?
If you mostly indifferent, then talk about what sex you are fully expanded, would be presumptuous. Your temperament can be quite hot. Just you mistakenly think that knowledge about themselves and about sex you have enough. Do not forget that is always changing not only the world, but your tastes and preferences: in childhood you have enough semolina, now you can't imagine a good dinner without nourishing soup, and Japanese cuisine treat with a special love.
There is a contact!
As much has been said about what a man and a woman being completely different, and to understand them with each other is almost impossible. But still, to explain sexual partner what you like and how to do it, as well as to ask about his tastes. To be open enough, not fear and do not be lazy to share with your partner your fantasies and assumptions is a good way to increase sex potential. You will be surprised how easily you can overcome the difference in temperament and experience with a sincere and open conversation. Ask yourself:
Have you tried at least once to simulate an orgasm instead of admit that you are not ready?
Are you willing to listen to any idea of an erotic nature, even if you know that you would not like it?
Do you always talk about what you want when you want?
Do you always Express admiration for the partner as soon as it feels?
To become more honest in everything that relates to sex, have to work on yourself. Take the stress and confusion associated with this topic, it is possible with the help of a specialist. But an adult in the state and independently to deal with it. Your desires can't humiliate, your need to be happy will not violate someone's freedom. It's just sex. Try to treat it with humor. Because it seriously.
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