Spring - a time of change. It is this time of year calls for most of us sweet lingering in my chest, and hope for something big, clean and bright (though it is the biggest and clean can snore at hand). And even spring rolls a burning desire for change in themselves, in their personal and intimate life.
These changes are waiting not all. With a 100% guarantee the novelty of waiting and committed to those who finally realized that the woman blacksmith not only career and household, but also their personal sexual happiness. I think we once again about the technique or aphrodisiacs? You are wrong.
Today we want to talk about things global: about philosophy, your attitude, or, for example, about the real world view and the ability to look at ourselves. It will also be useful in the struggle for a warm place on a man's shoulder. Speaking about the fight, we mean the fight only with itself.
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Because, for example, needing a change, to fight for a place on a particular shoulder with legitimate half owner of the shoulders is to pull in advance losing ticket. You will understand why if you think about the behavior of men and read the statistics of successful marriages with former lovers.
But the problem is not in these particulars. The story of the creature, once split into two halves and since then the seeker himself, we all know. That tells us this legend? That somewhere is our spouse. It is understood by all. But, before you begin
wait or look this mate would do well to understand that even tells us a legend: your spouse is. And to prevent to meet and connect with it can only one person - you.
The content and methods to your personal struggle we, fortunately or unfortunately, unable to predict each of us has his own train with unresolved childhood issues, imposed stereotypes, false illusions, fears and so on, Also we never will say that
waiting her Prince and all the joys associated with it, including sex, is extremely passive procedure, and search - overactive.
Will have simple analogy. Take, for example, the receiver. In order to catch a wave, he should be on it is configured, and the master receiver must know where to look. In other words, if you are still not met her
MMM (the man of my dreams) or have met, but something is not so, then first look for the reason in itself.
If you are looking for? Whether you are looking for or really want in the moment of solitude?
Whether you have a husband sexual incompatibility, or one of you early traumatic experience bothers to open another? And so on. Before you look
the way out of problems, you should always find its true cause. Otherwise, all equipment can only hurt because, figuratively speaking, to dig you will not be there and not there.
Consider the following trivial but illustrative example. Girl one, and for a long time. Very often her thoughts are occupied only by her own loneliness. This is quite understandable and even forgivable concentration leads to a narrowing of the field of view, the problem of loneliness grows to invisible scales.
All and all around girl perceives only through the prism of their problem - happy vapours may cause irritation, envy or pity for herself, "not work", the pleasure only LJ and chocolate. Once the girlfriend or the mother said to her: "Honey! With your face to thee no decent young man will not work! "
And then she finally realized that her loneliness was in the face, puts on a smile and walks down the streets. Looking ahead, we note that the desire for a girl not to be one outshines the true goal is to wait and tune it to their mate. The result is a strained facial expression and all the same looking eyes, frightening, and not attracting men.
Not to be unfounded, will present data from the research of sociologists and psychologists of one American University. The experiment involved 156 students. Young men and women had the opportunity to communicate with members of the opposite sex for 4 minutes.
After each meeting, the participants wrote down how much they like each of the potential partners, whether it's sex appeal. It turned out that the participants who chose more potential partners, most were rejected. "If you are promiscuous, people will feel it, and they don't like it, " says one of the study's authors. If you love everything, you will not look friendly, and desperate.
Desperate people absolutely not attractive. If you like all, most likely you will not like anyone. If you selected only one person, it is more likely that you too will enjoy it. It is very important to partner with the first minutes of communication felt only".
"Whoever you like, must be sure that the rest will be extremely difficult to get hold of you," commented the results of the research psychologist and sociologist Susan Sprecher from the University of Illinois.
Back to our girl. Good, but not suitable as a problem solution tips moms and girlfriends look friendlier does not have the desired result. In finding solutions to the girl refers, say, to the gloss. Magazines write, to draw, you need to appear attractive.
Girl buys a fashionable outfit Podravina, visits the tanning and manicure room and, inspired coffee slogans, "go hunting". If the problem was the lack of sex, but not the only and unique men, a problem she decides.
Loneliness in the eyes emphasized Flirty outfit attract hunters cheap women warm, like butterflies on fire. However, for those of us who at some stage really looking for sexual discharge or training, it will be just in time. It is reliable contraception.
But let's assume that the girl still wanted to find
The man of my Dreams. As experts say, the true sexual satisfaction reaches cosmic proportions, only as part of a spiritual merging. And to merge spiritually possible only with someone you love, isn't it?
How is our girl, and at the same time and we still find love?
The answer is the epitome of male opinions on this question I once overheard in the men's monologue. Very successful, cute, smart and kind and monogamous man said: "to meet the Prince, and need to be a Princess".
Of course, this is not about appearance. Not only about her, anyway. Try to look at the world through the eyes of all
MMM. They crave. Eager to meet the one and only. Proud, gentle, kind, beautiful (for some, beauty is freckles, for someone-folds, for someone-tan). The one that awaits him, which is self-sufficient and happy and ready to share this beautiful world, and not to hang on MMM and wait from him the esteem and solve all her problems.
Similar is our girl rubs on the above? Not quite. To achieve the ideal of our heroine lacks not polished shapes, and faith in meeting and self-sufficiency. This confirms already told us: before solving the problem, you need to find the cause.
Most likely, the heroine of the story was good. One spring in her life, everything changed. Not without its participation, of course. In order in your life change you want is to put hands and heart and head.
By the way, about the head. To make serious decisions in the spring reckless - it is possible that reasons, spodvigla to the changes caused by just a phenomenon of "March cats". Doctors have long known that Hyper-amorous and sexuality in the spring - the result of increasing the concentration of sex hormones in the blood in response to the lengthening of daylight.
So in the spring it is better not to shoot from the hip, and enjoy their status and to analyze.
Because throughout the article we are no, Yes and touched the topic of sex, and let's finish this life-affirming note. If you are in your sexual life do not like something, start not with tips and analysis. And try to think in positive terms. Don't ask yourself the question: what exactly does not suit me ask - what do I want?
Think: why something happened, what led to the current situation?
(More specifically, "which led to the fact that today I am not happy with my sex life? "). What role was played by you, any partner, past or present? And, most importantly, what role you played in the relationship with this partner? Whether you care about yourself? To the partner?
By the way, when analyzing yourself and your spouse and the preparation of, for example, the list of claims, do not forget that we are different. For example, even emotional lift spring is not supported in men hormonal "main" male hormone, testosterone, above all in the fall.
In the spring, its concentration was not increased. The result is a possible failures: requests the soul, and the body is not ready. My favorite, not understanding the physiological characteristics, in tears: spring, and you do not want - must have fallen out of love!
They say the world is how we see it. Special, something nice and authors-radicals argue that the world outside our consciousness at all. He is outside of us or not, to decide, in principle, also to us. After all, our life is our life, and wait for change to improve their lives, first of all, is it from itself.
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