Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Pur:PurThe frontmen of the Kharkov group Pur:Pur does not musicians on education. Besides their profession had little to ensure that the boys ever met.

trust to music

after all brought together by the pharmacist Natasha Media

Rina, TV Director Eugene

GEBCO and engineer-electrician Stas Kononova.

It seems to be pure luck. So there! But the word "pure" in this

if you want to be taken literally, because in his creative


the musicians make a bet: "Ń€urus" translated from Latin means "pure and undefiled" and the correspondingthe word in the English language, that is Pure, titled debut album.

a question about the style of music the band ambiguous answer: "at Least

means the maximum diversity of sound". Their first homemade video musicians have uploaded.

Debut album

"Pure is 10 lagcih English songs are sung about love, kisses and chocolate, you can listen to.


1. Cosmic Girl
2. Once upon a time

3. Me Is

4. Stay

5. I am sorry

6. Plastic Doll

7. Make love to me

8. A Kiss

9. Belong

10. Ever

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