For us parents it is very important that our children were going to school prepared, being able to read, to count, to distinguish between different shapes, sizes, colors and much more. Before school we hire them teachers recorded in the preparatory classes, often forgetting that the main teachers for children should be ourselves, learning from everyday life. Take, for example, mathematics. Studies show that the development and promotion of math skills at home gives children a huge advantage in school, because they are at an early age trying to understand the meaning of numbers. Here are a few simple and intuitive ways to encourage math skills in everyday experience.
Cooking provides mathematical thinking is more than you would expect. Reading and discussing recipes fractional measurements provides children with the idea that fractions are smaller parts of a whole. Measurement of ingredients gives kids the opportunity to understand in practice the mathematical language that is more or less when you note that the recipe asks ½ Cup flour and ¾ Cup sugar (more sugar than flour). Let's talk about the time needed for cooking, and let your baby will program the timer with your help and inform you from time to time, how much is left before the end of cooking.
Trips to the store is one of the best math lessons. Considering you money, the child develops the concepts of more / less, adding a semi-colon. Not that we expect that a small child will learn how to add decimals, but the concept of them will have, which is very important. Rounding money to the nearest integer value of the hryvnia, talk about comparing the number and value of purchased items - all you can do when shopping.
Walks in the Park
If you spend a lot of hours in the local Park or on the Playground, it offers many opportunities to teach the child the names of geometric shapes. Playground has a different geometric shape. Show the children their and let's names. These figures they will study for years in school. The use of terms such as angle, height and shape, helps your child to remember them in a natural way.
Household chores
Yes, even household chores can promote mathematical thinking. Wash provides an excellent opportunity to promote sorting by color, size or material. Ask your child to sort of clean socks in pairs, which will cause it to find a match things with similar elements. In addition will help to clearly understand what a pair. Helping you in setting the table, the child must think about how many people will be at the table, how many forks, knives and spoons they should get. Even folding shelf on the size of the books promotes analytical thinking.
The truth is that opportunities to teach mathematics already there - you just have to notice them and to capture the moment to share with your child.
Mama Club
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