forget about it More precisely, in the literal sense, to forget will not work. It's like not to think about pink elephants" that are beginning to get into your head with a truly African passion. But not to show your affection for you able. Do not write, do not call him, do not throw the tube, but do not attempt to recreate the illusion that you have agreed to the friendship that he will "kindly" offered. Give the former an opportunity to relax. This will open the door to further communication. My ex-man, for example, is often called me after break. Courtesy drove or habit, don't know. To the questions "How are you feeling? ", "What are you doing? " and other cynical I wanted to snap, "What do you care? "but I clenched my teeth, answered in monosyllables or translated the conversation on neutral topics like the weather or gift distant nephew. In the end, the man began to write and call me increasingly. And, seeing my composure, offered to meet you. This friendly meeting I said I'd miss him, but distract themselves with work and chores. Apparently, strong women like us, and I was proposed meeting No. 2...
not talk to him about relationships. Of course, you and the urge to write him a sms "I miss you", to complain that loneliness you started Smoking cannabis, and at the same time to walk the shortcomings of his current passion. Not worth it! Because it's clear that she is a fool painted, and you - the light and the angel in the flesh, please refrain from caustic comments. Remember, you need to prove that you are a perfect woman! Therefore, to complain about life, to be rude and give vent to mental instability (which is what is really there, often visits us after a painful break) is undesirable. I, in particular, after the betrayal of a loved one with the indestructible force wanted to remind him that he is a scumbag. To say something like: "While I am suffering here, you're there with his chachalaca have fun" and to say that I "gave him the best years, fed it, and she and a friend came in all ready." But keep yourself in hand! Remember that you're smart and self-sufficient lady. And it attracts.
take care of yourself That means: wipe away the tears and nacrasti eyes, take half the salary on sale in the clothing store, go to a beauty salon and pointing a finger, say "Make this women's top model". It is clear that rejected your body causes you irritation. But this is temporary. Actually after a night of sobbing into the pillow you lost weight and look sexy, and be drenched in sadness eyes and romantic pallor is very. Now you need to properly pack and make seductive serdceed. Why? Very simply. Often men throw girlfriends for new sensations. Unusual smell, taste and touch is what draws men to change mistresses. The truth is that the new mistress under the power to become and you. So when one of my colleague met with a leaver her boyfriend after years of separation, he was shocked. "You are so changed..." - surprised bastard. And, given that the lady took off 10 pounds, changed youthful makeup in the style of "she" on the sleek make-up, dressed tastefully and had finally learned to eat with fork and knife, surprised he was pleasantly. Soon she was invited on a date. After all, needless to say, he's already invited a brand new woman!
communicate with friends and relatives. Do not just talk, and talk about their successes at work, changes in life and bright plans for the future. Believe me, they will surely take it to the former. And submit information under bitter sauce: "How did you miss such a treasure? " This one gave Victor who broke the heart of my friend Marina, to beg her to take him back. Why? Yes, because his mother said: "Marina is a miracle, so he tries and achieves so much. Despite the fact that the nature of the wonderful and the hostess is excellent. You know, son, but her I will not accept daughters-in-law! " Really, nothing affects people, as the opinion of those close to them. The phrase mother on your wedding with the other I will not come" planted in the heart of Victor a seed of doubt in his right. After all, if not the best mother knows the people, then who?
happy new year. At least visually. For him. It does not matter, alone or not, long or not, show him only the positive side of your life. Well went to the water Park with her friends? Fishing with my parents was good? Had a fun time at the bar with the staff? Yes great! Now take pictures of fun (especially those where you smile all teeth 47), and spread in a social network, which regularly visits the former. Nothing attracts people, as their ability to enjoy life. Nothing pulls others, as the desire to plunge into the positive. So, once the former asked me: "what is that cool Park on the photo? " - and after some time we went there together.
meet men. Absolutely. Anotherwise from his mind the image of a loved one and go on a date with someone else. Even if it's a friend. Or brother of the chief who shuffles his feet, whose sweaty palms and a complete lack of ability to arouse you sexually aroused. Agree to a meeting, go to some nice place and the next day send him in the social network public gift - a heart with the inscription: "Thank you for a great evening". Wouldn't believe the effect will be stunning.
That's exactly what I caused an acute attack of love in the body of the former men: were photographed with a friend, posted the photo to the public and posted some funny comment. The man seemed to have changed! "God, she really happy? ", "Horror, she doesn't want me anymore! " and panic "And she always liked by many..." forced him to declare that he "never wanted to leave, that I was "the best man in his past life and it would be great to bring back the past in the present". Jealousy and selfishness makes our consciousness incomprehensible things...
And if my "photoreal was just shuffling their feet carechem, not great and beloved man, the former would have succeeded. Sadly, it was too late.
We wish, without a man, without losing pride and dignity. If he comes back and you see it as your fate, think with your heart. But if you decide to give up, tell me honestly: "Yes, I am sad. But the past is gone". And boldly stepping into a new life. Where you will definitely love the best man in your life.
A woman weeps: her husband went to another
Alone together
The formula for the love
Dorogov E.
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