Tears baby reports primarily about their physiological needs, that it something you want or, on the contrary, hinder.
Reasons for concern the newborn a lot.
The famine. Often the baby is crying from what he wants to eat. Hungry stomach cramps cause he has a very unpleasant sensations. Perhaps in the previous feeding he just was not enough. Feed the child, even if the feeding time has not come yet. After eating, the baby will calm down.
Often the baby is crying from what he wants to eat. Hungry stomach cramps cause he has a very unpleasant sensations. Perhaps in the previous feeding he just was not enough. Feed the child, even if the feeding time has not come yet. After eating, the baby will calm down.
A hungry baby cries demanding, or persistently pleading, sometimes with a plaintive expression on his face. The cry of the child experiencing pain, piercing and cutting.Crying during feeding. Why baby cries during feeding? The first three months of a child's life are important probation for the entire family. Along with joyful moments, unfortunately, sometimes sad. If you find that the baby is swollen belly, " it is the so-called three-month intestinal colic. This physiological phenomenon observed in infants in the first three months of life. As soon as the baby begins to eat and the first portion of milk enters the stomach, bowel movements (peristalsis) reflex increase. What can you do? Interrupt feeding, hold your baby in an upright position, gently massage and Pat his tummy.
Why baby cries during feeding?
The first three months of a child's life are important probation for the entire family. Along with joyful moments, unfortunately, sometimes sad. If you find that the baby is swollen belly, " it is the so-called colic. This physiological phenomenon observed in infants in the first three months of life. As soon as the baby begins to eat and the first portion of milk enters the stomach, bowel movements (peristalsis) reflex increase. What can you do? Interrupt feeding, hold your baby in an upright position, gently massage and Pat his tummy.
The child may desperately to scream due to the accumulation of gas in the intestines. Look at the legs of a baby on his heels. If he suchit legs, so much so that he blush heels, it suffers from gases. Take the kid to his knees and gently massage his tummy - stroke it in the direction of clockwise. If this does not help, turn the child on his stomach and let him lie down so your knees. You can put under the belly pad with warm water. If the crying continues unabated, insert into the anus of the child vent tube, pre-lubricated insertion end of vaseline.
Pharmacies on sale can be purchased a number of drugs to relieve intestinal colic child. The dosage proposed in pharmacies drugs must be approved by the pediatrician.
If the baby is crying and worried during each feeding, try to reduce the intervals between feedings. Change the time between meals. Let's have a baby every 3 hours. This may reduce the excitation for the next feeding.
Cause suffering to a child can be a air bubble in the stomach. Take the baby in his arms and hold on to it for a while in an upright position, leaning him to her tummy and easy stroking on the head. If the cause of crying in this, he'll regurgitate the air and calm down.
Cry baby maybe due to the lack of milk, and his behavior is fairly typical: he is worried by the end of the feeding, suchit legs, turns head, greedily sucking. In this case (making sure first that the chest was not left milk) you can try to put the baby to the other breast.
It happens that the child during feeding crying due to inflammation of oral mucosa (stomatitis, thrush). Cause stomatitis is often the nipple, injure the delicate mouth of the child.
There is another reason why the child is crying during feeding: if your child has a sore ear, he often cries when swallowing. He may RUB his ear. In such cases, when pressed on the front of the crying grows dramatically: the baby cries out in pain. Suspected inflammation of the middle ear it is necessary to call a doctor.
The cause of crying can be a wet diaper that irritate the baby's skin. In such cases, the child whimpers rather something stronger, then weaker, crying may be accompanied by hiccups, because the child is frozen. You need to change clothes and get warm, and the baby will quickly calm down. If the child was just cold, crying often begins with a sudden shrill cry, which then goes into a long whimpering. Baby hiccups, pulling handles, legs. After warming, the child calms down
When overheating kid, too, usually whimpers. It is red, sweaty, hair on the head is wet, the skin appears prickly heat. Baby spreads her arms and legs. Overheating of the baby as dangerous and hypothermia. Children need to change into dry things, and he will immediately stop whining.
The sound of a baby crying during urination should be alerted: maybe the kid had a bladder infection. Cry when urinating can be associated with fine cracks in the anus, which is not uncommon in the propensity of the child to constipation.
If the kid for a long time whimpers for no apparent reason, especially at night, it can be for diseases of the nervous system. Child, you need to consult a neurologist and he will prescribe the necessary treatment.
Try to organize the day of your baby, that's no reason for crying. This will help you to quickly identify stressors that adversely affect it.
From the second week of life around the same time, usually in the evening, some healthy babies long scream without any apparent reason. To withstand such a cry very hard. Perhaps the reason is accumulated nervous tension, which parents may not be assumed, because, in their opinion, there is nothing unusual. And yet the mere fact that children often cry night and can't fall asleep until thus not "discharged", suggests that the cause of crying is nervous tension. Usual, with an adult's perspective, the events, sometimes irritate the baby. If the child is restless at the same time, you can try to plan for this period a walk to change the stereotype of behavior.
Sometimes it's worth taking a screaming baby in his arms - and the scream subsides. If it is again put in the crib, he again starts to cry. Some parents try not to comply with the requirements of her child, that would not be accustomed to it. But they require from the baby's impossible. As is natural for a baby to breathe and eat, so it is necessary for him and a sense of security, which occurs when physical contact with you. If your kid can not calm down, push it in a bit stronger, walk him around the room, whispering in his ear gentle words. Sit with your child in the chair, shaking his hands and singing. You can give him a pacifier, to warm the baby, what would he relaxed.
Works well on a crying baby quiet melodious music.
You need to carefully listen to the cry of the child and try to understand what was happening to him. However, do not think that you will always be able to understand. Often parents find themselves helpless, the child does not respond to these measures and stops crying only when he himself wills it.
Be aware that the child feels the condition of the mother, her anxiety and mood. With a crying baby, you need to act kindly and without fuss, to avoid excitation of the child.
Gradually, when will be the hardest time of the so-called "neonatal period," the crying of the baby will become much stronger and more diverse. You will be able to learn the "hungry" cry, cry, indicating pain. And then you will begin to recognize and cry of discontent. First questioning: "Why am I not very good? "and then cries: "Die of starvation! ", "Come back immediately! ", "I'm bored! ".
Quiet and long "whine" of your grown-up child may say that he feels the lack of communication, tired or wants to sleep.
Don't forget: showing special attention to the individual circumstances of the child's development, you will long retain a positive emotional state.
Nikiforova O., doctor of higher category, pediatrician, geneticist, working in the clinic of obstetrics and gynecology
9 months
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