1. As prophylaxis
Jealousy on empty space - efficient vaccination against real change. Knowing what you can do when it comes to such subjects as harmless flirting with the waitress, the man will certainly take good care of a full-fledged adultery. If, God forbid, fate has brought you from malicious polygamum, the young man will be carefully sweep traces and convincingly to give. And, believe me, anticipating the extent of the damage, the better he will get rid of the gun polygamma than will allow you to learn about their adventures. Say, dubious pleasure? So, but not quite. No matter how much studied this question people in white coats, the result is always the same: if you find an explanation for male infidelity we still somehow can, to justify who pleaded guilty for anything. Yes, of course, the man pace to the left, is a scoundrel. But if the gentleman is not only walking, but also as a decent, confesses to the crime, for us he is a scoundrel twice.
2. For tone
Is not worse than a glass of Italian "frizzante". By the way, about Italy. One of my friend the wind of change brought on permanent residence in this pious land, told me that for the local women's bouts of jealousy is something between fitness and a visit to a family psychologist. Heals as relationships, and the organism as a whole. And if you think about it, the Italian model is not so bad. First, in the process clarify the relationship you spend a lot of calories. Unless, of course, scandals not kaltura and in full force - with potryaseniem fists and throwing pans. And secondly, discuss a lot of urgent problems, so to speak, in an informal setting. Let in a raised voice, but it's even good for the image. Agree that a woman can ruin your boyfriend appetite, remembering during dinner about evenesence the trash and nepokarennih diamond - petty and vindictive stellazine. But all the same, but said in a rush, as if casually, will do with it (despite the fact that information about the buckets and the diamonds certainly are stored in the memory of a subject). So feel free to bring everything together: jealousy, consumer complaints and wasted youth. And as to the form in which you will speak, then do not be afraid to show your African temperament outside the bedroom. According to psychologists, couples who avoid open confrontation, preferring intelligent to smother and conceal problems, leave more often. But spend their best years on a man who you never really brought to a white heat, almost as insulting, how to live with a man who never brought you to orgasm.
3.... and improving potency
"Who isn't jealous, he does not mind-blowing sex", " forgive me this free interpretation, but in champagne I understand much worse. Than to spend money on a vicious negligees and to memorize by heart the head of the Kama Sutra, it is better to have a good quarreling. The effectiveness of this method was proven at the dawn of human civilization, but in actuality he has not diminished today. From all of sexes, which are not inconsistent with public ethics, morals and norms of the criminal code, conciliation sex invariably the brightest. I will not go into the physiological details, but you probably noticed how positively impact the riot of hormones, provoked a quarrel, the explosive force of the orgasms. And in General, women in rage, albeit not quite righteous, is sexy: crazy glow emerging from beneath strands of hair curlers, his open floors robe... In this scenario, you and your home furniture will be more desirable than all the models directory Pirelli together.
4. You will become more attentive to your man
Not on a level place, and you will arrange an ugly scene, or even just spilite man venomous comments. It requires arguments, Yes it is desirable, stronger than. Look: not too much time boyfriend spends in front of a mirror before going to work? Predujices: and if he buys for the third bottle of perfume for the month? And not whether both these facts with the advent of the new office employee of Lodochki over which your man is rumored to have looked after? But as it reacts saleswoman Lyuba from Department of goods - is that out of the bra does not jump out? Another could not pay attention to all these details, ignored the story about Ludecke, and by eye - tricks of Lubecki. But not you! All of his observations should not hesitate to inform the object of increased attention. And mentally putting yourself a tick in the "hold the esteem of his men at a high level". Who, if not us, to know that jealousy is always a compliment. Slightly veiled and stressosome, but definitely a pleasant. Your reproaches and accusations will be forgotten, and the man is sure: it looks and smells so that all women within a radius of ten meters glory into unconsciousness.
5. But at the same time draws attention to itself
The idea in folk wisdom about the thief in the burning hat, available to understanding not only the female audience. Men, too, in the course: sudden jealousy is often not that other, as a way to conceal their own adventures. At least as it is interpreted in books on practical psychology (this is called "projective jealousy"), which did not disdain to read at bedtime even hereditary macho. What macho even under torture afford not to be, is to admit that he is concerned about your moral character. Put simply, openly jealous and Rositsa to mince the cabbage anyone who will turn after you cut on the skirt. In short, while the gentleman will think that you are jealous of his camouflage, he will not reduce sight with you. And so what feats of able man in the back which breathes opponent (even if fictional), one can only guess.
6. This is a very feminine
If you to your holder of an ideal woman, I myself do not doubt, you will certainly need some kind of blemish. Weakness, which will convince a man that he's biorobot, all of whose excellence (home cleaned, the parrot walked, and intimate haircut is the latest fashion), but a living person. And even the woman. Remember, what boys usually taught as a child? Not to whine like a girl, and on the question of the fracture to answer: "Nonsense. The usual injury". In General, to hide their emotions. And as educate us? "Go ahead and cry, it becomes easier," the classic phrase of the classic Levochkina mother. So who, if not us, asterite and panic because of the glance, accidentally thrown by us? And the boys let miracles demonstrate self-control and thank heavens for that emancipation has not deprived us of the sexual characteristics - sensitivity (i.e. fear), vulnerability (sensitivity) and lesookhotniche (what a scene without crying? ).
7. And the reason is always
Perhaps one of the most useful varieties of jealousy is jealousy to the past and to all those girls who were admitted to the commander's body to you. At first glance, is utter nonsense: time and age is not the same, to get each other virgins. And on the second and all subsequent views, a couple of female names, little details, a handful of juicy details - and at your disposal a huge springboard for extracurricular dram. Yes, he called her "baby", and she is an excellent cook spaghetti marinara. I ask you-what's the matter? And this he wonders why quite a trivial phrase: "Baby, maybe these burgers. Let's cook pasta? " - provoked such a storm of indignation. And while he will puzzle over the answer, you do not restrain impulses, be jealous. No such thing as "over years," in Affairs of the heart does not exist. This Woman (that's right, both words with a capital letter, because one name his ex-gilfriend defiles your ears and fills the heart with bitterness of despair) will be invisibly present in your life, the bedroom, the kitchen now and forevermore. And my sincere Amen man, because there is no eraser, which could erase from your memory the story of how one day he and This Woman... Write important details, pre-ferret him during a confidential conversation. And try not to blame yourself for what has put up a knight heartless beast, although you personally he did nothing bad. In this situation, you sacrifice. First, it illegible youth, and secondly, excessive chattiness. And the only thing that can restore your inner Feng Shui - the assurance that better and more beautiful you is not and was not, and pasta him heartburn. You'll see the guy and he will quickly understand what was happening.
8. ...as a chance to re-fall in love with the beloved
This is how the actors: a fanatical faith in the proposed circumstances. We, girls, in this sense will satcam for any belt Stanislavsky. So, while you will tear (the blouse) and rave (household utensils), convincing man, cherish it (because it is devoted to this most scenes of jealousy), can easily believe in it themselves.
Just the facts
Jealous of everything, but a strong half of mankind, and here is ahead. According to statistics, "the Othello syndrome affected 72% of men and 65% women. During the research there were approximately 3-5% (oddly enough, mostly among men), which is the sense of a total stranger. By the way, psychologists, this group is much more threatening than convinced jealous.
Men can successfully be jealous 365 days a year, and to provoke the feeling of the easiest in the midst of ovulation. According to scientists from the University of Liverpool, our peak fertility activates the Cavaliers possessive instinct. And they were right: it was during this period young ladies tend to give a real reason to be jealous, because you begin to be more head over to the left.
Our jealousy is less damaging to health than men. Although this in any case, the stress accompanied by the ejection of the respective hormones (adrenaline and cortisol), the female body produces a neutralizing substance - estrogen. Hence different reactions: while the gentlemen that adrenaline hit in the head, smash down all around, we have taken on more subtle and sophisticated. Statistics say that 50% of reports of tax evasion belong jealous wives.
Jealousy is a sign of civility. According to anthropologists, the peoples that are on the low stages of development, not prone to such nonsense. The more surprising that the most prinivil people were recognized by the Japanese. However, the closeness of their national trait, so the inventors of land could not really Frank with researchers.
Personal experience
"The fifth year of marriage has become for us the crisis. Was because of lack of emotions (two years without a holiday) and the backlog of claims to each other. And what I found, I asked myself and the answer is not found. The trip to Egypt returned all at the same place. My Sasha "bite" even those who by age could be his daughter. Not to mention the friends who tried to talk to him, get to know. Unexpectedly for myself I realized that I'm jealous. So much so that I was afraid to leave her husband even for a minute! A couple of my hysteria was enough for the rest of the vacation we had as newlyweds, namely, not getting out of bed". Lena, age 29
"My fiance takes compliments. One case, when I told him that he looks luxurious, and has heard in the answer: "I am not a girl to look", it took me forever to close this topic. Now I'm projecting their own admiration of strangers. It is enough to say something like: "She is now my neck turn" or "you dangerous to go out in people - will definitely beat", as the whole evening Pashka guaranteed to hold in high spirits". Hildebrand, 22
"With a former girlfriend of her husband I once upon a time worked in the same firm. So understood, with whom I liken it to friends and relatives. To tell you the truth, the thought that I was at 10 centimeters below her and as much wider in the hips, and gave me no peace. And how many flattering compliments I've heard from my husband, I only had to mention his Katya"! Which, by the way, when all its external advantages was a decent reptile". Faith, 25 years
"The Institute's girlfriend, with whom we recently resumed dialogue, name is Alexandra. I once briefly mentioned this in a conversation with her boyfriend, but especially in the parts do not protrude from: Sasha and Sasha. Jealous of him once to our mutual acquaintance that one party except on the knees to my Movie went, I got in response: "And you with your Sasha meet every day! " It turns out that all this time he was sure that Alex is my boyfriend, and I was jealous. Given that the movie always seemed impenetrable style, this open me please". Ira, 24
Strange jealousy
Jealousy and how to get rid of it. Tips victim
Aptekarev D.
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