Take into account changes
And yet to ignore the fact that your body has changed and requires a special approach, it is impossible. Even the most experienced and competent visitors to the fitness center a lot to learn about my body a lot. In essence, training fitness program for pregnant should not be like your typical activities. Remember, now you are not alone, now you two, and it is this second creature will dictate your fitness style for the next few months.
So, exercise can and should be, if you follow a few important rules. First, the exercise intensity should be moderate. Note: during pregnancy you have a pulse ucase and without physical exercise. During the lessons you breathe hard and sweat, so you can experience overheating, but actually the fruit of highly superheated, and to prevent this cannot. To exercise the fruit reacts with increased heart rate by 10 to 30 beats per minute. In addition, the intensive muscle work requires increased inflow of blood and this means that the incoming blood oxygen may not be enough internal organs. The strenuous workout can be dramatic and far-reaching consequences - for example, reducing the weight of the fetus, premature birth and even miscarriage. General rules here are: to increase heart rate razreshaet not longer than half an hour, and not more than 125 beats per minute. And do not forget about proper rest between sets ( or repetitions ).
Black list of fitness exercises for pregnant women
Fitness program and aerobic, and strength for pregnant women will have to revise. In the black list are twisting, as well as a variety of inclinations, which may cause the uterus in a state of hypertonicity and trigger a miscarriage. Starting from the second trimester, you will be doing exercises that are performed while lying on your back in this position there is a risk of oxygen deficiency in the fetus and can also deteriorate the blood circulation in the brain of a pregnant. From the vertical position, too, should be abandoned, and replaced him stand on his knees, with an emphasis on hands. In swimming is prohibited sudden movements and Mahi ( began to be crawl behind the scene ), as well as a strong bend back. In yoga for pregnant women is contraindicated asanas in an inverted position where the feet are above the head, and strong stretching can cause miscarriage. In the third trimester pregnant to be extremely careful when stretching exercises should here is another reason was that during this period, the body begins to produce a special hormone relaxin, which makes the joints more pliable to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Lost the sense of proportion is guaranteed mayhem.
Finally, completely excluded traumatic movement - jumping, running, swinging, deep squats. For this reason, pregnant women have to give up tennis, horse riding, squash, Bicycle, roller skates... in short, so many.
Aerobics for pregnant women
And what then remains? For example, moderate aerobic exercise like walking. It would seem nothing special, and how much benefit you strengthen the cardiovascular system, develop flexibility and endurance. All this will be very useful: active heart increases the supply of oxygen to the muscles, and to the fetus; improves cirulate blood, which means you can say goodbye to swelling and fears of varicose veins. Modern doctors say that those mothers who pregnancy was spent lying on the couch more often faced with the need to have a caesarean section than active. Well, that well-chosen exercise helps to keep in shape during pregnancy, you know, that's why we talk about it will not.
In addition, fitnessista in position more than it has ever been shown to strengthen the back muscles during pregnancy center of gravity changes, therefore, in order to support the weight of the fetus, strong dorsal musculature just necessary. And swimming, which during pregnancy turns into a sport number 1. Exercise in water is good because it does not give the load on the spine and umetsu so effectively strengthen the muscles of the back and chest. Water improves circulation, massages and strengthens the tissue, so the risk of the appearance of stretch marks can minimize. Yes and to stay cool in the water wonder...
Classes for pregnant women
The main principle that should guide the practice pregnant - common sense and consideration of the changes that occur in your body. Once again, that should be taken into account:
- Weakness of the joints, caused by the action of relaxin. Therefore, weight training for pregnant women must be reduced. Exercises should not cause overloading of the joints, in particular, are sitting with back support.
The decrease in the intensity of the training. You cannot abuse the complex exercises such as squats and deadlifts. Especially in the second third of pregnancy.
- Regular training. Exercise 3 - 4 times a week, the main thing is regular. Pregnant not to train on occasion. And if you did not engage in athletic exercises before pregnancy, it is not necessary to begin at this time.
- Proper breathing. Don't hold your breath when you exercise. This rule must be obeyed always, but it is especially important not to forget about it during pregnancy. The breath can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus.
The position of the body. Avoid exercises lying down and standing. Preference is given to exercises in the sitting position with the support of the back and knees resting on the hands.
- Body temperature. Avoid overheating during exercise. This may threaten the health of the embryo.
Aerobics pregnant. Avoid excessive frequency pulse > 125 beats per minute ( according to some 140 ). In addition, it is recommended to limit the duration to 15 minutes, including warm-up and the hitch.
- Dehydration. Drink water before, during and after a workout without any restrictions.
Safety of exercise during pregnancy
Water aerobics - exercises for pregnant women
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