This issue is still on the minds in the manner of not less than eternal: "is There life on Mars? ".
On the one hand, pictures of the surface of the red planet show: "Life was! ". The terrain is suitable, water in any form is there, there is something resembling a man-made ruins... on the other hand, at the moment, no signs of life, is not observed. As on the conjugal bed, abandoned for a much more pressing matters. In the morning, sit on the toilet with Yesenin's book or newspaper "Kommersant", make coffee, make Breakfast and go in different directions, mechanical Shmakov on the cheek goodbye. More indifferent than brother and sister. In the evening to say to each other "Hey! "news to share, to call my mother or friend, Kolya or Fedor E., lie down under the TV in one bed. And ideally in different, because he is a football, and her series.
Many believe that family life goes on just such a scenario with a variable number of characters (children, dogs, mother-in-law) and a change of scenery (rental, mortgage, paid off the mortgage, your home). How can there be sex, if all devoured life? Budget for the sex is so ruthless with his hand dipped from estimates.
Again, if you believe the glossy magazines, the factors of the lack of sex in the family can be unshaven female feet, rasplyvetsya waist, lost a clear contours of the muscles, as well as multiple features permanent coexistence side by side.
What is characteristic: the fact that married sex is not the place (at least not a place of honor), we usually think lonely people who had experienced a failed relationship, or very young. They, like the blind men in the tale, I believe that the rope is the elephant, and the family is no sex as such, or rarely execute "marital duties".
Good thing the marriage not be called
The yard is not the age of Schopenhauer, who believed that the marriage vow a man pays for sex, and the woman whole life pays him sex because he married her. On the contrary, in this era of triumphant feminism many men believe that ladies are obliged to pay them for the happiness of communion with the joy of questionable options and questionable sexual skills.
Both the first and second long has clear title: "prostitution". But this will not be a marriage. It is work.
Many couples living under one roof, with amazement note that steel to do this less often. It was just a month after the Registrar's office, and they only nostalgically remember longed to make love almost a booth in the restaurant toilet.
Man, despite all the achievements of civilization, still a hunter. And there is nothing wrong. Especially when he has much to bring "prey". But production should be skin, cook, eat and digest. No more. And she suddenly begins to walk around in your t-shirt, cut you nails and talking on the phone with your mom. Or poking a finger in his nose and read anecdotes from baserga, merrily burst laughing over the funny. And I want to return to the source, go to the new settlement and to hunt down the new beast. More outlandish. To brag skin or trophy tail. And it's not marriage. It is hunting.
It happens that people are bound together by common interests, common cause, public accounts and real estate, or even children, but they are tired of each other to gnash. Not because of the lack of sex it. And not because of the looks they got used to each other, as to his reflection in the mirror. They meet in the office more often than in bed. Rest separately. If she flew to Indonesia, he'll go to Finland. And it is no longer a marriage. This is the clan.
People are all to share. Relationship and marriage. Love and sex. Passion and tenderness. The truth and a lie. Lover and husband. Exemplary image and unshaven legs, coupled with a cold. I understand it perfectly: she was until he learned to dominate. For a start - a. Their feelings and desires. Not differentiating and integrating.
Of course, if I were a young female, full of thirst hormonal adventure on his quivering ass - I would probably rode on the subway with three stops to hell, in order to copulate with the subject of passion in a rented apartment on the other sheets. If I were a man, tired of the marriage and vozzhazhdali to eat differently, I probably would a hotel room and, trembling with lust to etilirovannogo body of canonical parameters, would put the clock on the timer to get back home for dinner. Whether I...
But I, fortunately, know that the most insane sexual games can be tender and gentle, and the most banal embrace under the working TV is exciting and passionate. Good shape coupled with aesthetic perfection - that's fine. However, temporarily shaggy legs, burdened worn Slippers, not hurt her husband to desire you with all the passion of anxious youngsters. You just need to think about sex and marriage, and to live by love and family.
And the sex... the sex?
If you want it he will. Though the marathon from morning till night, though only the morning or evening. Or day. Or night. In a tent on the AI-Petri? There are no problems. In his own bed? Yes, with mutual great pleasure.
Family sex really can be different. My husband once eleven months of love was not engaged. I'm on work experience in the States was. As I endured? As he suffered? Turn on the switch. We are not sex workers, not sex hunters, not the clan who is afraid to lose interest with interest. We just love each other (and have sex with each other) people. Without counting the frequency of frictions and entry into the program 1C hours of joint work hard on the sexual front.
You need to write some glossy platitudes?
"Sometimes you have to have the courage to speak platitudes".
1. Watch your health. Not resuscitate intercepted printing in the passport. If your metabolism is normal, and the stomach does not cover external genitals, love to do better. Technical difficulties less, and more desire.
2. At least once a week stay alone. And don't waste this time on the discussion of unpaid loans.
3. Do in the bedroom, what your soul wants. Even though the Kremlin company or pupils Smolny there invite, if you have enough strong mentality, not prone to reflections. If there is a range of sex shops is large enough, and you will in no way hurt his feelings.
4. Not kalkulierte the number of sex acts per week, comparing this year with the previous one. And even more so - do not build graphs with curves I and thou in 1913", "me and you - present status".
5. Less worry on the subject: "is There sex after marriage". More like.
6. Want to know, is there sex after marriage? Ask a truly happy couple who have lived a long life together, and not listen to those who swept rapid sexual gallop on a couple-ten partners from time to time of sharing morning coffee.
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