Good lingerie the first step for the territory, where they should live Love. Buy several sets of luxurious bed linen. For the cold season - cotton for warm silk. Plays a role and the colors are better than others for love purposes suitable shades of red. Additionally get several decorative pillows, comfortable shape and size, which could be used as improvised during sex games.
Aromatherapy in the bedroom - this is a completely new experience and, as a consequence, more vivid emotions. To create an atmosphere of passion and sensuality, use natural essential oils, but only those that stimulate, tone, and not calm. Place in the bedroom of a beautiful scented candle or oil burner scent of natural aphrodisiacs, such as sandalwood or musk. Works fine orange oil. You can use special scented sticks, which also have different smells, is able to stimulate the libido of both partners.
If you are not a fan of essential oils, apply another "aromatic" trick: apply to bedding a little bit of your favorite perfume. It also spices up the sex, but only under the condition that you will not abuse the aromas, otherwise the smell would be too much.
The Music Of Love. Let us not forget about the impact of another body senses: hearing. What will be the background of your Love? No, of course you can have sex and in the silence, however, wailing alarm neighbor's cars or barking of the local torturer" is unlikely to be a good accompaniment for Dating. Bedroom is better to write a separate disk. Sexologists recommend music without words, positive, upbeat, with a clear rhythm. Important point - it should be the music for the bedroom and sex, do not listen to this CD in everyday life.
But what sound effects are absolutely unnecessary during intimate communication is various consumer electronics such as a TV set, computer, mobile phone, etc. If you don't need to play sensual music (as mentioned above), then advise in advance to disable these external stimuli, so they do not distract you and your partner. And to switch off your mobile - it's the law of sex!
You should also take care of some things, the absence of which in the bedroom at the right time can distract you and your partner. For example, rough sexual game cause thirst, so it would be nice to put in the bedroom decanter with water or juice. And you will take turns to run to the kitchen, so all fighting heat and lost! Perhaps mentally losing the assumed scenario, you will think about other important things, which it is better to be on hand in your bedroom.
Female magazine Arabio
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