For example, to change the way of life, to feel more successful and meaningful, or to change jobs, to realize their creative potential, or to arrange your day so that you have time for themselves and their own development.
Thus, even if we are absolutely clear that these changes are positive, it is still not clear exactly how they can be implemented quickly and painlessly. Where to start? Who to contact for help? How to successfully pass all the way to the end?
There are many theories about how to implement change." Proposed in this article, the scheme reflects the 5 important steps that a person goes through, making the decision that "it is time to change something in life".
Step 1. Create a feeling of urgent need
To ensure that the change has occurred, it is necessary that people truly wanted her. Amplify the feeling of urgent need of this change, so that You immediately wanted to start the action for its implementation.
Simple mental enumeration "pluses" and "minuses" will not help here, because it's just the rationale for your decision. And we need strong emotions!
How this can be done:
- Identify the potential negative consequences if nothing changes
- Explore all the positive features that you will see in the case of change
- To conduct a written dialogue with oneself, summing up what you can lose and what troubles expose themselves, avoiding changes
- To obtain support from other sources - friends, experts, useful articles or training that will help you make a final decision and get the ball rolling
Step 2. Create internal "support group"
In its decision to act based on its successful experience from the past - this experience will always be in every person's life - in fact, if you've survived to this day, so most of your life strategies work successfully. Now just need to find them and apply in a new situation.
How this can be done:
- Make a list of what You do well and where you feel "like a fish in water"
- To revise their "useful" quality and keep them constantly in focus
- Find and apply useful information and practical exercises to build internal resources personality
Step 3. Create an image of their New Life
When you are just starting to think about change, it is likely that you think of a lot of great ideas and ideas that would be great to implement. Combine all these images in one attractive picture of their future state and scroll in his mind "the cinema" several times, so that this "infomercial" new life was available to you at any time. A clear and attractive picture of the future charges emotions, which are the fuel for any movement forward.
How this can be done:
First of all, determine what is most attractive to you in the new life of which you dream. Write it in the form of a short summary - two-three proposals
- Mentally imagine this result
- Regularly meditate on your intention and mentally roll his own "film", experiencing positive emotions
Step 4: respond Quickly to emerging obstacles
In order to implement your action plan, you need to react to obstacles, i.e. to adjust their actions in accordance with the results you get.
There is something in you or in your environment resisting change? Determine what's causing the trouble.
What can you do:
- Understand how the solution of this problem depends on you
- Restore the internal emotional balance and confidence in the realization
- Take one of the following decisions: to adjust the action plan and avoid obstacles, to overcome the obstacle by yourself or involve the assistance of a competent specialist
Step 5. Secure the achieved change in his personality
Setting goals and reaching them, we grow and develop as a person. Take some time to appreciate the positive changes in themselves and in their perception of the world that happened to you during the way to the target.
Note how the new positive changes affect all levels of your life, your environment, behavior, new skills, qualities of character, new "rules of life" and life values.
What you can do:
- Draw in the center of the sheet a circle and write in it a goal in itself. Then draw branches from this circle, and give them the name of the important areas of life - family, career, friends, finances... and so on.
Near each branch briefly write down how these changes affected the most important parts of your life. List all the benefits that you received, successfully implementing your plan
- Make a list of new features that are now available to you, through your actions and the results achieved
And the last tip. If You want to create and fast to carry out his plan of positive life changes, they rely not only on your common sense, but also on the knowledge and experience of those who have gone before and is willing to share with you the necessary information. No need to reinvent the wheel, use what is already invented and tested in practice. Read the literature on the topic of achieving goals and success in life, learn useful course or take part in the training. And if You still have doubts about the urgency of change in your life, then please re-read Step 1. In the beginning of this article!
I wish You Success in achieving goals!
School of life
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