Causes. Occurs snoring is not due to the fact that we sleep in the wrong position (it just exacerbates it), but because of hypertrophy of the soft palate caused by weakness of the muscles in the mouth during sleep. Relaxed muscles vibrate under the flow of inhaled and exhaled air and emit characteristic sounds. In addition, the cause of trills can be various ENT diseases (adenoids, sinusitis, enlarged tonsils, polyps, rhinitis).
There are three degrees of severity of snoring. When the first person makes a quiet and short sounds, usually when sleeping on the back. Snoring second degree already not to notice it. The most dangerous snoring - third degree, when a loud trills periodically replaced by loud sobs. And there's no place to sleep: it is time to urgently go to the doctor-somnologist and do polysomnography. The fact that such symptoms were forerunners serious problems of apnea when sleeping blocked the access of air in the human body. Such delays are accompanied by sharp drops in blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia. In addition, anoxia depressing effect on the brain and increases the risk of stroke, but it also encourages hormonal changes (including impotence), metabolism, contributes to the progression of obesity.
Besides the somnologist should visit an otolaryngologist and exclude ENT pathology or nasal septum, congenital narrowness of the nasal passages, and an elongated uvula and malocclusion. Depending on the causes of snoring, the doctors will decide the treatment tactic.
How to treat. In the first stage often prescribe drops that are a mixture of various essential oils used in diluted form for gargling. They have a tonic effect on the pharyngeal musculature, which reduces snoring, lubricate the tissues of the pharynx, which reduces their injury and swelling snoring, as well as reduce or eliminate dry mouth during sleep, there are Also "nipples" against snoring (they irritate the muscles of the tongue and pharynx, which increases the tone of the sky, preventing vibration) and a device that looks like a mouthpiece, a boxer. This device moves the lower jaw forward, thus expanding the Airways, which reduces snoring. But, as a rule, all these methods are recognized by doctors somnologie ineffective because only bring temporary results.
The strongest effect is wearing individually mask - the so-called CPAP therapy. When the respiratory tract is a bit "inflated" during sleep, which prevents and eliminates losing the basic mechanism of the disease development. A course of this treatment can last several months.
8 ways to prevent snoring
If your family has noticed that you occasionally begin to emit a long chirp, it's time to take preventive measures, to prevent deterioration and enhance the snoring. At later stages it is, unfortunately, not now.
1. Learn to sleep on your side. Nothing aggravates the snoring, sleep on your back. This position is Zapadnye language and the risk of apnea increases. Need to train yourself to sleep on your side. For this purpose it is recommended to sew all night pants pocket (on the back) that you want to put a tennis ball. Thus, as soon as you turn on your back, the ball will Wake you up. But in order to develop a strong reflex, will have to suffer the month.
2. Do exercises to strengthen the muscles of heaven. First, the maximum lick out your tongue forward, how do I give the throat (30 times). Then the same amount of time, try to move the tongue back towards the throat. Then go to the strengthening of the jaw. Make 30 movements of the lower jaw back and forth, and then take in the teeth any subject and try to take 5 minutes. Then say the sound and, straining the muscles of the pharynx, soft palate and neck (20 times). Repeat the exercise in the morning and evening and after 2 weeks the improvement will be noticeable.
3. Drink cabbage juice
. 1 Cup fresh cabbage juice, mix with 1 tbsp. of honey and drink before bedtime. Fresh cabbage juice contains a lot of sulfur and chlorine, which thoroughly cleanses the mucous membranes from excessive mucus. The course is 1 month.
4. Humidify the room
. Dry air can also cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and the occurrence of snoring. This is especially true now in the heating season. It is better that the air in the bedroom was more humid. If you have a special humidifier, try to put on the Cabinet basin with water, and batteries to throw a wet towel.
5. Promislovaya mucous
. 4 hours before bedtime drip into the nose by a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. After 2-3 weeks of this treatment nasal breathing will become free.
6. Do not overeat at night. A full stomach distorts the diaphragm, which can interfere with normal breathing and cause increased snoring.
7. Stop "relax" on the night. Alcohol and abuse of drugs reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles, which, in turn, triggers snoring.
8. Stop Smoking. The poisons contained in the nicotine and smoke irritate the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and can cause chronic inflammation of the pharynx, causing swelling. This can lead to narrowing of the Airways and increase the risk of apnoea during sleep.
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