Friday, February 28, 2014

Smart woman eyes men

Smart woman eyes menHow man relates to a woman's mind? "What, to what? "with ill-concealed sarcasm will ask the other man. "Chicken is not a bird, a woman is not Aristotle," attempts at associations will represent a strong floor, reverence for their exceptional Outlook. If horizons and really alright, we recall the conclusion of the ancient Hindus: "it seems Unnecessary desired, the impossible - possible, inedible edible. This is the male, female slave speech". But there are men and other opinions! "The female mind better than any doom" or "the smart Woman from nature, man - from books".

It is obvious that men are not unanimous in their assessment of the female mind and its lucky owners. I suppose that it all depends on... sexual preferences of a specific individual male. There are those who are smart ladies invigorate, animate and give birth. And there are instances with opposite inclinations, of which women are the intellectual and those who suspiciously like them, completely deprived of sexual energy. It is easy to guess that the first will be happy to find in their partner signs a deep thinker, whereas the second - on spirit do not transfer give even with the slightest hint of intelligence. And there are intermediate options. Conventionally, all men can be divided into four types.

The obscurantist - 50%

Suffering from egocentrism men walking the path of Domostroy (this is the soft determination! ). Do not allow the woman and the shadow of the mind and intellect, but only economic nous. They believe that the cerebral cortex alone has them and so they can think and know. Any manifestations of the female brain activity are afraid of fire as a. Intelligence affects them, as some "contresens" cat. Intimacy with intelligent woman they consider subtle sexual perversion, such as sexual intercourse with a Large British Encyclopedia. Women with a book and buy tickets in the Conservatory or hurrying to the exhibition of Russian avant-garde, shies like the devil from Holy water. When such a subject is confronted with a remarkable intellect, nested in the female head, and maybe even a seasoned sense of humor, he's nervous at first, not understanding what was happening, then begins to freak. It all ends with tetanus and a complete failure in bed. How is it that she knows what "anthropological paradigm", and he, poor fellow, no!

Slightly advanced liberals - 30%

Allow the presence of female natural mind, but not erudition. Gladly pronounce the sacramental: "Baba - it is the heart feels! " Increased levels of the female intellect their jars and in half of the cases beats hunting for sex. Most of all love and consider the most vivid sexual, sensual and silly. Sure, except romance novels pocket and sentimental soap operas, women in principle does not need anything more. I get angry when a woman says confidently about things unfamiliar to him. In most cases, governed by obsolete postulate: "Listen to the woman and do the opposite".

Reasonable - 19%

Their minds enough to realize the fact that a woman has the full right to think and understand. Moreover, they are willing to communicate with smart women talk and have nothing against sex with them. Note, not diminished, if the woman is smarter. Fly off the handle and explode into an angry tirade: "a Lot you know! " they able, after spending too long in the garage, fishing or work in the Smoking room, that is, in the society of men of the first and second type. The rest of the time they are likely to listen to women's conclusions, not treating them as Intrusive buzzing flies, and skillfully filtering text, selecting "pearls" and seamlessly embed them in their understanding of life. Well done!

Intellectually concerned - 1%

For them, the female mind and intellect steeper any viagra. Diploma of physics in the hands of his beloved, her PhD thesis, doctoral and publications in scientific journals inspire them on an endless night of love. By the way, many men from this small group willing to take on the role of student or puppets and happy when women use it. With stupid not communicate. On the women's appearance do not pay attention. In the behavior of men first and second type, if desired, may be treated as an element of the natural appropriateness. The reasoning here is that the woman is not burdened with intelligence, most likely, has excellent health. Not wearing glasses, because not spoiled eyes reading and computer. Has a healthy stomach, because I didn't eat in the student canteens. Her blush all the cheek - she wasn't sitting in a stuffy classroom and musty libraries, strong nerves - she had not passed the exams, supra science night in cigarette fumes, absorbing liters of black coffee.

As for the type of intellectually Horny men, they do not pose a threat to women's community, so as to completely ignore non-intellectual part of it and nothing it doesn't require (men of the first and second type may try to ' fix ' the smartest woman in accordance with their requests). Intellectually concerned, fortunately, attract mainly those who are able to understand their unusual sexual predilections. Well, if you, without a doubt, smart woman, you are lucky to meet a man reasonable, neither he nor you have to occur, in principle, should not. He does not tend directly to associate sexual pleasure with an IQ of one that delivers. And it is a great rule.

However, do not take into account the heterogeneity of male mass, however, so you must be flexible and dynamic, showing his intelligence and knowledge. Why? First: to attract men and to be desired (it's so natural! ). And second: to be free from subjection to him, finding, ironically, independence. "And if you don't Dodge and sculpt in the forehead? " - you ask. Well, this is silly. Oh, you can't play the fool? You just tempted to set the brains of this narrow-minded and arrogant male? Please, but then don't say you weren't warned about the consequences.

Lessons are flexible behavior for smart women

"Don't try to seem smarter than you really are. Otherwise fool you push me away, clever alarming. Flashy, ostentatious erudition - a bad job.

- Vyskazyvalsa according to the situation. If you sit at the bar, not necessarily Flirty mince definitions relevant to the session high molecular biology or Symposium on ecological problems of the North-Eastern coast of Antarctica, as well as non-stop to quote Jung.

- Try not to outshine the PAL information astute. Man always wants to reveal to you the new world (he does not know that your world might equals eight).

"Don't talk monologues. Men that do not tolerate well not know they have to listen! Show compassion.

- Aplomb and snobbery in the performance of even the most intelligent women in their orientation. And not only men. Discovered his intellectual superiority, try to avoid external manifestations of his enthusiasm.

Even if you really want, don't say it during the next words such as installation, agglutinative affix and azamethiphos. Operire simple, familiar words: want, yet, good, cute, fabulous... This rule does not apply to men belonging to the 4th type.

- Do not use your stunning intellect to in conversation with a man to put a complete fool person that he likes. He is not so stupid to not understand that this intellectual fireworks prosaic and, frankly, shitty background. It will not make you more attractive in his eyes.

With a careful touch to those traditionally considered to be masculine, even if you are very well versed. These include: fishing, football, internal combustion engines, radio equipment, Billiards and so on, the Result of such a conversation in the best case can be a good friendship between you and your interlocutor, which will be on you in admiration, but about what you are damn attractive woman, maybe to forget. If you razgovorilsja with reasonable man. Obscurantist and slightly advanced liberal so brazen intrusions into their men's business to survive generally fail.

- Learn to speak briefly. The allegoric, emotion and a hint of ignorance " your weapon. It arouses interest.

- Watch the man and then demonstriruya all the powers of his intellect. Or not demonstriruya. Not all deserve it, you know.


Somov Century


Women's world

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