Once the job is one issue I was preparing material about French youth, and their observations have decided to support a small video from the streets of Paris. On the eve of the French have elected a new President. Flags scattered leaflets, drunken teenagers. May intoxicating Paris. During shooting, I suddenly noticed that one of the passers-by persistently "framing". The lens appeared dark face of a young man a piece of his checkered hats, cheeky kiss. Looking at the camera, he murmured in French, and I have something snapped in English. And he was gone. Just in a moment disappeared from the frame. "I've seen cats with a smile, but that smile without a cat. " - I remembered Alice. I continued to take notes. The road looked in the bakery. With showcase attracted hundreds of rolls, croissants, buns and other sweet "compliments". A couple of minutes thinking. Suddenly someone left handed me a vanilla Eclair. The most delicious cake in the world! "Well, what? I decided your dilemma? Ready in the future to save you from all problems," murmured the-the-boy-from-my-camera. (And maybe from my dreams? ) The idea that he quietly necco was on the heels of fifteen minutes, a little frightened, but the Eclair was amazing! I agreed for a walk and discovered that the way to my heart is through his stomach.
I must say, my French was ugly. Such strong low curly guy, slightly slanting eyes and malocclusion, with funny my name is Julien (I nicknamed him Mushroom), but who somehow magically be humming with conversation - whether it's a phrase in French, English or successful parody of English. He said that he works as an actor in the theater and that last year they staged Chekhov. And even recited a few lines from "Uncle Vanya". We talked a lot about the theatre and cinema, and the conversation somehow survive but came out on "the Extraordinary destiny of Amelie". ("You know, I auditioned for one of the main roles! But in the end took my friend" - sincerely lamented Mushroom.) On the bill in ten Euro I wrote his phone number, and the next day we met in the same bakery. "I have a surprise for you," said Julien. We got in the taxi and for a long time circling around Paris.
The next frame. We stand on the corner of Rue Lepic. Go into the cafe. I just can't believe! This is the very place, where he worked as a waitress amélie! Another sweet assault on my stomach. Drops to the floor teaspoon, I begin to search, look up, and he hands me draped in tight blue velvet luxury book. It was the "Cinderella". How? Where? He had in his hands was nothing! No bags, no backpack, no bag... and under the thin shirt this treasure will not hide. Open. On the silky pages derived the inscription: "the Most beautiful girl that played in Paris". I seem to hear every word purrs. We kiss in a cafe on Rue Lepic.
Enchanted Mushroom saved me a plane ticket, I rushed to the airport.
After a week on facebook I found my Mushroom. Went to the page. And there... the Number of "friends" (more precisely, only "friends") was inferior to the circulation of the "Cinderella" except on two or three copies. On "the wall" Russian girls quoted "Uncle Vanya" by Chekhov, an English girl - "hamlet" by Shakespeare, French women were whispering something about Moliere. Some have left links to footage from "Amelie", "Window to Paris", "Last tango in Paris". I was crushed.
Girlfriend sighed and uspokaja. And as one snapped: "What do you torment yourself? Pikaper your Mushroom! The usual thing." How-how? Who is this? Heard something about "professional seducers" and "the artful seducers" and even about "hypnotists-serdceed". Or is it all about him?
The American pickup Assembly
Pickup is not a religion, not a sect, not a divorce for money and not a fetish. The truck is a tool, well-established technique of how a man should communicate with a woman in order to please her. Pickup is corny eat, the battle for cowards. Master of pickup, or just pikaper, man, this tool is mastered. From "fellow" by the name of a Womanizer, which acts at random (it will work well, will not work well), pikaper differs in that it is obtained by the technique of consciously.
Perfect pikaper - sleek, stylish man with its velvety voice and cool jokes, ambitious, knight without fear and reproach. Courteous, reserved, ambitious. It will not be confused and will not scare. It does not escape. He knows how to achieve his goal (it is likely that this goal would be you), and moreover, reaching, really takes the girl pleasure. One of the main tricks of pikaper is subsequent parting with the girl when she has ceased to be interesting to him. Without tears and scandals, humiliation and self-flagellation, all very correct.
The first pikaper appeared in the U.S. in the 1970 H. Young Americans shared experience seducing girls for one night, ideally within 24 hours after they met. Bait served ridiculous and arrogant phrase. For example, "You are so hot that, looking at you I covered in a tan" or "Kiss me if I'm wrong but is your name... Janice? " At the same time, the press published the first manual on the truck, the bestseller by Eric Weber How to get acquainted at a party, in the transport and even on the street", the head of which was reprinted in the famous men's magazines.
In the 1990s, the truck was empty niche for the implementation of the "American dream" - attempts to earn his first million dollars. Successful macho suddenly realized that in the field of seduction you can make good money, and began to organize special seminars for losers, romantic losers, shy and timid young man in order to teach their familiarity with the girls. Some followers began diligently to download the notes in the Internet, and the myth of the Almighty pikeperch was scattered across the planet.
After 10 years, the phenomenon has come to our country, and the first domestic pikaperam steel... geeks. They were busy translating American instructions and post them on the discussion in the Network. Due to the difference of mentalities many tips did not work. "To approach a girl a certain step with the left hand, the first sentence should be strictly from the list, and others cannot - in this form it came in Russia," with a smile says Michael Shirin, one of the first Russian theorists pickup. "In 1999, I happened to read in the magazine Ogonyok article about NLP. Began to search for this topic on the Network, and there found a link to a site telling about methods of Dating with girls. It was interesting to me. Women for me, have always been beings from another planet, celestials. The whole night I studied the website. It opened my eyes. It turns out that the Dating and flirting - it's not rocket science, but it is achievable and real deal. First, as in all, I didn't work. Just had a scary. This is the most typical problem for cities. Although we live in a society, the people there, but all hold ourselves, our friends. Man communicates solely in his circle, and to marry him is a real stress," continues Michael.
Debut acquaintance "instructions" with a girl on the street so inspired Width, that he forgot the most important thing is to take the phone to a stranger. And spun... In 2002, Michael wrote the first practical course on the truck, completely based on NLP and the works of his Western colleagues. Over the years the theory has improved, and the "programming" it has almost nothing left.
Modern pikaper so quickly multiply that have already appeared and their subspecies. Conventionally, they are only four. First, semanti who understands the very basics to find himself a wife. The second is the "sport shift". They are looking for the number of (eh, Mushroom, Mushroom! and arrange pick-up competitions. For example, who for a week more girls will seduce. Another type of "researchers", men who are doing this out of curiosity and interest. And finally, the "wise men" (they are "foodies" or "artists"), for which the pickup is life! The number of women leaves on the second plan is much more important than the process of seduction, how elegantly and imaginatively he got another beauty.
All women they are divided into "normal" and "pathos of succ". Pikaper know how to win and those and others. How?
It's funny, but the first teachers at the pickup become mothers. And who else is talking about flowers and compliments? But this is only the basics.
The following link is a personal pick-up coach. Sort of a wise mentor, designed to unlock the potential of the student, to instill in him the confidence to make the loser and victim of bullying city hunter, able to deal primarily in female psychology.
23-year-old T. Aboud in the pick-BIZ nes" for three years. Came to training Width "Muguet" (professional slang something like a naive and romantic boys, for which the woman is a goddess). At some point he got tired to sit at the computer and occasionally meet up with friends over a beer. I wanted to change something. "It's very difficult to admit to yourself that you are a sucker, loser who does not know how to communicate with women," said Aboud.
We sit with him in the Metropolitan café, in front of me to reveal all the cards, and I'm looking for a trick: and the waiter too friendly, and tea need a fortress, and why in this place met, and why is it facing the entrance? We are talking about what women want relationships and sex. "The most important thing is the man you need to go through my head on the topic of how to the woman to take. If you take the vast majority of men, in their minds, the woman is a creature not from this planet, you want very much to like, and then, maybe, she will come down. Did I not say so? "suddenly asks me Teymur is one of the leading pickup trainers Russia. The training was so effective that over time, he learned not only lessons, but also largely surpassed their own teachers. Individual course on seduction is 150 thousand rubles. For the pros this is not the limit, colleagues charge for their services and 300 thousand.
Not to be unfounded, Aboud invites me to his training. The woman to listen to two hours of the course by the pickup means to know, what about you
actually I think men. And I want, and rough. Go!
In a small class in the city center, as it turned out, testing the pheromones and do not prepare a love potion. Only chairs, boards, notebooks and... men. In the audience only six students (classes in small groups are much more expensive), the age of "listeners" - from 20 to 40 years. Black and grey sweater, faded jeans, an ordinary person. The only bright spot in the class - yellow shirt leader Timur. "Felix, while sideburns will not shave, there is nothing to start! " - chastises coach student.
First, checking homework: tell students, "who at the weekend caught the "negatives" (hard and rough bounce). Four of the six without hesitation raise their hands. To be sent and rejected for novice pikaper normal. Immunity to "swearing" and resistance to "slaps".
"In our country the confidence to approach and meet a girl on the street can either drunk or Caucasian. To be among the brave, and not be a virgin, you need a lot of practice," remember the words of Michael Width. During the field training with coach (this is the so-called practical part of the course) have to do 20 approaches to girls. Between steps to do homework, but it's still a hundred acquaintances for 20 days. Eventually, a diligent student spends 3-4 dates a week and changes the partner at least once a month.
The first thing they teach courses, to get pleasure from life and get rid of the fear of the woman. Then how to make a first impression - bright, unexpected. To set the tone of communication, always take the initiative in their hands (time, venue, even the choice of a table - a male prerogative), to come up with on the fly incredible stories, to be attentive listener, to ensure as comfortable and easy communication, to hear the precious words: "it seems to Me that we with you a hundred years familiar! "
On the new lesson, the students discussed two methods of seduction: "Stanislavski" (to live a role) and "Chekhov" (focus on gestures and voice). Here Chekhov! My goodness! Did Anton Pavlovich really was a theorist of seduction?
Teymur immediately demonstrates his mastery, Recalling a story from your own childhood. I froze. It turned out that his parents divorced when he was a child. He often heard my mother called my father and asked him to give some money to pay for electricity. To make my mother's tears a little boy was not under force. Once he gathered his beloved railroad and brought it to school to sell in parts classmates. Those few rubles, which Teymur was able to get it with a beaming smile on the evening of the same day gave the mother: "This is the apartment". Mom hugged her back and cried into her children's shoulders. I admit, I was very touched, but the guys seem amused. Second... Teymur explodes into a contented smile, just the same as his little prototype. The whole story turned out to be pure bullshit. And the expressions on Chekhov, and the voice of Stanislavski. It seems that even I learned this lesson.
An important phase of training - the right touch. It is important not to be considered a trespasser, and become the "object" sexy and desirable. And then... in bed. One of the axioms of pikaper: to start a relationship with a girl before sex is impossible! And rather than pass the validation, the better.
Teymur tells me a story that became a parable here. "I have a textbook case: how I seduced the girl without a word and got sex on the first date. I seduced her in the subway. Hooked eyes, smiled, moved his ears, pulled a funny face and in the end, without superfluous words recorded telephone. We met in the city centre, where I have developed the route, I call it "Sex is inevitable! " He is a very interesting emotion. There are strong differences: at a certain point the girls are always scared, a little further - romantic, even further - just very beautiful. And I know where to say it. At the end of the "tour" we had sex right on the waterfront. However, she was a virgin".
Many of the tenets of pycairo caused internal protest. Courses exposed female images and idols. How can you not love and fall in love. Not to idolize it. Not to offer. Not to bow. Hey, why do you teach this?! Yes we are and the truth of the goddess! We have to win, not to catch nets and haul in the bed "on trial"!
Girls, bad news! Good pikaper cannot be computed. Long years of training (average 7-8 years) and calloused member did this individual invulnerable. A specific set of compliments, places, conventions, gestures and intonations he has made such an absolute, that, like a chameleon, learned to adapt to the situation, and hence to adapt to each "victim".
Did my Mushroom "self-taught" or "trained" pikaperam is not known. But Chekhov he has obviously worked not only on stage.
A few years ago my friend enthusiastically talked about the fact that the metro is very friendly young man asked her for a pencil and drew a neat flower, and next signed your phone number. She rang the bell. But the date in the end never took place. Michael Shirin smiles: "the Flower is already a classic. This is one of the first tasks that we give to his disciples. He is five years and it still works," the proud master.
Do not think that pikaper always acts according to the instructions and before going to sleep looking at the cheat sheet. The main goal of "field training" - so to work out the resulting material to bring methods to a natural state of men. Often "tricks" that we women use intuitively, men have long and hard to memorize, and then more weeks to train. For example, Michael Shirin teaches his "students" game "far / near". The day of affection and love should be alternated with coldness and indifference, and then again to change the temper justice with mercy.
"Listen, there is such a thing. Always work. Invite a girl to a Park or somewhere in the cafe. In General, in a proven location - opens Teymur other professional secret. - Pre-agree with each other that will bring scarlet rose. On a walk at a certain point you start the girl to distract, to kiss, to hug. Beauty loses vigilance. At this point, each invisibly sends you a flower, which is then in the eyes of the companion you seem to have created out of thin air. The nothing can go wrong". Remember his "Cinderella". Even teaspoon appeared in the conspiracy!
But skillful seducer is the government. If if suddenly you noticed a pattern in the actions of men: always comes from the left side, after a fight not calling for exactly two days, no color gives for their banality, but draws them perfectly, knows the secrets of the tea ceremony, the Chinese and sprinkled with stories from the books of Michael Weller, who often throws for her. Disturb the usual course of events pikaper! They are waiting for spontaneous women's reactions and are lost when you get a strategic move in response. When we first met the girl asked pikaper who he is by the sign of the zodiac. He was a Libra. "Scales?! Immediately no! "she snapped. Only a soulless character. This is the maximum for one or two meetings. Pikaper didn't even know what to answer to such categorization, and had to admit defeat. Apparently, sometimes in the battle of panties the woman still manages to come out the winner.
Starostina, N.
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