Why is it so?
If he was thirty, quite possibly makes itself known age. Health starts to fail after some twenty odd years. Impact of unhealthy lifestyle: stress, lack of physical activity and regular attacks on the liver and kidneys in the evenings, on weekends. Maybe he suffered any disease affecting potency. In addition, men libido develops earlier, most of the sex they need in 18 - 20 years. As women reach rasveta sexuality about 35 years. Men at this age the desire begins to fade.
Or maybe you're just different? An important component of the compatibility of spouses - their sexual Constitution. She is a strong, medium and weak. If the Constitution is the same for both partners, they are satisfied with about the same amount of sex, and they live in harmony.
In couples where both partners strong sexual Constitution contacts daily; average sexual Constitution is 3-4 sex per week), and low (once a week or even in a few months. All of these options are the norm for people of different types.
Be humble, but not to retreat
Psychotherapists and sexologists believe that even if one of the spouses needs less sex than the other, both may well be satisfied and happy. However, both have to make efforts.
To throw each other in the face of accusations that, say, you want too rarely - the last thing. Conflicts on this ground only bring harm: rows - tense - protoplasm desire.
Famous family psychologist Boris Novoderezhkin once said that "would be to put up with mediocre intensity of sexual life". If you think about it, he's right! Husband wants once a week? Please! Let it be once a week, but so memorable and have enough until the next time. Everyone will be ready for that "event" and try to make each other an unforgettable tonight, this night, this morning. And now, suddenly, partner rebelled against their own schedule and insists on bonus. Liked it...
Return hot nights
If your spouse has been significantly more enthusiasm in sex than they are now, then maybe something went wrong in the relationship? How to restore the harmony in that case, said the expert on methods of family therapy Irina Hagelin.
Most of the "doing it" 2-3 times per week
Recently a survey was conducted about the amount of sex in the lives of our readers. It was found that 16% don't even think about sex. You can sympathize tenth of voters: 11% have sex a little more often than it happens the New year! The quarter, that is, 21 % of readers do "this" one-two times per month. The majority, 39 % cleocin have sex two or three times a week. And only 13% of us take pleasure in the arms of Boyfriends every day.
Step 1
Both partners will experience discomfort. So the best option is to discuss what is happening when and why it started. Let everyone explain their version of events. This conversation will help to relieve anxiety and irritation. Negative emotions is one of the factors that reduce sexual desire.
Step 2
If the joint analysis showed that sexual desire is lost or weak, first, you need to ensure that you are both healthy. Reduced libido can be part of a physical or psychosomatic illness. For example, in a state of depression or other psychosomatic disorders the person experiences fatigue, anxiety. Becomes irritable and touchy. Worth a visit physician: physician or therapist, depending on the symptoms.
Step 3
Perhaps the conversation with her husband showed that the decrease in sexual desire is guilty of monotony. Sex has become boring and uninteresting. In this situation often have thoughts that maybe someone else would be better... "Bored" partner an urgent need to study the positive features of his "half". Carefully collect the "collection" of its advantages. And after some time he again appears fantasies about the chosen one! And her task is to try to make the communication elements of novelty and diversity, creativity.
Start to surprise each other. Do surprises. Try to be for each other a little mysterious. Invent different games. Desire is born in the mind, and in your power to inspire and delight each other!
Step 4
Give each other feedback. Sexual relationships can be harmonious only if partners carefully studying each other. Don't need to talk on this subject: just try to show what you like in sex, and what's not to like.
Step 5
Develop your emotionality. Harmonious sex is not only the ability to get something from your partner, but also the ability to give him more energy in return. Learn to bring joy to each other.
Sensuality and ability to derive pleasure it is possible to learn. And it must be done, because sex is an important part of every family's life. You cannot be happy in sex, having relationship problems.
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