Once grandpa was distracted from the process - apparently, I'm too loudly and angrily puffing, feeling for the victim, and said with conviction, taking the fish off the hook: "do not worry you so, she can't hurt".
The tale of the fisherman and the fish
Lives in the light of a beautiful young woman, say, Kate. Ten years ago she was a vibrant and happy affair with a beautiful young man, say, Igor. All friends and girlfriends lovers, forgetting envy, in one voice saying that they are just made for each other.
Their romance was burned out within a year or so. Igor became pensive, tired, constantly pop up with some urgent work, and his parents, to this beautifully lived out of town in society three dogs began to demand his arrival every weekend - in General, Katya time remained smaller. It's not that nothing was noticed was that there were bells: inconsistencies, awkward moments, strange smells... But to put the facts and realize that something strange is happening, Kate could not. Or not wanted. Happiness is a narcotic state, and in order to stay in it, people are often ready to close my eyes to many things.
Igor himself confessed. He was furnished beautifully and romantically: led Katya in their favorite restaurant, " she later recalled that he was quite sure now she will make the offer for all Hollywood canons, ordered champagne and tragic voice said Katya for him - only one, but... But now he has such a hard time, and he needs to be alone, to understand yourself, and don't think ill of me" and "I'm still there".
Kate was not a naive fool and realized that her tale ended. Six months she came to: repair, fitness, work, girlfriend, movie, two salaries for shopping, driving license and apotheosis - first date with a cute Nikita.
I don't know whether there is a mental connection, aliens and one hundred percent successful diet. But Igor just felt something and instantly appeared in her life SMS-coy "hi, baby, how are you, miss call". Katia laughed and erased the message. A day later came another "kid, I feel bad without you" and "have you so quickly forgotten everything? ".
In the end, Igor appeared in the doorway with a bouquet. He was still the same beautiful, just as familiar, your... And Kate could not resist - she was back on the hook.
Clearly, what happened next seven months story with "I need to be alone" was repeated. Only this time Katya sent Igor far away, wiped all the contacts and told us that his two best friends: "Well, girls, the more I don't bite" so confident that we almost believe it.
It is said that in one of the river cannot be entered twice. Now, Kate went into his river six times. As soon as she had seen something really good, there was Igor and all flew to hell. She changed phone numbers, went to the therapist, went to another city, but Igor, apparently, was an experienced fisherman, and found it everywhere. We asked a hundred times - what are you doing, why break your life? And heard in response: "I don't know. Pulls. I guess I still love him and every time we believe that now everything will be different".
Last year Kate got married, and my friend breathed a sigh of relief - all crossed the Rubicon. And recently she called and lamely said that he met on the street Igor and that she knows nothing, but it seems now they have all seriously. To be honest, I'm afraid to call and ask how things were going.
Who are you - the fish or the fisherman?
Kate's story is, you can say, clinical case. But perhaps each of us have our own fisherman. We may not even know about it, explaining craving for man anything: old friendship, affection, habit, some obligations, the memory of a common past, just a good attitude.
The former lovers that appear when they are sad or lonely; girlfriends who need moral nourishment; old friends, which appear suddenly after many years with their problems... They deftly cut us, and now - please! we again have them on the hook.
May we give in because they are part of our past. But the human psyche is designed so that from the past stored in the memory more joyful than negative aspects (provided, of course, that the blow was not too strong) - this is a simple and reliable protective mechanism. Otherwise, remembering all painful experiences, small betrayal, humiliation - how could we live with such a burden?
Not necessarily that the one who keeps us hooked, doing so purely out of selfish reasons. Sometimes it happens unconsciously, almost at the reflex level, as a fallback or airbag in case of an accident. Admit it is very comforting to know that somewhere there is a man who emotionally to you and tied one way or the other - will come to the rescue, it is only necessary to pull the line.
On the other hand, each of us have, perhaps, and its fish. Let a small, floating in muddy water or even gone to the bottom, but there is.
For example, my friend who is not indifferent to me, but without reciprocity, no pretending. He has his own life, his affections and passions. But when I have a crisis, I was trying to enter his room, saying "save me", and he comes. I know it's not fair on my part. But when you are holding a fishing rod, moral principles fade into the background - such is the cycle of fishermen and fish in nature.
Leaving - leave
As for the "former", I personally do not believe in the words "let's start all over again". So can be a very long walk in a circle, stepping on the same rake and making the same mistakes. But why?
Hanging on the hook relations and allow themselves to be manipulated so to think that your happiness depends on someone or something. But it is not.
And yet. Don't forget: when you close one door, open the other. So don't be afraid to close the door more tightly, so as not to be on the hook.
Leshchenko Yu
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