In a recent conversation with Dr. Daniel Maes, Vice President of engineering and research company Estée Lauder, we have talked about how proper nutrition is important for health and beauty of skin and what role this plays sugar.
"Sugar interferes with the production of collagen and blocks the main enzymes which are responsible for the protective mechanisms of the skin cells, protecting them from free radicals. We conducted many tests, and it became obvious that as a result of excessive consumption of processed sugar (this does not include the natural sugar found in fruit) skin cells lose their antioxidant properties, and it becomes less elastic and elastic. With proper nutrition, the skin gets enough vitamins and trace elements, which protect cells from saturated fats and sugar. This does not mean that it is absolutely impossible to eat sweet, just everything is good in moderation. We strongly recommend to include in the diet of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and fresh meat and fish," says Dr. Maes.
The question arises: what to do strong sweet tooth? If you feel that without sugar, you can not do, try Resilence Lift Extreme from Estée Lauder - this tool will neutralize the effects of sugar on the skin. Dr. Maes says that
in the laboratories of the company is constantly testing new tools that would be able to control the relationship of sugar to the cells of our skin. While they were still prototypes, but in the near future, such ingredients will be part of any funds from Estée Lauder.
In fact, these tools are designed not only to those who the day can not live without cakes. As sugar enters the body, not only in pure form. He enters the body of pasta, bread, potatoes, rice in General, of products containing carbohydrates. And even if you don't eat anything sweet, eating these products, you still provide the skin cells with sugar. Incidentally, the equivalent of one potato - some candy, so much sugar gets out of it your body.
While many people suffer from dependence on sweets, sugar - almost a drug. Such people while drinking sweet dramatically increases the level of sugar in the blood. And as soon as the person stops eating sweets, the sugar level drops, which can lead to lower mood and even depression. The main symptom of sakharozameniteli" - periodic acute attacks of desire to eat something sweet, as if it were a matter of life and death.
What to do in such cases? Just keep yourself in hand. To reduce sugar consumption to a minimum, and preferably to zero. Very soon, as soon as the blood sugar level comes to normal, you will notice the amazing "side" result: your skin will become more and more elastic. When these "withdrawal" will be left behind, you will be able from time to time to afford a chocolate or other sweets: you will overcome the dependence on sugar.
Panaeva A.
Harper's Bazaar
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