Often the new work adventure cleaner of this sea voyage. You never know what people will become you to surround what storms may face and will ever meet you on the way "sharks". But if you have already decided to embark on a difficult search for a new source of income and self-realization, dogovarivaya about the home on the shore. The interview often seems to us the moment purely formal, in which the main "like" the future employer. And all other conditions of work and other nuances can be solved along the way. The main thing is to get involved in the fight, but we'll see. This setting leads to the hated work, which, as it turns out later, did not meet our true needs. What's not forget what we agree on and what you need to be able to insist more on the interview?
"Well, take me! "
Coming to the interview, we subconsciously think: this is our unique chance! Most likely, we're just not able to assess the prospects for increasing the relevance of the current time.
It seems to us that once we leave the office, where the interview will close all other vacancies around the world. And you need as quickly as possible to capture the Firebird, i.e. work, by the tail.
What is worth considering. It may well be that caught you Firebird - just chicken, moreover, is not the first freshness. The choice of place of work not less critical than the choice of a life partner. What are you all professional figures fit of this company, does not mean that this company fits you. And the lowering of the bar's own claims, as you know, nothing motivates a man more success.
"I have one drawback - the lack of money"
Be prepared for the fact that Heather employer kindly look you in the eye and asks what salary you expect. The main thing here is not to stutter a reply unconvincing: "Well, to begin somewhere... about..." And don't expect it proposals. Know in advance the average salary for this position (you can do this by interviewing friends, working in a similar field, and to use the "sacratomato", which is on many job sites) and boldly call more!
What you should consider
. Throw out of my head, what the starting salary is unimportant. That when your outstanding professional ability, the guide itself will immediately offer you a solid salary or mind-blowing prize. Any command operates on the principle of economy: if the employee agrees to work for the ruble, why pay her five? Safely turn their ambitions and call more than that, you really would. Perhaps you will then find a compromise that you will really like.
Work is not the place where will appreciate your humility. More specifically, it will be evaluated as modest cash.
An employee in a million "no waiting Time"
For a neutral phrase employer "schedule - standard" can hide a variety of ways, including long working hours or "processing" in a weekend. If your lifestyle is active enough and does not involve the mixing of all of your classes to work, ugovori in advance of the time actual employment. Maybe you studying at evening classes or dance classes - do not count that you will be able to secretly disappear for two hours before three times a week. And if you manage, with great nervous costs.
What you should consider
. Your time is one of your main resources. Not worth it so they dissipate. If you wanted to earn money on the annual pass in expensive fitness club, and time to visit it you don't have to be in connection with your schedule), it cost the game worth the candle? Offer the employer an option that is convenient to you: for example, on Monday you're going away for a couple of hours before, and on Tuesday remain for a couple of hours later. Or go to work on Saturday instead of Thursday. In any case, convince him that the main thing - the result of your work, not the time of the field. If he is convinced that you are a valuable specialist (and to convince him this is your main goal), he will agree with your terms.
"Stuff of life"
Half of the applicants are embarrassed to talk about "social package", which includes the cost of lunch, transportation to jobs, medical insurance and some other internally for employee expenses. And in vain - the payment of these necessary things for their own account may significantly reduce the real amount of your salary. The second half of the candidates a little better - she's too embarrassed to talk about the comfort of the workplace.
What you should consider. While you are thinking about "daily bread" (and wondering, can you afford a daily business lunch in a Chinese restaurant), you won't have time and energy to think about the "high" - the improvement in the profession, for example. While you will find a separate work space with a modern computer (and not the stuff that you wrote off), you will not have even a minimal desire to work effectively. Delicately explain that future leadership. It will understand.
"But I must fly hunting! "
What prospects await you at the new place of work? Possible career growth, salary increases, training? It is important to clearly understand will be for you a new job next step on the career ladder or turn into a monotonous running in circles.
What you should consider. For you are your professional goals more important tasks of the company for which you want to work with. And if your plans differ in the main, do not waste each other time. It certainly is not worth it.
The ability to appreciate yourself is not as easy as it first seems. Deep down, every woman wants to please is myself, the man, the employer, to the world. That is why we so often find it difficult to say "no thanks". But sooner or later each of us will have to learn to abandon what we don't need. And to master a difficult skill to talk about their desires and requirements is open.
Shakhnovsky E.
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