Carbohydrates - source of evil
This opinion is shared by Dr. Atkins and the author of the Kremlin diet. They are partly right: it is the carbohydrates in the flour fine grinding, especially processed grains and simple sugars, so generously added to foods by food processing factories, contribute to weight gain. But there is a whole group of so-called healthy carbohydrates, such as complex sugars, vegetables and fruit ( pectin, polysaccharides ), without which our body will simply not be able to work normally.
Because carbohydrate is the most important source of nutrition for the muscles and brain, they support beneficial intestinal microflora, are involved in the metabolism of proteins, synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Thus completely depriving the body of carbohydrates, we increase the risk of ill health.
Absolutely everyone can lose weight, "sitting" on the protein diet
Undoubtedly, many are able to quickly lose weight. People who refuse sugar, flour products, most fruits and vegetables, is held hostage to a very poor menu. And overweight "disappears" due to the reduction in calorie daily diet.
But there are exceptions. At the initial stage of many variants of protein diets in the list of allowed foods are meat, fish, sausages, etc., When such is not vegetarian food easily exceed the "fat" rule. This means that the total caloric content of the diet may even increase, and the weight loss will not occur, moreover, he may increase. In such a situation likely to be fans of frankfurters and sausages, because the protein in these products is small, only 8-9%, but fat from 20% to 45%, so that these products, in contrast to pure meat tends to be more fatty foods.
After protein diet you can relax and allow yourself any products - weight will not return
The fact that in principle there is no diet, after which you can return to the old style power without increasing the weight. Return to the old, "dodatna" lifestyle equivalent to return to the previous excess weight. The question in time. Someone manages to collect all the "folded" for a few months and even days, someone is more lucky, and return the weight is about the year.
But those cunning, which gradually extend your diet, and certainly not cakes and buns, and a variety of vegetables and fruits, are in a better situation.
Follow a protein diet program can be a long time
As already mentioned, prolonged deficiency of carbohydrate leads to sad consequences. Violated all metabolic processes involving carbohydrates, and high content of nutritional protein and fat does not improve the situation. What affects the appearance, decreased immunity, decreased physical and mental endurance and activity.
In addition, the consequence of the refusal of plant foods is the lack of some
vitamins ( R, S, b ) and many trace elements. As mentioned in the "cons", the lack of fiber causes dysbiosis and dysfunction in the intestines. In addition, long-term adherence protein diets can lead to the formation of kidney stones and gall bladder, the deposition of "salts" in the joints, increasing the risk of malignancy.
Summarizing the above, we suggest the following conclusion: protein diet you may make, but to completely abandon of carbohydrates is not worth it. Better to just remove from the diet of "bad" carbohydrates, which is the cause of the excess weight contained in sugar, cakes, pastries and other sweets. The effect may appear later than the "hard" protein diet, but the body will not suffer.
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