I am not talking about those desires, which we can easily do (ice cream dress from Cardin or Palazzo in Venice - depending on income level). I mean desires, which are now inaccessible to us, but we really want to make them available.
And here the difficulties begin...
Why not all desires are fulfilled?
The reasons for this are many: for example, sometimes we put not our own purpose, and imposed on parents or public opinion. Our goal - but we promoted on their way powerful obstacles.
Now I want to approach the issue from a different side. This thought inspired me a great copywriter Gary Bencivenga, asking: "What we sell, really? "
Interesting here is that when the response is accurately determined, the ad works. In other words, buyers feel "moment of truth". Sometimes unconsciously.
So... you Can ask the same question to themselves.
"What I sell myself, really? "
A million dollars? Happy serene life? Perfect partner? Magnificent house? A brilliant career? Hmm, sounds tempting...
And now a little cold water. Tell me honestly: would you believe the advertising, selling all these temptations? Or would have said "yeah...of Course! " and clicked "Delete"?
If you chose the second option, why?
Do not rush to go to answer this question. It is much more interesting than it might seem at first glance.
Think about it: you dream about something. And you offer what they want. So why you don't believe? What lies behind automatic response: "Another Scam"?
Don't know about you, but I answered him: "I do not believe in the reality of these desires. Therefore, I do not believe those who sell their execution". After that I spent the revision remembering what I wanted in life and what wishes did come true.
There were times I wanted to meet some specific person. Or get into a certain circle. Or learn any skills (drawing, singing, driving, painting on silk, depth psychology). Find me information. To move to another city or another country.
All these wishes come true sooner or later. Sometimes the most wonderful way: the right situation evolved themselves. Apparently, the game entered the unconscious.
And that's when I dreamed of a million for free - my mailbox started to Bang against spam offering to fit in a regular pyramid or informing that I have won a million pounds, which will be immediately after the transfer miserable Tyschenko a mythical Bank account. It's interesting that as soon as I switched the focus from freestuff million real desire - spam disappeared like magic.
Funny, isn't it?
And here we return to the question: "what is the real desire"?
This is a very subtle point. Briefly, we might say that the real desires are those that seem that way to our subconscious. And its criteria as strict as consumer reaction to advertising. It believes that we sell actually. In other words, the profound benefit.
Could it be a million? I doubt it. By itself, it's just a pile of colored paper. And at the same time... it's a tool to get what we really want. But the subconscious responds not on money, but on purpose. It believes that the money is his prerogative.
And therefore, you need to dig to deep targets.
How to do it?
Imagine that the subconscious mind - your customer. And you need to sell him his goal. Look at his goods through his eyes. Listen to his suggestions, objections and arguments. This marketing study will not cost you a penny.
And then... write marketing text, taking into account all that you have heard from the client. You may have to rewrite it more than once. But by the end of the text you will learn a lot about your product.
How to recognize the true desire and save energy for their execution?
Once I asked my clients to describe the main problem and he replied: "to Understand what I really want".
This got me thinking: what it means: "indeed"?
The question is more intricate than it seems. For example, a necromancer somehow know the answer. As he will know it's a real desire or illusory?
The mind here is unlikely to help. Could - already for a long time would have helped. The intuition? And how to distinguish her voice from hundreds of others, saying, "Want this, today one, tomorrow another, and the next day is generally enough to keep your head in the clouds, it is necessary to work"?
And I got an idea: what we really want is what we do at every opportunity!
Stop. Do not rush to tell me that whenever you turn on the TV, arguing on the forums or sit in ICQ - and this is not what you want really. Everything is a little trickier. Make a small correction:
What we really want is something that we would at every opportunity... if we had enough energy!
And she, my child, flee from Russia. And while we, as proposed by Woland, will not take the cloth and will not satcam all the cracks, it will leak. (My Lord, however, was not talking about energy, but about mercy but the Board still good).
So, I propose to make four lists under the General heading, "the Works that I do":
1. The case enjoyable and useful.
2. Things pleasant and useless.
3. Things unpleasant and useful.
4. Things unpleasant and useless.
(To be honestly. Ideally, it is best during the day to record all your actions and spent time with them. To get the real picture and not imaginary).
Then ask yourself: "what are Affairs from a list of 4 I can give up right now? " And give up. Right now.
Then look at what is left, and to ask: "why do I have these unpleasant and useless things? What prevents me to refuse them? "If something really bothers or transfer them in paragraph 2 or 3, or seriously consider what you get, doing deliberately unpleasant useless things).
Next, go to the list 3. Ask the same question: "what an unpleasant useful things can I refuse? ". And refrain - as far as you can. After a few days you will find that your energy considerably increased.Now the main thing is to use it on purpose.
Go to list 2. Periprostatic pleasant useless things and ask: "do they actually useless or I lacked the energy and imagination to find them in favor? Maybe I was just saying that it's a waste of time, I believe? "
So, because the energy we grew, we use it to find favor in the classroom, which to this day considered useless, though a pleasant one.
Divide the list into three parts:
2.1. Studies that failed to find favour. Move them to the list 1.
2.2. Sessions so far failed to find benefit, but perhaps later. We place.
2.3. Classes that use will not be found, no matter how look. Asking the same question, and in relation to lists 3 and 4: "what lessons can I stop now? " And give up.
After another couple of days the list will paradee, time and energy will become more pleasure in life. The number has decreased, the quality has increased.
Examine the list of 1 - fixed and added some items from the list 2.
To start, establish a priority. Once again, make two lists: priorities for pleasure and priorities for usefulness. And compare.
What classes were on the first lines of both lists? There are such? Congratulations: you are almost there!
Because now you know what you want and you have enough energy to direct it where you want actually!
School of life
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