But really - why some people desire come true, while others do not? And who's to blame? Surely this question has been asked many people. And the answer to this question too, there are many:
one lucky more
- so destined,
- she/he is prettier, smarter,
- the fate of this,
- I'm a loser, etc. etc.
But is this true?
Probably every person in my life had such a situation when wishes came true, as if by magic: suddenly pulled the "right" ticket on the exam, received or found necessary amount of money was at the right time in the right place...
With one of my friends happened to this story: she wanted to get to a concert of a very famous artist. This dream filled her with such energy that she was ready to move mountains. Seemingly, no problem - buy a ticket and go to the concert. But the situation was complicated by the fact that the concert in Moscow was the only, and prices such that its budget was allowed to buy a ticket to the gallery. Yes, they were going to a concert with a group of friends as you can buy as many tickets Yes to another and all were near?
In General, the tickets they bought, but the concert went - just for luck. How exactly they are lucky, they didn't know. Of course, in the box office tickets have already had no, had only one hope left - administrators in the hall. And here at the entrance to the concert hall, my friend began to seek out the most friendly person. Finding such, she came and asked miss them into the hall.
The administrator went to meet her and offered one seat in the gallery. But the girls were four. And then my friend saw through the open door 4 seats in the stalls! They were free. The most amazing thing is that they missed absolutely free! And during the whole concert these places took no! So,
The first rule execution desires
: you have to really want.
And want should be sincere. Only desire to acquire the necessary energy for implementation.
But sometimes, his strong attitude we restrict access to dreams. This occurs when the desire for us is so important, what to think about anything else we can't. Then there is fear, excitement - and what will happen if you fail? And now the man begins to think about the obstacles and actively fighting them.
But the stronger our desire to avoid something, the more likely it is to receive. Actively fight what you don't want is to make every effort to ensure that it was in your life.
For example, you really want to get some work. Go to the interview and worried, want to produce to the employer the best impression, worried about how not to lose face. For you it is very very important. As a result, most likely the work that you do not receive, because your voltage in most cases will lead exactly to what you were afraid.
Probably everyone at least once had to take the exam for free. You are absolutely not ready, are going to respond, knowing that you have to retake. You are absolutely relaxed and perceive the whole process as a game and what happens? And it turns out! From here
The second rule: remove the inner importance of the desire, about the very process of achieving both a fun game and suddenly you're lucky?
Often desires are not implemented or executed not as we would like due to the fact that we are limited opportunities for their implementation. For example, people aims: to work hard and earn for a vacation home. Or save up for a trip to Paris. In this formulation there is already a constraint: that is, the person wants to earn or accumulate. That is what he does. Desire is: day and night he earns.
Options for the implementation of these many desires, we often don't know how many opportunities before us open. For example, the house can be obtained by inheritance, exchange, you can get married and move in the house to her husband, etc., and for a trip to Paris opportunities too the sea, even free: business trip, a conference, you can win a trip unexpectedly become a participant of the promotion, to receive an invitation from friends to go on exchange, etc.
At one time one of my client was crazy about Paris, it was the city of her dreams. His desire she formulated just want to live in Paris. Preconditions for implementation no, but intervened in the case. Suddenly her boss opened the business in the city of dreams, Paris, and invited her to work there. So
The third rule
: do not limit the implementation of desires
Do not insist on the way of execution of desires, focus on what you will get. Create a picture of the fulfillment of your desire, see it as a fascinating movie with your participation. Change and adjust it depending on your comfort.
Another barrier is the gap between our desires with our true motives and needs. For example, one woman wanted to start a family. But she was so passionate about the work that just does not seen of men wanting to meet her. She had no time to go on dates, go on vacation and spend time on other things.
True to her desire was to make a career, to achieve success in their business - and it came true. And manic she continued to talk about the family, thereby concentrating on what she is not and is not undertaking any efforts to implement his plan. And how could efforts, if the desire does not affect the values and needs?
Or, for example, a businessman complains all the time that he endlessly calling subordinates that he doesn't have a moment's peace, he had not seen his family, and his dream is to relax. And nothing is going on. Why? Because he feels his importance, necessity, and subconsciously surround ourselves with people not capable of independence. The rest is not his need, his true goal is important. And it it reaches.
Actually our real desires easily determine if a show is what you spend the most time. Man is where he is because he wants it!
His thoughts and deeds lead him to what he has. If every weekend you still want to work, family and personal happiness is unlikely to be your goal, at least at this moment. If your goal is to be healthy, beautiful, but all the free time you spend watching TV, at a bar, or eating popcorn in the cinema, we must admit that your real desire is not health and beauty.
The fourth rule
: it always does the desire that is stronger, which fully meets our motives and values.
Another obstacle in achieving the desired is indecision and fear to go beyond their comfort zone. As an example, I will tell the story of Paris. A client of mine went there. But the first time that life was not so happy - not the usual circle of friends, you need to adapt to a totally new environment, wage, which in Paris is not posicoes, because the business has just started to develop. In General, she stood only two months, and then from work refused and returned Home.
The greatest enemy of our development and success
- our comfort zone, the desire to be in familiar surroundings and unwillingness to overcome the difficulties associated with exit cosy familiar world. Many people resist all change, even positive! Imagine: you are sitting in his familiar and cozy apartment, and outside the window it is blowing a Blizzard and snow, frost. You want to go? Hardly.
And if you are invited to a fun celebration, hosted in your honor, which takes place on the next street? You will overcome your reluctance to go out on a cold unfriendly street? Therefore, there is a fifth rule: forthright and expand your comfort zone, use the chance which gives you life.
The main weakness of most people is that having some idea about the desired, they rarely go beyond dreams. This particularly applies to achieve some major goals. Actually planning to achieve goals, so widely used in management, with success you can use for yourself.
Take the time and write down all the possible ways of obtaining the desired, develop a strategy to achieve. When big goals are broken down into many small steps, their achievement does not seem so impossible. Be sure to jot down your goals and plans on paper - so you confirm for themselves the seriousness of your intentions. It is a kind of message to the Universe.
Over time, your plan may change, and there is nothing wrong in that way achieve the desired changed, the main thing - the result. So, the sixth rule can be formulated as follows: Write down your goals and make plans to achieve them.
By the way plans and notes help you to show patience in achieving the goals, because many people can not be a long time to persevere to get something. They did a lot, but nothing happens, and they started throwing. It turns out that everything in the Universe has already started to work on the fulfillment of a wish, and the people rejected it.
And now for the main - scientific-practical techniques for achieving desired. So, there are several stages in the correct order of execution of desires.
stage 1
: Clearly specify your desire.
Definitely in the affirmative. You cannot desire "not to be fat, how to say "I want to be slim". If you want to meet the man of your dreams, don't be surprised to see him in the subway, in the office, or his photo in the magazine, and that would be it. Desire fulfilled: I'd like to meet - met.
Therefore formulate goals more specifically: I want to meet; to create a family; romance; to be happy in his personal life, and so on, the Main rule: the desire need to formulate either very broadly or very detailed, given the details. For example: I want to marry. And if the marriage will be unhappy?
So: I would happily marry is a request wide, but more specific. More detail: I want to marry rich and be happy with it. And if he was born and lives in Africa? In General, think about what it is you want, because desires have property to true.
stage 2: Verify that the fulfillment of desire depends on you personally and refers to you?
"I have a wonderful husband - loving, caring and attentive. We always supported each other. He is an athlete and used to achieve goals. But six months ago he started to work in a charitable organization under the leadership of his friend the American. He downloaded his work on the throat, and pays pennies says that is no longer supposed charitable organization. My husband often goes on business trips, and even if he is in town, all day travel on business, then uses his car for business purposes. We often have to fight over it.
Turns out, he had no home, and a lot of money, he too does not work. Two weeks ago, my husband decided to finally leave the job because of her more losses than profits. He more you will get from the sport, than this work. But arrived American, and her husband decided to help him to finish the projects. He got a very honest and binding. And it's good, I like that. But a month ago his boss promised to pay him 500$ instead of 300$. A month has passed, and he never paid.
I constantly remind my husband that he was tougher and asked about the promised bonus. The husband cannot ask and says that I constantly nag and scold. I say that he does not value himself, if possible, to use a detriment. In the end, we quarrel again. But I do not want, on the contrary I want to help him to understand that we need a greater appreciation of themselves, especially with its potential. But what I didn't tell, it appears that I am to blame, I saw it, etc. What do I do and how to act in this situation? Because I want to help my husband to succeed".
In the letter of the reader desire is formulated so that unrealistic. Its implementation does not depend on it, but only from her husband, if he wishes to become successful (in his sense). If you look, she is looking to either increase family income, or to raise self-esteem of the husband, or wants to teach him to ask for money for their work. See how many nuances!
Therefore, to get what you need, analyze and determine. In our case, it is better to change the desire to "want to increase the family income" or "behave in a way that the self-esteem of her husband rose" - here the fulfillment of desires is completely dependent on the author, and therefore it is absolutely real. Their behavior may be controlled (for example, not to scold her husband's shortcomings and mention its advantages), and the money in the family can come entirely from different sources, and it will not necessarily work husband.
stage 3
: Define performance criteria desires.
If you want to get rich, then exactly how much money you have to be? If the purpose creation of family, how you will feel in it, what to do, what role to fulfill, what will be your husband? If the target is a new work, then describe in detail the work and your responsibilities, and salary.
Otherwise, how will you understand that the desire and the fulfilment of it? Try to get into this situation, see it as a movie where you are in the main role. If the movie is not like, then adjust the wish until you get a feeling of comfort.
stage 4: Think about the consequences of execution of desires.
For example, if you like the work, and you think of the increase in income, you may be offered a new position. So decide what you want to change and what is not, will all the good moments that you have now, and what will be, if not saved?
After all, the new position may take you a lot of free time, and you will not be able to go to the gym, spend more time with the family, etc. Specify the language of desire: "I Want to increase income twice while maintaining my position".
stage 5: Determine what you need to execute the wishes and how you can get it now.
Make a plan. We have already talked about how important it is to plan and develop a strategy to achieve the desired. Availability of plans helps us to act and to move towards their dream, and not to sit waiting for a miracle.
stage 6
: Define the time of execution of desires - this will allow you to concentrate your energy in the right direction.
Time be sure to put real, who themselves believe. But remember that any thing is done as long as you give him. Because sometimes it happens that the desire is fulfilled, and you don't need it.
7 stage: First steps.
Determine the smallest first steps, from which you can start the process of realizing your goals and the time and place when you will do these steps.
And again, to the fulfillment of desires need to be ready! It seems ridiculous, but many people often pass their capabilities. And remember: if the desire arose, then you already know how to do it. Always be ready to meet the dream!
Gorshkov E.
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