From the pupa to the doctor.
I warn you once: I never was a man.
I was a woman. As a woman I had quite a lot of contact with men.
Thanks I don't know what they need to do in order not to have me grief, trouble and problems, as well as other calamities and generally painless to survive.
I am very difficult to get along with women. By and large I'd better men.
How to survive modern woman...
With modern, haha.
And with that ancient, it was easier?
Who said it?
About the stone age with this point of view, little is known, mainly because of the total absence of written sources. However, there is no doubt that a close coexistence, not to say cohabitation, with individual of the opposite sex caused some inconvenience, the best evidence of which is the development of civilization.
No man ever would have nothing to invent, not whether the requirements of women. Well, maybe a little improved the least offensive and defensive weapons, as all males fed the propensity for war. They love to fight. And those who do not like, trying to hide it, considering the massacre of his sacred duty.
Actually, properly, should they be somewhat different from women.
Therefore, the powder can be made up, but nothing more.
Undoubtedly, the woman asked for a pot to boil water, a soft bed, a cradle for offspring and coat for yourself plus a mirror, a comb, scissors, and beads. The man simply was forced to work on discoveries and inventions, otherwise the woman did not survive. She nagged and nagged him, exhausting all of baldness, and hence the progress and permanent employment, in other words - a lot of work.
The fact that for many years had been the woman to keep on a short leash, though it always had problems. Example: Socrates. Not to mention some lady Macbeth or there Yelena the Beautiful.
Now, admittedly, on the one hand, several improved male position, and ispuskateli his eerie way. Partially this woman stopped on the man hanging. Independently began to earn their livelihood and to crank out different things. She has learned to:
1. Itself to buy train tickets, and even air.
2. Talking on the phone.
3. There is in eating places.
4. To drive a car. (Although, by and large, it's not really like men...)
5. To get food.
6. To ski and swim. (Yet, in the event of a disaster at sea in the first place in the boats put women and children, To the children was not a will, but as for women, who knows, maybe the notorious weakness of their sex will be finished in the end of men? And what would you do if the woman is the captain of the ship, because they are already here and have time? As you know, the captain left the ship last...)
7. As well as many other things, where once a man was supposed to serve as a strong hand, and intellect, that's why he was often dizzy.
Consequently, the benefit is obvious: a little better. However, on the other hand...
It was easy with sword in hand and lats on the belly to make yourself the hero. It was easy to powder brains the idiot that two-on-two multiplied, can, and could, but double-three she had already turned seven. It is easy to demonstrate male superiority, when weak and underdeveloped sex had nothing to say...
"Do not break it over your pretty little head," that's the word, which for centuries has filled the surrounding space and still to this day sometimes conveyed in a sad echo. That's right, the hardest to come to terms with the fact that the woman instead of the head has acquired head. The hard case. Need to get it.
The main male quality, pronounced and irresistible - the desire to be a leader in the herd is constantly runs into all sorts of obstacles. Thank God that they still need men. And at the same time on this leadership role women claim clearly and shamelessly, throwing all the diplomacy that allowed at least to save face. From the point of view of the law they are theoretically equal with men that really only leads to complications and troubles. Only in this whole mess consolation is that, zastrelim, for example, an incorrect (not in the religious sense), the woman can no longer pretend that we didn't know what he's doing. But still trying...
This problem is serious, and approach it with due seriousness. All men know perfectly well what is really a woman: a multifunctional device that is sufficiently flexible, with a wide spectrum of action.
This is a fact and true. But to use this device can only very few. The majority't cope with him and spoils that he can. Spoiled the device useless.
It should draw the attention of men on one specific feature that they show, read every step. Screwdriver they used to screwing, well, except for cleaning the nails, the corkscrew to uncork a bottle of wine, I tend to drive carefully mindful of such things as oil, spark plug, brake pads, fluid in the battery and slow speed. Before spinning God forbid anyone to touch, hunting rifle disassemble and assemble with motherly care and almost with tears in his eyes, all inanimate objects are carefully and gently, taking care of them with all the care and understanding that the neglect of little things can have disastrous consequences. As a woman what?..
Material fatigue it is not true, lubrication is not required, a sharp change of the mode the device performs without outside interference, repairs are not needed, and other details and the attention is not necessary.
You are mistaken, gentlemen!
She, of course, a multifunctional device, however, requires careful care. With proper care it is perfectly pass the exam and can serve until the end of his life, being in excellent condition.
First of all the woman it is necessary to choose carefully, carefully planning. The main male error in that they are subject to the choice of women. The error of this, they usually do:
1. From laziness.
2. Out of politeness.
3. Foolishly.
4. Because of the deceptive illusion that once they have selected, you will be spoiled.
5. Due to time constraints.
6. Out of pity.
7. Mistaken that it's not for long.
8. Unconsciously.
9. Mistakenly thinking that they had chosen themselves.
10. From uncertainty, which is rare.
11. Fuck knows what else.
They chose - and Hello. 's over. Not they will take advantage of the fruits of this choice, and chose the woman. And men suffer and fall into stress, feeling that their life is ruined.
Moreover, often not even realizing why.
The main types of women is:
1. The pupa.
2. Battle-Baba.
3. Domestic Chicken.
4. Femme Fatale.
5. Termagant.
6. Dodder.
7. Noble Angel.
8. Your Guy.
9. Goddess.
10. Workaholic.
11. The nanny.
12. The intellectual. ... and
13. A real Woman that has everything.
Each type has a different purpose and different poisons the life of man. Typically the most popular Doll, and this has the real truth. Pupa by nature stupid, so they fool without any difficulty will be on its background to Shine with intelligence. Any notable abilities in Pupae not, and if by chance there is, it isn't too demonstrate so as to prevent congenital idiocy. But the eyes, with adoration looking up at her Lord and master, do the trick, and every man becomes them.
Here it is appropriate to cite one of the sage, which allows you to make far-reaching conclusions. The sage is not known, but we know that he spoke:"there is No such stupid women that ran for a man just because he has beautiful feet".
And as with men?..
Caught as hooked on these legs, these eyes, this is the rapture, and then they are ready to sink into the ground when the Doll will open my mouth in humans. Full compromise.
If you fell for the Doll, please know that this treasure is not for conversations. Prepare in advance for what will be forced to fix all her idiotism, and life will throw all the new surprises. Assess your own durability and think about it, will, when the Doll is:
a) sit in the train going in the opposite direction;
b) will the car against the flow on one-way streets;
in) turn right instead of left, because she is so convenient;
d) forget that lunch should be the Brawn, and will serve you frozen spinach;
d) will buy you a tie in purple monkeys and will insist that you wore;
e) put in the washing machine your summer jacket together with wallet;
W) will come to the meeting with a delay of two and a half hours, as the Pupae usually no sense of time;
C) will spend all the money intended for payment of taxes, before the expiry of the term of payment;
and carefree you blurt out all your deepest secrets;
K) and soaked some more unexpected rooms in the same spirit.
Only one Doll will not make sure. Never in my life will not offend your boss, because Dolls flirt with any man who only arm will turn up.
If you are subject to selection Pupae, look carefully, not false.
Women have a good instinct, and each can pretend the Doll easily. The sham could be recognized not once, but then appear and start to deliver all sorts of grief traits other types of women.
In fact, the transformation of Pupae within a reasonable woman is welcome.
Of course, if you're not a complete idiot...
Battle-Baba, as you might guess, men respond only after a very strong pressure, Even the most stupid Butch enough mind to find men of lesser character and with a more delicate psyche. After all, those that are stronger, she would not be given. If surreptitiously, skillfully hiding from time to time their fighting traits, it will be able to halls who is stronger, losing it in a death grip, then she is where to turn.
And what would you do to this poor fellow? But there is a solution. And even two.
One very effective to direct the whole force of the nature of this ladies against their enemies, sending her to where required tremendous punching power. She will cope, rest assured!
And second: stay away from this overly energetic person, to the extent possible, under the pretext of acquisition, investigation or device whatever she has to, of course, to please her.
To select items or hard-to-reach jobs downright impossible to simulate frenzied activity.
Aside from her at a safe distance, you can quietly go where you beckons the soul: fishing, horse racing, beer, play bunco with friends, to another lady in jail...
Well no, in prison you are not too pulls... Yes anywhere. After spending some time in your favorite place, relaxing body and mind, you can return to your Battle-Baba, and with new forces to repel the attacks of her violent temper.
Homemade chicken - type, with huge advantages, and every man about something similar dreams. In life, raging around, he can swim freely, and next to it a full set of services around cleanliness and order. Pants and shirts in the closet clean and naglazhennye, and even the Cabinet does not concern you, as it will take out and serve. The food is always ready, so what! Meals are all time-consuming: the dumplings, pies, stuffed meat, pickled plum, some pickles. Not life, but the carnival! Even shoes this Kretinga cleans.
But that's really something, for example, of a glazier to find she is unable, as the creature is by nature timid, and communication with a stranger for her is just torture. If you do find and bring home the glazier, be sure eyes with him not to go down and will cause all to do just fine.
Transmission it sends the Holy terror, and sits behind the wheel unless absolutely necessary.
But, if you're on a birthday buddy take a pint, she will sacrifice herself and bring the car carefully, quietly, not breaking the rules. And home will take. And resolicit will be served in the morning. And imposed in the company will not, in the pub you will not be dragged, to play cards and does not know how to flirt. Flowers will be watered, nest vystelit...
The wise man is able to appreciate happiness befell him, and with small flaws are willing to accept.
He realizes that he must:
1. To be home a little more than the eight hours that is spent on sleep.
2. Enthusiastically praise cooked meals.
3. To make all the decisions, regardless of whether they involve new doormat or emigration to Australia.
4. To give money, not necessarily all available.
5. Carefully hide their entertainment.
6. To listen the incident report for the day, even if it contains only a detailed summary of what was said to the neighbour and that she replied the neighbor below. Can't think of anything of his own.
7. Sometimes himself to say something.
8. Take the mother-in-law came to visit. You can be late and run out of breath, participating thus in the final stage of the visit, provided that it will make the appropriate facial expression.
9. To perform marital obligations at least once a week.
But in any case must NOT:
1. To expect from her intellectual insights.
2. To ask her people difficult questions.
3. To send a single trip.
4. To return to diminu drunk.
5. To invite in the house of young beautiful women.
Keeping these few things is enough to turn your existence into a living Paradise.
Stupid man, taken aback in addition conspicuous difference between his own Homemade Chicken and, for example, the Fatal Woman, who just aimed at him, losing the last remnants of the brain, grabs a Fatal Woman, lords it over his Chicken and finally spoil our life. Here it is bad, and nothing good, and that he will receive from femme fatale, will know in a minute. Well, except that Homemade Chicken will take it back.
Of course, if someone smarter not taking advantage of the situation.
On the Fatal Woman will bite if not all, most.
Femme fatale knows what he is doing, and does not allow men to forget why they are created and what they have to serve. No man before this reminder will not stand, At the same time itself well to remember why it was created, and on such nonsense is not distracted.
If you have already started its devious, then get ready to go home and instead of lunch to be found there:
1. Beauty in the bath in fragrant foam.
2. Beauty in full combat readiness on a bear-skin.
3. A table set with wine, candles and a bouquet of flowers, not you donated.
4. Heated rival.
5. Beauty, ready to go with you to the restaurant for dinner.
The appearance of the femme fatale, of course, add your masculine strength, but only then that they suck. If you do not meet requirements, it will look for another victim and, be sure, you will find, despite your protests.
If you're not a millionaire, which is:
a) will hire a maid, because you need somewhere to take a clean shirt and something to eat;
b) in a day will bring a diamond necklace or chinchilla fur coat, aby that Femme fatale in the gift does not take.
Be prepared that the opponent will see very quickly.
So, someone like that, please have a Fatal Woman. The free will. So you need.
The video is not always immediately detected. Smart termagant at first claws hides and pretends to be an angel. Even if where you will show the edge of his nature, the ordinary man will see it as a manifestation of temperament and even, you little fool, you will be happy. Then he'll get it.
Shards of crockery, broken on his head, he'll posobiraet, but moral injury will remain. And be miserable nervously glancing at the clock, regardless of the Minister or the janitor. A meeting here and there, she waits with the rolling pin, dinner already, I suppose, pulled down the garbage chute, and now croset scissors his ties. Dinner in the end it can and will receive. But the atmosphere in the house is clearly not conducive to digestion.
This classic video is undoubtedly superior to the Battle-Baba, so as not to waste energy on fighting with the world, and focused only on her man. And the life he therefore there is no continuous scandals, revenge surreptitiously, the lack of will and compromise at every step.
If your video is not stupid, feels for you hot feelings and wants to be with you, may try to influence the bore, the method of persuasion. Facing a serious conversation, of course, must appease way reliable and proven for centuries. Then to Express their grievances, avoiding threats. It happens to shrew comes, what she said, and she somewhat limits their attacks that will surely bring you great relief.
Fight Video is pointless. She always wins. Then she and the doctor...
John Khmelevskaya
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