According to statistics, every smoker in the course of his life trying to quit an average of no less than three times. Why to overcome tobacco addiction so difficult?
Quit Smoking easy, you just need to love yourself.
What the world is mired in tobacco smoke, we seriously realized in 1988. It was then that the world health organization (who) launched an initiative to stop the spread of nicotine addiction on the planet. Twelve-year struggle is already yielding results: according to research by TNS Marketing Index (2009) - "TSN Russia", the number of Russian smokers decreased by 2, 4 million people. But the number of people suffering from tobacco dependence is still large. For example, according to Rospotrebnadzor, only in Russia smoke more than 30% of women and 65% men.
It all starts with childhood. Adolescents try Smoking for the sake of self-expression, so I want them to look older and more solid. And all just because time is not received from parents enough love and attention - they did not listen to their child and not perceived as a person.
Girls and boys are older also hide in the smoke of their complexes: uncertainty, awkwardness, fear to say or do stupid (better to smoke), the desire to look special or, on the contrary, to be closer to the people, if all your friends smoke.
For many cigarette in his mouth - a sign of protest against the ban on Smoking. Now, if Smoking became fashionable, most of them immediately dropped the habit, not to be like everyone else.
Smoking man increasingly finds time for a cigarette, telling everyone and myself that it soothes and helps to pass the time.
So, reasons to start Smoking a lot, as a way to quit is just one: love yourself. After all, what is the addiction to cigarette? Nothing more than dissatisfaction (subconscious or overt). After all, if a smoker loved his body, unless he would make in his lungs the trash? Hardly...
But, as practice shows, to love yourself is more difficult than to believe that cigarettes are not harmful to health. And may harm will come ten years from now for smoker is equivalent to the word "never", but doubt not: that time will come.
According to the materials online
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