Thursday, February 6, 2014

Men's team - the source of infection

The number of male staff in companies rarely exactly matches the number of the fair sex - in some companies, some more, some others. But the more men in the office, the more pathogenic bacteria...

Men's team - the source of infectionIn some companies (for example, Japanese) 1 employee-a woman can have 10 or even more representatives of a strong half of mankind. It is clear that women in the offices of such companies is surrounded by special attention and care. However, this phenomenon (the dominance of the male half of the human race in the working premises) there is a downside, it is much less positive...

Researchers from a University in the U.S. city of San Diego (San Diego State University) in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Arizona (University of Arizona) took 450 samples microflora living on different surfaces in the offices of several tens of companies in different cities of USA.

The study authors were able to select more than 500 types of different microorganisms, including pathogens, some of which normally inhabit the human body, and the part was brought in from the outside on the clothes and shoes.

The highest number of bacteria was found on office chairs and phones, at the same time, to the surprise of scientists, in this case the traditional hotbeds of germs keyboards and mice appeared to be less contaminated by microorganisms than other items office items.

But the special attention of the researchers who conducted the experiment, attracted the difference in the amount of harmful bacteria in different offices depending on the proportions worked there for men and women.

So, in offices where employees were mostly men, dangerous microorganisms was much more than in the offices of the "ladies" of companies - for example, the editorial offices of magazines for women, Dating services, marriage agencies and the like.

The authors suggest that the reason for this phenomenon lies primarily in the fact that men are bigger than women, so they can live more bacteria.

But there are other reasons...

"Men usually less cleanly than women, they are less likely to wash their hands, can easily put the sandwich on the table or the computer keyboard", - makes your unpleasant for the representatives of the stronger sex verdict to the head of research Professor Scott Kelly (Scott Kelley).



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