Thursday, February 6, 2014

Children's epilepsy is just a diagnosis

Children's epilepsy is just a diagnosisEpilepsy is a chronic disease that begins mainly in childhood and adolescence and is characterized by various paroxysmal disorders and special personality changes, reaching the degree of apparent dementia.

The basis of the disease is increased convulsive readiness, due to the characteristics of the course of metabolic processes of the brain. But, the main causes of epilepsy can be: prenatal brain damage, adverse during childbirth (birth trauma), as well as traumatic brain injury, CNS-infections throughout life, especially in childhood.

How to understand that your child is sick?

In children of early age epilepsy motor is expressed anxiety or immobility (freezing), gastrointestinal disorders, sweating, facial flushing. Small children begging on hands, RUB the handles of the eyes, the older indicate visual, taste, sound, olfactory hallucinations, autonomic reactions. Then suddenly lose consciousness, which is preceded by a shrill cry or moan (spasm of the glottis), and begins an attack of convulsions: the child falls, toniceski tense muscles, then begins phase clonic seizures.

With the awakening of the children complain of fatigue, headache, depressed.

Epilepsy is a sentence?

It is important to remember that at an early age the treatment of epilepsy may be the most effective, and to achieve 100% recovery. Hence, a full and normal life.

For a start, the patient must contact the experts in this field, they need to properly and accurately diagnose based on a full examination, as there are several types of epilepsy. When choosing medications is considered the type of attacks, the possibility of occurrence of side effects in the patient, taking into account its characteristics, comorbidities, etc.

The treatment of epilepsy begins with her diagnosis. You need to install a form of epilepsy for further treatment. In the traditional treatment based on anticonvulsant therapy. When conducting anticonvulsant therapy is prescribed previously known anticonvulsive drugs: ethosuximide, phenytoin, primidone, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, salts of valproic acid.

The patient must exactly follow the doctor's instructions, since the violation mode and the reduction or increase in the dose of drugs a patient may experience a severe attack of epilepsy. The treatment of epilepsy drug is taken regularly for a long time.

To consolidate the actions anticonvulsant drugs used method of herbal medicine. The patient is prescribed a decoction of medicinal herbs, which also reduces the occurrence of seizures.

One of the methods of treatment of epilepsy is a surgical method of treatment. Highly sensitive equipment allows you to define the area in the cerebral cortex, which causes the occurrence of attacks. After the determination of the exact position of this region of the brain carry out the procedure for its destruction, that is, eliminate the center of the origin and development of seizures, as a result, the attacks should not be developed.

One of the folk remedies: the patient with epilepsy should eat as much raw onion, and drink plenty of fresh onion juice. Luke epileptic seizures become softer and are repeated less often.


Women's Magazine

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