We all learned a little...
When I was seven years old, I fell in love. My love was sitting with me at the same Desk. And all that I was interested in, this is it. Then I was sorry that in our school there is no such thing - Love. The feeling I experienced was for me more interesting mathematics, Russian language and literature.
When I finished the eleventh grade, I didn't know what I want to be. And I really lacked subject - Purpose. But we are not taught.
When I was in University, I was terribly lonely. It seemed to me that no one understands me and no one seems to me. Now, if we had the subject of Human Relations...
When I started working, I found that my salary enough for me for exactly a week. And why we didn't have the discipline is Money?...
I thought I learned everything I know, except the chief. In my own life I was in a dark unfamiliar room.
The traditional form of education, through which we passed, was boring and detached from life. Although I am grateful to my teachers and teachers - they were good specialists. But the knowledge that I received is just a small part of what it demanded from me my life.
I felt that there was some flaw in the education. And only a few years later I realized what exactly this gap.
In teaching, we can gain knowledge, i.e. information. We need to remember what was revealed to us by others. We get it with books, lessons, hear from smart people. We get chewed food. It works for the overall development and professional competence.
But in addition, there is also My Own Life. And there knowledge of truths does not work. And the experience of others it is not applied, no matter how hard you try. Because this is My Life, and not of Socrates and not girlfriends.
It turns out that Knowledge and Life are two parallel lines that do not want to cross. Knowledge about how to build relationships for some reason little help when they are in a complex, confusing situation. Knowledge about how to be successful and happy for some reason seem to be an abstraction taken from the ceiling, especially when you feel bad here and now. The mind understands, but the hands still down.
There is information and there effectiveness. And these are different things. Having a large amount of information, we do not apply it in practice.
Training involving
Today we don't know who this man was who invented this form of training, as training. But this person certainly ought to erect a monument. And the fact that in the last decade, the training is so popular - is no accident.
People who are not familiar with training, see it as something between a club of alcoholics anonymous and religious sect. Perhaps there are reasons, and we're not going to convince anyone. Speaks for itself, the demand for them. If he's so great, it means that someone needs.
Training to become revolutionary method of training. But, like any revolutionary method, it has its supporters and opponents.
So what is the revolution? In that training, all turned on its head. Or rather, from head to feet. If traditional teaching we give 90% information and 10% of the experience (and if you're lucky), in training all the way around. 10% is, in fact, the knowledge, the remaining 90% is a living experience. And in this it differs.
Outside the box? Yes. Risky? May be. Interested? How! But most importantly, effective. Only now are the result of such education is not a mark in the record book, and the changes in your own life. Because the training is not for a grade book. The training is for life.
The peculiarity of such training is that the people involved in it entirely. Intellect, soul and even body. This is achieved by the fact that in training there is no teacher who
knows how. Maybe he knows but will not tell. There is no advice and does not give ready-made recipes. All the recipes participants invent themselves. Coach only creates the necessary conditions for this - as a creative laboratory.
Training - it is nothing like a little model of life. And, like any small model, it is very clear.
For participant training is a journey in my own life and in his personality, which is that life creates. Therefore, the main object of the exercise is you.
That train?
Trainings are different. If you look at the scale, they can be divided into two large groups. This business training and personal development training.
Business training is training that is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the companies, staff and managers. In simplistic terms, there are taught specific skills: sales, business planning, management, organization, time, and other things needed in the business of making money. Business training was also to develop a special, strategic way of thinking needed to implement large-scale problems.
Personal development training - this... is... so far nobody has given a precise definition, what is it and what kind of personality grow.
I'll try to explain it very simply. Remember, even in the Soviet time, we studied Marxist-Leninist philosophy? Well, if you did not found, or philosophy that is not studied, anyway... "Being determines consciousness". You know this phrase? Sure.
If we translate it into simple English, then it will sound like this: "the Circumstances make you such what you is." Now. Try this phrase to turn. Will - "Consciousness determines being". What you are, creates circumstances. What are you, so is your life. In all its aspects: love, family, relationships, friends, health, work, income, etc. And what are you? It's your personality: your philosophy of life, habits, beliefs, attitudes, preferences, behavior...
Personal growth training is training, where you change the nature of your personality. And because of this begin to change their lives beyond those habits, those performances where you live. And get the results, never could get before. Life takes on a different quality - just as a little Bud turns into a fragrant flower.
People use their potential by 5-10%. The remaining 90% somewhere. And sometimes, in extreme cases, you get access to them. (Running away from the dog, you take a two-meter barrier, although in ordinary life would never have done).
During the training you will explore your potential. This is what you are doing now, did yesterday and, if nothing changes, will do tomorrow. This potential is in your area familiar and relatively comfortable life. Immediately, in training you in the mode experiment step over this boundary usual. And already you can see what was not seen before, doing something you never did feel like never felt. That is changing. Get not just abstract knowledge, and their personal, unique experience. And if you have experience, you will be able to repeat it yourself. So in real life you will be able to act, think and feel as learned during the training.
The purpose of the training is to transfer the person from point less freedom to the point of greater freedom.
Coach is, first and foremost, the therapist
The main commandment professional coach, do no harm. As the doctor. Only a doctor is dealing with the human body, coach - with his soul. The substance of this very vulnerable and sensitive. Therefore, the improper actions of a coach can cause ambiguous results. That is why there are cases when after training, people became worse, exacerbated internal conflicts, falling self-esteem, there was a deep personal crises. And the point here is not training, but who does it.
Coaches are hard and soft - it depends on the style of his work. But a professional coach is, above all, a subtle psychologist, therapist. He provides environmental working group members. Training is like a parachute, but with a reliable insurance. It's a situation where there is no charge for the mistakes and experiment safely.
The effect of group
Many people are unsure what is better - training or individual consultation with a psychologist (coach)?
This question, actually, is not just better or worse. They are just two completely different ways of working.
Counseling is a private conversation one-on-one with a specialist who works exclusively with your request (challenge goal). It gives you feedback through their professional opinion on things. Essentially, the advice is not training.
Advice you can opt for a training if:
- You have a topic that you under no circumstances want to raise and work on the group due to its intimate and painful character.
- If you want to get an in-depth look the part and get personalized recommendations.
- it is a group process that allows you to open and edit these facets of yourself you didn't know and maybe don't even realize consultant. In the group of people who come into contact with others, sees himself in the mirror. There also may be involved in such processes and exercises that you can perform in the mode of individual work.
When should you go for training?
- When you feel that you do not live, still preparing for a better life.
- When you are waiting for a miracle don't understand how.
When you live without joy and meaning, wandering from one problem to another.
- When you just miss the life you have Groundhog day.
When not to go for training? It's not a panacea, and training really shows not all.
- If you truly satisfied with your life at 100% and don't see what else it can do better.
- If you are not satisfied, but not fundamentally believe in the possibility of change and change your life.
- If you are not ready to question your right, the way and philosophy of life.
Training is over, life goes on...
Training is not the end all problems. Quality training is an investment in yourself (for the most part - very cheap), then when the life you live on the interest.
The results
The results of the trainings of personal growth lie in two areas: internal and external.
The results of the external field - things objectively visible. Faster, higher, stronger (faster moving into work and deeds, rise above the level of career and income, stronger feel and love).
The results of the internal region is a subtle thing, but no less important. This formation of the inner core, which gives three: stability, confidence and satisfaction. Even when not everything is glued, the situation turns into a state as if "unreasonable" joy, clearly visible even bystanders, not to mention the media that joy.
Don't be afraid to trust yourself!
//Women's training center Julia sviâša
The sviâša Y., trainer, psychologist-consultant
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