Once I watched one woman-head at work. At first it was fun laughing with the employee, discussing current Affairs, and made it impossible to determine who was here the head.
Then the phone rang, and she turned into the helpless creature, crushed by circumstances - in this way she tried to convince suppliers to postpone the payment.
A little later I watched as firmly and powerfully she scolded careless Manager, and literally ten minutes after this conversation we saw her completely transformed.
Brushing hair, changing decorations and opening his a couple of buttons on the blouse, she said "I Went to fascinate the customer was out of the office. And then I realized what the secret of success of women in business.
No man is unable, for some hours to play a few different roles, not getting a nervous breakdown. Women - a truly great actress, able to transform instantly depending on the circumstances. Changing roles is the key to success!
And indeed: in the business world, originally created for men, women play by their rules. And creating these rules, women use all its advantages.
For example, they have a more sophisticated social intelligence, they feel better the nuances of relationships - including the attitude.
Therefore, it is easier for women to adapt to the interlocutor and to predict its behavior. For the same reasons women are much easier to speak the language of the interlocutor, and this is an important key to understanding.
The attention of women to detail and listening skills help to determine the motivation of the opponent, which is so easy to influence, using innate emotional and verbal intelligence.
The ability to Express emotions in words, play your voice help women to speak clearly and vividly, and presentations, and performances by some of the fairer sex can even have a corpse to arouse a desire to buy.
Women are more sensitive to intonation and changes mimics the interlocutor, and this helps to quickly detect changes in his mood and the flexibility to change their behavior.
Because men have many of these qualities are not included in the required gentlemanly set, in the field of communication women masterly bypass men and win.
Despite a great advantage for men in strategic thinking, women compensate this fact more practicality, which allows them to receive guaranteed the "here and now".
And how cleverly use women the fact that men are easier to respond to courtship and sexual innuendos!
And the most resistant to stress than men, allowing women even in the most difficult situations to show all the facets of his acting talent, quickly switching from one role to another.
And what's entourage and costumes pick up women for their outputs to the stage!
Our favorite props
For each meeting with clients Tanya created a new image. For example, when met with a woman of middle age or old, she dressed modestly, ugly and almost never used cosmetics.
Another thing, when I had a meeting with a man - she looked like "one hundred" as a star of the screen. Also in my closet Tanya had costumes completely different style and quality is needed for meetings with clients of different material level and kind of activity.
Women as Actresses create the right impression and influence the interlocutor with the help of a good costume. And here they are true masters!
No man will wear a pink shirt just because this color creates trust the person". And women with the nuances of their appearance deftly manipulated by those same men.
Another important female advantage is the ability to create the right atmosphere. At one time I was very amused by the story of Alla, while owning a small trading company.
Not being able to put pressure on suppliers in the negotiations, so they lowered the price, Alla invented a cunning move.
The intrigue was the following: when suppliers appeared in the office, the first thing they saw was a group of people in suits and laptops. People sat next to the meeting room and nervously waited for their turn.
Alla said surprised suppliers that announced a tender for the best price on procurement and it is their direct competitors. It will consider all offers and will accept the best solution for your company.
The negotiations were fast, because fear of losing the contract, the vendors have agreed to the terms Alla. When they had gone, she dismissed the crowd at the office, because their role has been played.
Also masterfully built Alla stage of their negotiations. She sits, for example, in some steep the office and important men do not want to make concessions.
And suddenly Alla's mobile rings. She apologizes and explains that awaits urgent information from clients. Of a pair of words that hear are present, it becomes clear that customers can't live without Alla!
After some time, the call - Oh, sorry, sorry, it's a call from America. In General, a couple of well-thought-out moves with respect to Alla and her company has grown by leaps and bounds!
Secretary Alla knowingly receive their salary, spending their time on calls for AllInOne scenario. I must say that using such creative finds, Alla was a great success both in business and in personal life.
Men are always waiting for decision making, expression of strength, persistence, activity. From women traditionally required softness, pliability.
And if she is beautiful, blonde, probably expected of her frivolity. When it comes to business lady often comes to mind the image of bitches or masculine feminists.
The list of stereotypes can be continued indefinitely, but it is useless, it is much better to break stereotypes. It always leads the interlocutor in a state of incredible flexibility. And do with it what you want!
Break stereotypes is a favorite weapon of women. No man will know the signs of intelligence and greed fragile leggy blonde with huge deer eyes.
And not only men commit such error, for the first time after talking with a successful Manager Masha. Pre-tuning in the light and casual conversation with the young fool (beautiful, so stupid, everybody knows that! they got a real shock from the professionalism and perseverance of Mary.
Having a high IQ and is truly a bulldog grip, Masha cleverly used these moments of wonder to increase sales results and recharge your personal budget.
If your colleague is a man turned to the boss asking him to explain the details of the project entrusted to him, piteously, rolling his eyes and lonely crumbling handkerchief for tears, boss, I think that they would send, and then took the project and gave it a more balanced person.
But if the same thing would make a lovely hostess, fatherly he will regret it and will gladly explain the details of this terrible project.
Moreover, he immediately feel as good and necessary head, a true leader, able to instruct young minds!
Lena, head of the investment firm, told the incredible story of how in his youth, when she worked as a simple Secretary at the reception, she suddenly salary was increased twice!
It was like this. Sat Lena to her room and sobbed softly, remembering unfair and offensive attacks of her companion, who was dumped from work ahead of time and made poor Lena to work overtime, but still not in my shift.
At this point, the passing of chief financial officer of the company. He heard sobbing and stopped at the reception. After that began the interrogation.
In the Lena, tears, opened a good Director and told all her girlish secrets, related to the arbitrariness in the workplace.
How she was surprised when he sighed and said Lena, I know, you learn and you work hard in the evenings. Maybe we'll raise wages if you have to stay?
Lena agreed and understood that the power of women still in its weakness.
Men don't cry. And women can afford to have a little cry once, then another, and because of this even receive dividends.
Time said a compliment works wonders. And here women much more than men. The compliment is really important not just praise, and the ability to notice and appreciate what he interlocutor in delight. And women always feel such things intuitively.
And the ability to achieve results through such emotional stroking generally female the invention.
"Sergei, my dear, you know the math and actually the smartest in the class. Give me, please, write it off! "so this is manifested in childhood. "Your presentation was the best in the division! Could you give me some tips? " - improved skills compliment early in his career.
"Sergei, you are very carefully picked up the data for the report, have considered all, I've never met such a responsible approach to business! You, of course, the prospective employee in the Department. Could you linger today in the office and finish the project early? " - and this is the aerobatics production compliment ladies-head.
Well who can resist the charm of flattery, especially backed up by facts!
Our favorite role
Our boy
She despises all women's things type makeup, skirts and heels. Coquetry she is alien. Works equally with men, and often even better. Respect her as a friend and employee. And this is a plus, because trust her.
That's exactly what always helps to be informed and to maintain high production rates. It also promotes the company and career growth, especially if it is not hysterical.
The difficulty arises when you need help. And you don't have it, because all perceive it as a full-fledged business unit - that is, as a man.
Sex appeal
Remember how deftly threw his legs Sharon stone in the movie "Basic instinct"? And it's not just a movie, it is a fact of life: sometimes the negotiations is solved exactly using such simple manipulations.
Deep neckline, slow strokes oblong objects, languid eyes, a licking of the lips, showcasing beautiful legs - all of this distracts men from negotiation and makes it much more accommodating.
But if you overdo it with its charm or linger in a similar role, you can wait aggression or direct allusions to the fact that the negotiations can be continued in a more intimate setting.
Larisa was appointed head of Department in a manufacturing company. Seeing a team of monsters, consisting of some men, Larissa realized that the usual methods of management team here will not work.
And she began to process the electorate. Each foreman she said something like: "I need Your help. Understand top management requires me results and presses on me.
I am in complete confusion. And You, an experienced employee, have the authority, I really need Your advice..." - Larisa looked blank, like a real Barbie doll.
And it worked - as herself Larisa didn't expect! Foremen almost took Larisa under his wing and helped her with everything.
Sorry for the unfortunate woman, over which so cruelly mocked senior management, moved the production process for many years!
This tactic is good in a male team or when colleagues or partners much older or more capable you. This tactic works in many situations - people love to feel important by helping others.
Especially if these other so helpless. This tactic is losing when you achieve a managerial position.
Showing the boss of your helplessness, you demonstrate your inability to make decisions, and to manage a team.
The mother can and to praise and scold, it can podrovnyat and she often does not hesitate to share their personal problems. She gives to drink tea and buys a cake.
If she still boss, her group all employees are provided with social benefits and well-fed. She also loves that they were friends, and therefore provides corporate events.
This role is very suitable for women's groups, as well as if your submission is quite "green" employees. Mother love, believe it. The downside is that too much care can bring it up completely irresponsible group.
Everyone wants to be in her retinue. She's bossy, arrogant and very professional. The charm of this role that the Queen of all commands. One look and all at her feet.
She who does not run, it all comes down to it itself. As you know, the Queen makes retinue. And so it is only dealing with reputable people - they create the proper image. This role is very good when you need to impress, to show his power and authority.
When the Queen wants to insist on his own, puts the arrogant in place and refuses unfavorable suggestions, many consider it a bitch. But aloud nobody says, because the Queen is allowed to do everything.
And it changes as he wants. The only negative role - because of the concentration on power, you can lose friends.
The many roles available to women. The most important thing in his passion for the reincarnation not to forget about what you really are. Sincerity and honesty are still the Foundation on which to build people's trust in us. It's so nice to work with someone you trust!
Female passion
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