Migraine is a recurring severe pain in one side of the head. Strong throbbing pain is concentrated in the fronto-temporo-orbital region, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, chills, frequent urination, photophobia and intolerance to loud sounds. The duration of the attack - from several minutes to several days.
It is believed that migraines are the result of different perfusion disorders of the brain. The attacks are repeated after a certain period of time is 2-4 months, sometimes more or less often. According to the International classification of diseases, there are two types of migraine: migraine with aura and without aura. A typical example of a migraine with aura is described in Bulgakov's novel "Master and Margarita": Pontius Pilate was pursued by the persistent smell of rose oil - a precursor to attack. The aura is a short period of precursors of migraine attack.
Depending on which portions of the brain suffer from imbalance of blood circulation, the precursors may be different disturbances: hallucinations, the emergence of a "veil" in front of the eyes, bright flashes of light, problems with hearing, smell, or coordination. A little later or simultaneously with the harbingers of pain. In the case of migraine without aura harbingers can serve as sleepiness, unexplained irritability. Further evident in the fronto-temporal region, most often right, at least - to the left, you see a pulsating pain that grows within 2-5 hours, then slowly fades.
Who is prone to migraines
It is known that many great men who have left their mark in the history of mankind, suffered from hemicrania: Gaius Julius Caesar, Charles Darwin, Edgar Allan PoE, Peter Tchaikovsky, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud. People who are prone to migraines, characterized by increased anxiety, ambition, resentment, low resistance to stress, tendency to depression. Some neuroscientists believe that migraine is a hereditary disease. Interestingly, migraines mainly affected people in the most active period of life, from the age of 18, and after 60 it leaves their victims forever.
By the way, reception of hormonal contraceptives increases the risk of migraine headaches in women. Every person suffering from migraine knows exactly what factors can trigger his attack: stress, food products, most often alcohol, cheese, nuts and chocolate, smells, bright lights, hunger, physical activity. But if all of these things you can try to avoid, weather changes, psychological trauma and the phase of the menstrual cycle - alas - are outside of our influence, but they can also cause a migraine attack.
Than to treat
Alas, migraine drugs is still not found, although scientists continue to work on its creation. But the problem lies in the fact that, statistically, doctors drawn at best 1/6 of all migraine sufferers. We usually think that even severe headache is just a headache, it's easier to throw in the tablet of analginum and run their Affairs. However analgin not only helps with migraines, because it is a vasoconstrictor tool; its use in high doses, can change the composition of blood.It is clear that self-medicate in case of migraine cannot in any case. To begin, you need to pass a comprehensive examination as a headache can be a symptom of migraine, and much more dangerous diseases, such as aneurysms, tumors. In addition, headaches can be caused by degenerative disc disease and other problems in the cervical spine. You should also quit Smoking, avoid alcohol, be sure to get enough sleep and make it a rule to visit the open air for at least 1 hour every day (Jogging to work, from work and shopping - not considered! ).
Although migraine is completely impossible to cure, medicine has achieved some results, and there are medications that can control an attack of any severity. But they also can not be taken on the advice of neighbors and grandparents at the entrance: the same drug may bring relief to one patient, but dramatically worsen the condition of the other. Only a doctor can objectively assess the situation of the disease and recommend a remedy that will suit you.
However, it is to neglect the "grandmother" means, too, not in the part, of course, not specific drugs. Migraines are very good at helping... ice cream. Just take a tablespoon of this all-time favorite treats, pressed against the soft palate and keep until the ice cream doesn't melt. You will quickly feel relief.
It can be useful to decoction of the fruit of the Cornel - this means treating migraine in the Caucasus. In some cases helps strong green tea, fresh juice viburnum or black currant, decoction of chamomile, lemon balm, sage, lime blossom and lovage drug. But before you go herbal, you need to consult with your doctor. As the treatment and prevention of migraines also helps massage, gerudo and acupuncture.
And no matter how stuffed you hackneyed truisms about the need to lead a healthy lifestyle - truths they will not cease. Proper nutrition, rest, positive emotions, and sports - especially swimming will be the best means of prevention of migraine attacks.
In case of regular use of the combination of paracetamol with aspirin first comes relief, and then, as the accumulation of drugs in the body, there is a reverse reaction: pain is not just stronger, it becomes chronic. But if you do not take the tablet becomes even worse. Drug dependence occurs, which differs little from the drug.
Stogniew M
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