Our young children do not divide the world into truth and fiction. The tale becomes the basis for understanding reality, and familiar world filled with magic. And then this incredible mixture of truth and fiction, gradually the world of the future adult. And there is nothing on earth more exciting things to do than to write with the baby stories. Because Andersen, you can be sure that resides in each of us.
Any tale begins with the magic words: "once upon... ", "once upon a time", "long long ago" or "One day... ". You said one of them, and the kid froze in anticipation of a wonderful story: what's next?
Really, and what to tell next? Our children can easily turn us into good wizards, because I sincerely believe that parents can do anything. And we do our best to meet such high status and sometimes we even work. However, sometimes we have a hard time, but... in fairy tales is exactly what is difficult, is the most correct. Over time, we are involved in the game, and what had seemed complicated becomes simple and entertaining. And then writing stories turns into fun.
Where are the fairy-tale characters
Look around: the hero of magical adventures can become almost any person, animal or object. And sometimes you don't even have to try to stretch the imagination: ask the kid, and he will instantly think you are the main character of your fabulous epic.
Lessons Andersen
Famous storyteller wrote a huge number of wonderful tales, because he knew that a very important childhood secret that other adults have somehow forgotten. All around - alive: rocks, flowers, objects, toys... All can move, to dream, and then become a hero amazing stories. One has only to ask ourselves: "What would happen if an ordinary object becomes caught in an unusual place for him? " - and the story begins.
For example, ordinary snow that had stuck today on a walk your baby. "One little boy made out of snow, all the snow, brought it home and laid it on the chair. And went to dinner. The house was warm, and the snow lay-lay and began to lose weight and melt away. The boy saw it and asked: "What happened to you, why are you crying, snow? " "Because in the heat I melt and turn into a puddle," said snow. Then the boy opened the fridge and put the snow on the cold shelf. The snow was very happy and said to the boy, "thank you".
That turned out tale. Of course, an adult, it may seem simple, but a man of 1-2 years, with his little life experience, will appreciate it. And for older kids you can come up with a sequel. (Who met with snow in the refrigerator? Who became friends? As he emerged from the fridge and returned home in a snowdrift? Who helped him? )
Selecting a hero for his tales, imagine him alive and talking. Place it in an unusual place. Ask how he got there. Think of what had happened. Imagine what may happen. (Whom he met? Who helped him? What prevented? How did it end? )
These stories can be classified as "to be continued". For example: "Lain-lain snow on the shelf and saw, say, orange... And orange to him and says... " Take a co-author of your baby. Ask him, for example, that said this orange or how the snow had managed to get out on the street. It is likely that the child will even want to experiment with snow and water.
Transformation into a hero
The main character of the tale can be your Shorty. Children unlike us don't even want to hear the same tale a hundred times. So, turning the kid into a hero of the tale, you kill two birds with one stone. You don't have to repeat night after night the same, and the kid will be proud of himself and his noble deeds. After all, he is everywhere I want to put my curious nose and the order is on its way. To create such a tale quite simply. Take, for example, the famous "Teremok". At the very moment when the bear goes to the mansion and now it will destroy, do in the tale a new twist. "And here comes our boy Lenya on the blue car and says, "Wait, the bear, you can't do it! " And bear him. Very soon your toddler will itself start to invent details and new plot twists. You only will that support his initiative. Ask, ask clarifying questions, welcome humanism and imagination of their children.
The character of the bag of Santa Claus
To come up with the characters and even to tell the tale you can the whole family - adults and children. Take a box, or basket, or "magic bag of Santa Claus" and put in advance a few toys or Christmas decorations. Ask your toddler to pull out one item and say "magic words" - a fabulous beginning. (If the child is still small, say for you). For example, the kid pulled out a rabbit and said, "once Upon a time there lived a rabbit". "And where did he live? "ask you. The following participant-storyteller continues as follows: "he Lived in the house of Santa Claus. (or on a store shelf or in a box with toys. ). Then you all in turn continue the tale. As you can see, in which direction will turn the narration is unknown beforehand, because depending on the residence of the hare will change and the following phrase. This makes the tale unpredictable and variable, and the game extended family. In case of delay, "podstegnuta" your imagination: remove from the basket for the next item, and the tale will easily continue.
How to invent a plot
Hero hero, but still in the main tale is itself an interesting story. In essence, the story may be all that interested in the child, all he has to learn about the world and about yourself. There are many ways to give scope to his imagination and to create a good story. Here are just some of them.
In the finished fabric
This method is very suitable for beginning storytellers. Pick up any children's fairy tale, come up with new heroes and "run" them in an old familiar story. For example, the tale can turn into a Christmas story. (Remember, Kolobok blinded, then he runs away from grandparents and so on). Replace the Ball on the Snowman, which blinded the children. Standing-standing Snowman at the gate, and then went on New year's eve in the forest. Let him trick insidious of all animals and he will flee from them, and the tree will bring the children - why not a fairy tale? You can change the order of steps, ending complicate or simplify the plot. Invent variations on a familiar theme, given the age and interests of your child. You can also connect several fairy tales in one entertaining story.
Think about how else you can change the tale that your toddler knows. With a child 3-5 years you can even advance to discuss it. So, in the fairy tale "Morozko" replace evil stepmother good, think of what can come out of it. Or, for example, instead of the Boy-in-law of the old man and the old woman appeared Girl-with-little or instead of the dragon of the forest came with the engine. If the tale and not turn upside down on its head, it will still be completely different.
Card games
Take an old deck of cards or cards of the same size. They must draw or glue a ready-made drawings of various fairy-tale characters, animals, images of nature. These attributes are needed in order to awaken your imagination. It is likely that the main character wants to become your child - tales "about themselves" children to listen love. Think of a name for tales. It should show the plot of your story. For example, "a Tale about how Arina went to a good cow for milk for kittens" or "the Tale about a kid, who received gifts". The action tale may occur where the child lives, and can move in a fabulous place. And as soon as the time comes to tell the tale extracted in turn from the deck 3-7 cards (the older the child, the more difficult the tale, the more she turns and details, and the more cards you need). It's time to send the hero depicted in the picture, fantastic voyage.
Folk wisdom
Proverbs and sayings will also help to compose you a tale. They are good because there is a double meaning (direct and figurative), and often hidden interesting story. For example, "he Who boasts, the mountains will fall down". It is enough to imagine the mountain and the different animals that go there (to guests, carrots... ) - and the story is ready. Children 4-5 years it will be interesting to compose himself tale for those Proverbs that you propose to them.
Select the proverb in the dictionary aphorisms. Think of two or three characters (mythical or real). Discuss the proverb thus, to understand its basic meaning!
Nekrasov E.V.
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