Not particularly podcherkivau as you're diligent and successful in their profession. A woman ought not to be better men. Don't be hesitant when he asks your opinion. For example, when he asked, what would you eat or what to do. He will still make his own way, so your vote is Advisory.
Don't tell each case: "I would like to have it! " Ever say: "You if it's gone." You see, after buying myself something interesting, he will remember you. The result is the same, and cause for scandal is much less.
Keep parents from the temptation to treat your friend as a potential son-in-law. Don't tell him how many children would you like to have. In these conversations too clearly observed many scary picture of lost freedom. Never talk bad about other women, and especially about his former girlfriends. Could he choose for themselves something bad? Could I say? And you won't lose time with him?
Avoid communication with frustrated and poisonous life friends. Not rassprashival about his love Affairs in the past. Do not compare it with your previous men. Never backwaters talk about his former friends. In response, you can easily get a weighty Tome of memories of former girlfriends.
Avoid trite expressions, if he prefers bright, accurate language. Never try to be more resourceful and sharp word than himself. The inferiority complex is virtually impossible to treat. Control your laughter - not need a piercing to vzveshivat at every opportunity.
Don't ask him constantly if he loves you. You should not be too touchy. Women constantly representing injured innocence, can hardly wait for the suggestions.
Don't try to wean him from Smoking or alcohol. Men, like dogs, are very jealous of their habits. Call him at work only in the extreme case, if you want to say something really important. Telling him during a meeting about a broken nail, you are unlikely sympathy, rather the opposite.
And the last tip. Do not take too seriously the advice. Always and everywhere it is better to be natural. And could it be otherwise, if we are talking about the relations of loving people.
School of life
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