One of the most serious diseases in the business lack of confidence in their abilities. It is in the lowered self-esteem, the complex of inferiority and lack of self-esteem. The English word confidence (confidence) comes from the Latin word confidere, which means "to believe in someone."
We show confidence whenever:
- don't let the mistakes or failures degrade our sense of self;
- not afraid of not meeting someone's expectations;
- behave calmly and freely in situations of uncertainty and difficulties;
acting decisively;
- do not stop at nothing in his pursuit of goals;
- believe that have the knowledge, intuition, ability and know-how that can help us with knowledge to cope with the task;
- promptly put forward new ideas and suggestions.
Self-doubt is often rooted in the events of early childhood. According to the publication, which appeared in Newsweek, numerous research works have confirmed the truth that wise parents had known for centuries: children require a large amount of time and attention. Quote: "Research has shown that children who are nurtured and who feel that they are loved and cared for, much more likely to grow up to be confident and optimistic". A child and a teenager, you'll probably not have heard several times, "it is possible" and "is not". Consciously or subconsciously, these old records, it is most likely still affect your view of yourself and your own capabilities. Lack of time, lack of attention and positive encouragement by significant adults in our childhood can develop into a belief that we are not capable of solving specific problems or difficulties overcoming a certain kind of. Man persuades himself that does not have the necessary talent, skill, resources or experience. But since we can't relive or redo own childhood, we need to learn how to escape from the past and to increase the level of confidence.
Confidence: we know when we see
Have you ever saw someone talking to himself: "This man looks very confident! " What causes us to make this conclusion?
When people believe in themselves, it is passed in its behavior: the way he shakes hands with others, looks you in the eye and says.
Lack of confidence is also easy to find - it is manifested in a similar way through the behavior. In business the most striking manifestation of self-doubt is timidity. A timid man seems to be unreliable, weak and unconvincing.
The lack of self-confidence creates a downward spiral of negative thoughts and emotions:
This downward spiral can cause people to avoid risk and to look for excessive and unnecessary warranty. They become passive, begin skeptical to evaluate themselves and others and are easily influenced by.
This behavior has a negative impact on the professional productivity of any employee. In addition, it negatively affects the style of the work as a whole.
For example, people who tend to reconsider their own decisions and to change the plan of action will likely be to wipe their feet" if something goes wrong. They must have a reserve plan cover designed either to pass the guilt to another, or to present a ready-made excuse. Besides all this, not confident leader, as a rule, will hide behind others or give them things for their own.
Lacking confidence person can easily fall under the influence of the other. People who lack self-control, right inferior when faced with opposition or other opinion. For example, they often affect others, possessing, according to insecure people, the "best" knowledge or expertise: "She is a graduate of Harvard, and perhaps she's right." Insecure people try to secure their support before you act. However, having found it, they are more likely to act will not. Search support - not always a bad thought, especially if we are talking about something new or risky, but the blunder is always in all things to rely on assistance from outside.
Self-confidence in the workplace
Of course, there is a downside - it is a manifestation of excessive self-confidence, which bears the name of self-confidence and taking selfishness and arrogance. Overconfident managers tend not to listen to ideas and opinions of others; often they act as some "lone Rangers" seeking his own glory and recognition. But sometimes ostentatious confidence hides a deep insecurity and fear. It reminds me of the "great and powerful Wizard of Oz", in which the eponymous movie appears to be loud, demanding, intimidating character before Dorothy and the others. However, later, when during one of his tired, forcing the main characters to tremble with fear, the dog Toto pulls the curtain that hides the booth, there is a timid and kind old man. It turns out that the imaginary terrible power of the magician was only ostentatious facade.
The "ideal" level of confidence
"Healthy" amount of confidence implies realistic, modest assessment of their own abilities, possibilities and potentials. The reference word here is "modestly". The English word humility (meekness, humility) comes from the Latin humus - humus" or "earth", "soil". It can also be used to denote a small, insignificant creature. Some people believe modesty is a negative character trait and a sign of weakness. But wise people understand the beauty and dignity of modesty and appreciate her for her lack of arrogance. The great leader of India Jawaharlal Nehru once said: "Let us be humble; don't consider that to be the truth only with us". In this sense, modesty implies a knowledge of the truth about himself and reflects an accurate assessment of their own abilities and potentials. Suppose you are a Manager, who asked one of his subordinates to volunteer to lead a new task force created to perform an emergency job. Which of the three following reactions involves, in your opinion, the presence of a healthy portion of self-confidence? Which indicates its absence? Who has it in abundance?
"I would like to lead the task force. I previously participated in the same target group with great success. I am experienced and have the necessary knowledge. Although I had never before led a task force, I am confident that I can learn from others and work well."
"I'm going to lead this target group. No one else can do it. I am the only one here who can adequately do the job".
"I think I could do it. I kind of know what you are doing. But I may need some time to think about it. What do you think? You think I will be able to deal with it? "
One of the volunteers would choose you? The first reaction is the most close to the ideal level of confidence. The second is rife with arrogance and selfishness. This person may indeed able to do the job, but he may have problems with other members of the target group. The third reaction is weak and evasive. Such a worker is preferred that the solution for him was taken by someone else.
How can you build confidence in yourself, confidence in the forces? No one is able to give us these qualities; they go inside. Confidence is determined by several key factors:
internal dialogue: what we say to ourselves about our abilities, capabilities, and potentials;
- experience: did we ever anything similar, how many times and with what results;
- past success: the bigger the success, the more confidence;
- support: encouragement, guidance and positive feedback.
The last element indirect "driving wheel" of confidence. As already mentioned, no one can give us confidence, but other people can accelerate and facilitate the restoration of this quality.
Robot for GNOC
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