Woman - Keeper
This role implies that the main task for women is not a routine housework, and her desire to create and improve the living space, where all elements of the system feel harmonious. In society preached the way women are dependent, but this is a false impression, it feels quite comfortable.
This woman puts extra demands on the material, intellectual and physical hardness of men. In England the notion of home and virtues were almost identical. There was a rigid division: men dedicated themselves to activities outside the home, the woman is the family hearth. For a woman to do something else, and especially to understand the cause of her husband's meant to be "unfeminine". If a woman became active, the man felt in this case, the threat to their own sex.
In Japan, a woman had to be a "Keeper" and "Reasonable mother." Now the requirements for a woman change: if before the woman simply obeyed her husband, then later it began to be considered as its support, she was allowed to be responsible for the education of their children. The Japanese have always paid great attention to the education of girls. They believed that, in addition to bear sons; a woman must be for them and even the best teacher and tutor. Today a woman in Japan combines multiple roles, it remains a good wife, wise mother, and she combines all of this to work.
In our country celebrates the image of the guardian of the home "Berehynia" since ancient epic, and to this day it is a positive social actress that likes both men and women. The family is perceived as a Union of individuals. The ideal image of men in such a system is the "Breadwinner".
The danger lies in the fact that women are in any case required the combination of several roles, male, successfully performing a single role, often begins to try to dominate a woman in an aggressive form.
In Muslim countries the relationship before the marriage was strictly forbidden, and man, in order to have a relationship with a woman had to marry her.
The man brought up the emotional hardness. The level of emotions trying to replace an intellectual level. In culture it is customary that the man was thinking about relationships and more focused on achieving goals. It is wrong to think that women in Muslim countries feels extremely usemlenie. Actually religious rules require men provide women with all necessary. If the woman is unable to perform its prescribed functions, due to disability, ill health or even infertility, a man leaves a woman, polygamy allows you to marry once again and to continue taking care of the first wife.
The woman - mother
For this woman it is the motherhood becomes the primary function of life. The ideal way role - Madonna with child. The child is the main value of her life. The strongest emotional connection she has with children. She and her husband perceives as chief of the child.
A woman in such a social role not only engaged in growing children, it can work, but the profession for her secondary. Most often she can be a teacher, a teacher. Especially appreciated her ability and willingness to collect the guests, to create an atmosphere of comfort. The cult of food is quite high in those countries where it flourishes to this role. Qualities that have been glorified in this woman: kindness, patience, diligence, and care. In such a culture marriage is a way to, to fulfill the requirement of society, to have children and to raise them.
This dominant social role is manifested clearly in the Eastern countries. In Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism woman first and foremost a mother. This is the main function, and hence all other roles are recognized as minor and insignificant.
Of particular importance is the social role of the mother in such nationalities as Jews and Armenians, who have repeatedly suffered persecution and genocide, leaving them at the genetic level founded fear of losing loved ones. As a result, the value of the individual increases, and as a result, motherhood is identified with the value of human life.
The realization of the child was the main purpose for the mother, according to Statistics of the Soviet Union, it is these two nationalities was the maximum number of people with two higher educations.
For women themselves to focus on the offspring are often adversely affect its harmonious relationship with a man. The woman-the mother is in some contradiction with the Woman-his wife. The image of the mother has some asexuality, respect her, but she is not attractive as a woman.
Woman - mistress
This woman is completely in the power of pleasure, and first of all - enjoy yourself, your female attractiveness and sexiness.
Such women often creative personality. The Image Of Marilyn Monroe, Ingrid Bergman. These women are magnetically attractive to men. These women don't like the job, their job is to conquer men, they do not choose men rationally. Marriage with such a woman based on sexuality and passion.
Very often, children (especially male) feel vulnerable, as if they argue with men that arise in the life of their mother.
In France, the social role of women occurs most often.
If you consider France in the Enlightenment, the woman was a source of communication and even fun. Marriage at that time had its own specific features. The main motive of social promotion. Marriage, as well as for men and for women, does not provide moral obligations. The child here is not the center of the universe.
Even had a few negative attitude towards pregnancy. Childlessness was seen as a relief from problems. The child is an inconvenience. In France flourished culture of hedonism* focused primarily on themselves.
Accordingly, valued and appreciated the cult of female beauty, charm, sexuality. It is no accident that France gave birth to the fashion.
In Russia today, women, like men, have become much more tolerant of premarital and extramarital relations. The cult of external beauty, the desire to meet the fashion standards, the pursuit of hedonism - all this leads to the spread of this social role with us.
Russian women instilled a taste for the good life and take care of yourself. She tends to love yourself. No husband, children, and themselves.
A female companion
For such women the highest reward - to be a companion of his partner. Beautiful example of such a woman - Nancy Reagan. The main task is to open in a man a Man. In this Union of husband - center of the universe. Children fade into the background and feel it.
Today it is the most developed and popular social role of a woman-friend in America. In such a family husbands and wives spend a weekend together, joint Lunches and dinners entered in the grade rituals. The wife should meet the expectations of her husband, to properly perform their duties, he in turn pays her respect.
They can work together, to move from city to city, and more often she goes for her husband, as he was to her the meaning of her life. In turn, for husband marriage is an integral part of his social image.
For women-other inherent rational approach to everything. Relations in such a Union rather friendly than sexual. However, a very high level of mutual responsibility.
In Scandinavian countries in the woman encouraged qualities such as aggressiveness, arrogance and mind. This is especially pronounced in Iceland and Norway.
In these countries, women have much more freedom than those who discussed above. The woman in these countries has always been able to have the authority.
The stereotype of the ideal woman - efficiency, thrift, courage, love, mutual faithfulness.
Do not change yourself
For each chelovecheskogo should focus on its core, by the nature of the archetype. It connects the reality of our life with higher purpose. If forced to deviate from it, it will have - at first light disappointments, and then serious somatic disorders.
Equality is necessary, but...
The pursuit of it should not go to aggressive forms of feminism. It is getting the desired absolute freedom, the woman becomes vulnerable. All necessary measure. Absolutely free is the one who has nothing. And of course, don't want to forget that our planet still has to have a place of cultural diversity.
It is important to know that the more roles will be able to combine the personality, the easier it will be able to adjust and change their social roles in relation to age status, life situations, psychological problems from which no one is safe.
* Hedonism (from the other Greek. - "pleasure", "pleasure") is a philosophical school of ethics, considering the joy and pleasure the highest good and the condition of happiness in life. Now this concept is often used in a negative sense to describe a selfish Outlook on life.
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