Often so happens to hear such absurdities: "let's Go look at the fish," "When we with you will spycam? ", "Let's go into coecke? ", "How do you look at to have sex? ", "I want to sleep with you", "I want you, I really like you..." and then "leisya, the song". He had to answer a woman? "Yes, of course, let's go watch your fish, it is interesting to know what size they are," or "I want you, so let's go have sex! "? And where on earth is the romance? It's some kind of an agreement of intent.
Yes, women love with their ears, but not about sex. You should not talk about it and offer it as ice cream, especially the first time. About men asking about sex, they say: "it is easier to give than to explain! "that "took out" or "give out of pity". Why do you, dear men?
Sometimes there are not such comic suggestions, but sounding as asexual: "Maybe watch a movie with me? ", "Will not be invited in for a Cup of coffee? ".
If you look closely to the previous examples, it is easy to notice that they look pathetic, as if a man asks to have sex with him. Begging for sex, man automatically gets into the role of the child, which cleanit mom candy or a toy, woman taking the role of mother, which for harmonious sexual Union is contraindicated. In the plea for sex a man loses his power, becoming dependent and showing it to the woman receives power, which in this case it is not needed. She wants to be desired, but is not obliged to save you from your own desire to give you back your strength.
The second variant of the men's proposals is the emphasis that he will make happy little lady by her presence in it. "Come unto me I will give you a great night! " or "I will satisfy all your fantasies! " Such false chivalry does not cause anything but aggression as advertising washing powder while watching your favorite movie, and the climax of the episode.
This proposal male privaet himself to the woman, promising multiple orgasm, completely forgetting the fact that such sex-aggressiveness excites only the men, but not women. It also automatically dealt role: female unsatisfied, unhappy recluse; male knight, saving a great lady from prison, castle frigidity or oblivion. Such blatant vulgarity full of all the Dating sites, while men do not understand that we create ourselves only bad publicity.
How to get down to business
Passionate, but not Intrusive kiss. First, it will serve you as a good criterion for assessing women's excitability. On kiss immediately becomes clear, ready woman to go further in the rapprochement with you or not. Secondly, almost all women love to kiss their favorite men and quickly get excited by kissing, as opposed to words. A kiss can ignite passion in minutes, as well as improper words in the critical moment can drown.
Most women are tactile, responsive to touch, hugs and smells. But there is a clear distinction between "touch" and "touch", it is not necessary to cross quickly. And not because the woman doesn't want you, but because she is very sensitive, so ten times better to hold back than once to break, scaring her with his sharp head. Further, it is very delicate, it is necessary to "organize" the party continues, depending on your psychological type, you can choose the most suitable option.
Can you today I steal?!
To call to her with a bouquet of flowers and take to the place of forthcoming action.
This option is suitable for strong, responsible, systematic, men who are in a relationship (not just sex) prefer to take the initiative and decide for yourself. These men choose soft, pliable women who are happy to delegate the man responsible for themselves.
I have prepared for you dinner!
This option is suitable for soft, caring men.
You something to help?
"Priglasitsia" for a woman to visit, but not with Prasada position "Can I come for tea? "and with a male position of self-evaluation on the part of the stronger sex can screw in a light bulb or bring food. Man receives power over a woman only when cares about her.
"Let's get you a star from the sky" or "tear on your latest shirt for you" is that it is no longer able to bring a modern woman. Why is it your shirt, and ragged? A woman needs in a simple expression of feelings, in regular calls and SMS with questions about how her mood.
This option is absolutely universal for all.
I would like to stay together - just you and I!
Many do not have enough time even to sleep, and the rest we can only dream of. A woman may want you as much as you want, but if tomorrow she has to get up at 7 am and she has not done depilation, her critical days or unromantic underwear, she would have to deny you. And it is unlikely that she will find the courage to voice the cause of failure.
So in advance to agree on a joint trip or weekend in this case is the best choice.
This option is suitable for organized, conservative men who do not act rashly, but prefer ten times measure, and then cut off. Trying to keep the situation under control, but to share responsibility for two. Usually prefer the well-established, Mature personalities among women who also organized, self-sufficient, appreciate your time and theirs, used to plan and not to jump in the pool with his head. These women are emotionally stable.
Everything comes to him who waits.
Option friendly sex is very common in our time. People long talk, getting used to each other, bypassing the romantic corners and bursts of passion, but then do not even notice as appeared in the same bed, and they liked it. I've just been discussing movies, work colleagues or studied in the same institution, and then - wham! and "included". People are so used to each other's presence in their lives that sex between them was one of the forms of communication, only closer.
Sincerity and naturalness.
Very correct, perfectly working, romantic and loving option, which, unfortunately, far not all. To be open and natural is very difficult, because for us, our soul temple, and for someone - the trash can. This can be checked only in practice, but the most deep and sensual relationships appear between people when they openly talk about their thoughts, feelings and desires of those words, which they think, without the beautiful packaging and the choice of wording. To be sincere is one of the most difficult lessons in life, available only strong and Mature people, but also the most effective.
That hurt
1. Never talk about your past sexual experiences, to be a "mistake number 16 666" nobody wants. Everyone claims to its exclusivity. What is natural and understandable. So by all means possible that exclusivity should be stressed. But again, within reasonable limits: "I Have two months no sex! " - option can only pity, but not a passion.
2. Not to flirt with her friends in the desire to cause jealousy and possessiveness, which must accelerate your attraction. In 8 out of 10 women this behavior will only cause the desire to avenge you, flirting with your buddies, or such reaction is "Oh, you so! Well, now we're just friends! "
3. A long siege: to accustom to their calls, and then the gap to miss. Doesn't work, there is a high probability that she will be offended and will suppress my feelings to you as an unreliable partner. Or again will take revenge and will include your favorite female game called "Dynamo".
4. To give promises that are not going to perform. Talk about future family, joint visits and gifts to excite them more than talk about sex. Of course, family planning will help you to quickly achieve the bedding goals, but over unfulfilled promises have to pay your nerves, for there is nothing more pernicious to them than the cheated woman. She will harass you with their expectations, claims and dissatisfaction.
A. Andrianova
Our Psychology
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