Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Baby tricks or how not to fall for the bait

What are the most common tricks used by children to influence adults?

Baby tricks or how not to fall for the bait

Tears - effective way to manage parents

Tears baby can tell the parents a lot about his state of health and psychological condition, plus they may suggest that it is time for the baby to feed or change. Tears of older children can also indicate health problems or be an indicator of internal stress or weakness. In addition, if your child is melancholic, it can often cry because this style of behavior natural for him.

However, quite often baby tears is the only way, which turned out to be effective to manipulate their parents. If you suspect that a child is trying to manage, observe in what situations he starts to cry. If tears occur only after the parent ban or restrict something, then this is an obvious ploy to try to get what you want. Probably, in some situations, parents gave the weeping child, and he took on the management style older as an opportunity to succeed.

Hysteria - way manipulation

Probably many watched in the store or on the Playground, the child rolls his tantrum just to get the desired thing. If the first child has a tantrum in a public place, for example, in the toy store, and he bought a desired machine, doll, elephant and so on, most likely, he will try to get what you want, in exactly the same way. In this case, there are several ways to calm the child and not to buy 125th esthetic. First, ignore the tantrum and get some distance, most likely, as soon as the child will notice that mom is gone, he will stop yelling because no one else to make their claims. Secondly, you can quickly take the child from the object of his desire, and it will help him to calm down. Thirdly, try to talk to him, if he does not respond to words, just stand near, until he calms down. Remember that, under such provocation once, you will support the child's confidence that he can manipulate you always, just sound on the floor and Uzbekov legs.

The pointing

Finger pointing to non-existent or existing friend, or the cat that broke a vase, or even on someone is a very popular trick with which children try to avoid punishment and gain promotion. Not worth it to play along with them, as the child will never understand that to put their blame on the other person not just unethical, but may deprive him of the respect of friends and loved ones.


There are times when sickly children, realizing that during the illness they allow a lot of things begin to pretend to feel bad just for the sake of profit, for example, to skip a visit to kindergarten or school, get a candy bar or a new toy. Of course, you cannot ignore the complaints of the child in poor health, but it is better not to nadarivatu it, and immediately consult a doctor. Very soon the little faker will cease to use this trick to try to manipulate parents.



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